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Minecraft Sets And Redstone Circuits


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So, we all know about the Lego Minecraft sets, which have http://legocuusoo.posterous.com/minecraft-lego-cuusoo-project-passes-lego-rev-54968]recently passed the review process,[/url] but I had an idea.For those who don't know, Minecraft contains a material known as Redstone, which can be used to simulate electrics and electronics within the game.A few ideasLego has used translucent pieces constantlyLego has used light-emitting bricks occasionally.The Mindstorms line contains a light-sensing brick.If we could combine all three of these elements into one spot, we could have actual Photonic circuits made out of Lego.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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Yeah, I haven't bought Minecraft yet, and have only played it a little bit, so I don't know everything in it, but that kind of sounds interesting. I don't know how good it'd be as a set, and if it would get approved on LEGO CUUSOO. :


Meiko - @georgebarnick

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  • 2 weeks later...

I doubt LEGO would do it, but it's undoubtably an interesting concept.

Wow, you just made the whole Lego Minecraft concept at least 20 times more interesting than before. I might actually get one if they do that.

The funniest part being that LEGO almost definitely won't do that.


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