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R P G: Stríð Karla

Alex Humva

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OOCThis RPG is getting five posts a minute! Ha! I knew this alien plot was a good idea!IC [Crash Site #2]"A grenade could work." The colonel pondered it for a moment. "My troops have their oxygen tanks; we're ready to move when you are. We'll be carrying some heavier weaponry, though. Ever seen what a flamethrower does in an enclosed space?"


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC (Forum)The High Councilor could have sworn the temperature in the room dropped a few degrees. "I have no objection to that. Onto my next the item of business....we feel it would be wise if a international effort was made into ascertaining if aliens have visited this world in the past...or if they intend to in the future. An agency is you will, funded and supported by each member of this forum." The Councilor was pleasantly unaware of the situation brewing in one of the crash sites.IC (Crash Site)Kalvi shook her head. "This does not change the fact you started cutting without our knowledge. This is a dangerous thing in a joint venture...but...regardless, I thought we had agreed to wait for further reinforcements? I do not want to be slaughtered be these creatures and we need more men for a craft like this. Or at least, to secure this area and search the craft." She paused and looked at her mead with longing look. "But regardless, acquiring a sample would be a step in the right direction."

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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OOC: Grim looks vs. the NEA and Varangia. Ooh, can't wait to see how that turns out.IC: With the truck and the two aeroplanes moving towards each other, they made contact relatively soon, and the two VTOLs took up defensive positions, following the truck while keeping a watch for the Astarian planes the investigation team had been threatened with.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: He nodded to the Bylan. "I beg your indulgence in my mistake. Our reinforcements have arrived, and I'm sure many of the Stans have. We can handle this."He turned to the Colonel."Not yet... Have we checked to see if the gas is flammable?"He put his helmet on, joining his men."If you all are ready, we'll continue cutting."

Edited by Toast of Awesomeness

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC:The duo of Shadowbolts turned back into Astarian territory rather than cross into Varangian airspace, though the Varangians had no way of knowing this. The local Astarian Garisson, which consisted of twenty infantry battalions and the First Tank Battalion, was put on alert.

Edited by cardworkMagician
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC [Crater Site #2]"Reinforcements are on their way; a good five hundred dropped in last night, and another five hundred will come in the next hour. Come to think of it though, if the Forum orders us to stand down while I'm in there with a flamethrower... SMC is going come down hard on me. Are you sure we shouldn't wait for the Forum's decision on the matter? As for the gas, yes, it does not seem to be flammable."OOCAny species that evolved on a world of flammable gas would of been dead long ago :P


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC (Crash Site)Kalvi sighed and motioned with her hand. "Go ahead. I would have liked more time to plan...but, you seem certain this will work. But if I end up dead or disemboweled, know that I will spend my last moments wishing the same upon you." He traded her mead for an assault rifle, how she had planned to drink mead through a chem suit was a matter for another day. Bylan tended to be inventive when it came to the subject of mead. "I and my Guardsmen are ready. Let us...." She trailed off. "Slaughter our way to victory?" It seemed like the proper thing to say, though she would have preferred it if all the creatures were dead already.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: The three platoons of VO, having served their purpose in Pontolis, were called back, and sent to P12, in case the Astarians tried to wrest this colony from Varangia.---The truck and its cargo, once they reached safe ground, were shipped south, escorted by the Skemmdarvargur. The Hvirfilbylur, meanwhile, returned to their base in P12.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: "I suggest we contact them and ask their approval. If I recall correctly, the Sultan is there."IC: The Sultan spoke up."While I do like the gas idea, there is one flaw. We have no idea how these aliens may react to our air. If it burns them... We'd lose our samples."

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC:The Varangian Queen recieved an official apology from Mercasi Alliak over the actions of the AEF team commandant.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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OOC: Regarding GPS: My Valkyries blueprints are being updated with GPS and more accurate Thor rods, and I assume that Humva decided when that was done. Considering I put108 IP into it, that shouldn't be long. Once they're updated I believe I've expressed my request to Humva that all of that 108 IP be directly dedicated to constructing as many Valkyries as fast as possible.Fun note: Aquileon now considered Astarian discipline very lax. Considering how many people who should be able to speak for their nation have insulted other nations, then been removed and had to have the government apologize for them?Oh, and I forgot to post this on the 22nd of May, but for all intents and purposes, it happened then:IC: A very tightly controlled channel of information pulsed once, in a split second. An encrypted code using a one-time pad in a compressed burst of information sent the first outside contact the installation had with the outside world in five years. It provided a bounty of information, both to those inside and outside.And just like that, the true Project Luminous went dark again.~+~"We're not going to let a flamethrower be used in such close proximity to advanced technology." The commanding Aquileonese officer said. "A grenade is risky enough. I have not been able to read the reports, but I dearly hope this alien menace isn't immune to bullets." :w:

Edited by Lloyd: the White Wolf
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IC:"Take pikes." The Astarian spoke up. "Stab them to death. No chance of ruining any technology, plenty of samples."

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC (Crash Site)Kalvi assembled her thoughts for a moment. "We need to go in with more troops then we did last time. I will dedicate as many squads as I can to this effort, but I warn you, if it comes down to the technology or my soldiers...I will choose my soldiers. Those creatures cannot be allowed to escape. Or breed for that matter."

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC [Varangian Docks]The pod had still remained unmoving and silent, giving credence to the idea it didn't have any power of it's own. OOCThe Valk sats are probably upgraded by now; whenever the SGCN is up, they'll be able to use the GPS functions of it to target to the meter.IC [Forum]"Burn? I don't think they'd burn. Organisms rarely burn when exposed to oxygen and nitrogen."[Crash Site #2]"Flame thrower is out of the question then. I'll be sure that my men are armed with fragmentation and slug shotguns."


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC: "I agree with you entirely on that." The Aquileonese general said. "The men come first--that is evident in Arctungaad. But at this point we still have a good chance of keeping our losses to a minimum."OOC: Then how much IP will it take to build one in each of my provinces? I think you said five with your Dragons' spacelift power? :w:

Edited by Lloyd: the White Wolf
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IC: The Sultan facepalmed."We have no idea of these creature's abilities or weaponry. And you want to stab them? We do have guns, you know."He turned to the Stan."Burn was the wrong word. I meant react.... Like acid."IC: Yusuf gave a curt nod. The Janissaries moved forward, and the laser reactivated."Arm yourselves now."

Edited by Toast of Awesomeness

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC (Forum)"Out of date weapons against horrors from the beyond?" The High Councilor was forced to wonder how the that representative got herself dressed in the morning. He reached into his briefcase and took a small sip of the mead he had hidden there before continuing. "We need every advantage we can get. Advanced weapons are one of those advantages."IC (Crash Site)Kalvi looked about at her soldiers as they assembled. "We are ready when you are. Let us bring them death."

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: Forum"Do you want the tech preserved or not?" The Astarian countered. "This isn't a war. This is pest control."

Edited by cardworkMagician
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC (Forum)"Oh? It is? Tell me, what god reached down from the heavens to give you intelligence about what is on that vessel? I would like to know so that I may offer up a prayer in it's name. We do not know what is in that vessel. We do not know what kind of defenses it may have. We must approach it with as much force as we can. We are operating in the dark and where I come from, you do not send your men into the darkness armed with sticks!" The High Councilor said, before taking a long swing of his mead.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: The laser was nearly through. The operator began counting down.Ten.Yusuf glared at the path which the laser carved. He'd lost his newest man. That child would never know her father.Nine.He brought up the Private's face in his mind. Young, fresh, full of energy.Eight.The screams he heard echoed in his mind.Seven.The body had to be recovered. It was the least they could do for the family.Six.He would be avenged.Five.These creatures must burn.Four.It was the only noble option.Three.These horrors would meet their god today...Two....Or Yusuf would meet his.One."Stay golden, my friend."Zero."May god smile on you."The winch attached to the hull pulled away, removing the section of the craft, the edges red hot.Yusuf signalled forward, and the Janissaries advanced, infrared filters clicking on in their masks.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC:The Astarian woman sipped from a bright orange drink of some sort, as if in contrast. "I'll have you know I hold no gods. As for how I know what I do? Weren't these things stored in cryo crates? That strikes me more like preserving a sample in a cage than crew transport. But, ignore me if you like. I've had this job for months now, I'm used to it." With that, the woman produced a paper and pen and began writing something that read "Aliens" in spiky Astarian letters.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC: Meanwhile, Aquileon scientists along on the expedition began experimenting with pieces of the armor that had been pulled from the ship. it might not have been military-grade armor, but that the lasers took so long to cut through it was unacceptable. They would have to find a way to break through it violently.:w:

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IC (Crash Site)“With me.” Said Kalvi in a firm and calm voice as they entered behind the Janissaries, each weapon was pointed forwards and into the darkness of the craft. “Remember my friends, we are as wolves, and we will watch each other’s back and bite deep into the flank of our prey. Have no fear, for the pack has no fear." The Bylan worked together well, with no soldier ever being truly alone and without a pair of eyes at his back. The wolves were an example the Bylan held themselves up to, each soldier was taught to work together to defend their pack.And so far, it seemed to be working.IC (Forum)The High Councilor's tone was like ice. "Gladly. I will make note of the fact you seem to hold the lives of our men in so little regard." The very idea of sending men into such a situation armed...with glorified sticks was insulting. The fact they were his friends and allies or his countrymen or allies of allies, made it that much more insulting. The idea of risking another part of the collective needlessly....The High Councilor shook his head and drank down some more mead.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC:The doors opened and a young runner whispered into the Astarian's ear. She looked up, set her pen down, and said "Varangia has dived into Astarian territory with a full battalion and taken the smaller piece, the one that landed to the south." She said this flatly and matter-of-factly, then resumed writing.

Edited by cardworkMagician
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC (Forum)"Good for them! Better in their hands then your claws." The High Councilor was in no mood to be unbiased at this point. "Where is their representative? I feel I owe him a glass of mead." He turned towards his Astarian counterpart.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC:"Freedom of information. It's important for everyone to know."She turned to her Bylan counterpart. "Do you want me to send Astarians? I get a feeling they'd like a chance to use a blade for once. Of course we might be inclined to follow Varangia's example and haul the ship off to secret facilities where we keep our findings for ourselves rather than use them for actual science."OOC: Sorry about all the edits. It's hard to keep this pace up on an iPod.

Edited by cardworkMagician
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC: The Sultan raised a hand."Friends! Calm yourselves. I've recurved word that our forces are about to begin an incursion into the ship. The plan was drawn up by Sergeant Major Yusuf oglu Mustafa, one of my Janissaries. I approve of it, but you should all listen. And quickly, they're about to begin."He outlined the plan to the Ambassadors, telling them what the expedition forces were doing.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC (Forum)The High Councilor bit back a retort. His care for the men risking their lives winning out over the desire to rip into his counterpart. "Let us hope it is enough. That ship may hold horror's that are beyond us at this juncture. Nothing can be ruled out."OOC: Perfectly fine. It's moving fast.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC:The Astarian listened with a drink in hand, before downing half of it at once. "Good luck to them, then, and hope this all works."

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC(Kiserre/General): With reports of the use of chemical warfare in Waalrusaan, and considering the attempted Waalrusaan biological strike, an effort was made to ensure that Kiserre's soldiers would have sufficient protection from any such attack in the future. New NBC suits were issued to all personnel, designed to take up little space when stored, and able to be easily pulled over a soldier's equipment should the need arise.All closed environment vehicles had their seals rechecked, and had additional NBC protection equipment installed.---OOC: Rover, Varangia offered Gauss tech knowledge in exchange for the F2 rifles, right?

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IC:"The thing is," The Astarian ambassador began, suddenly seeming interested in her own words "regardless of whether or not it works, it proves something; someone else is out there. There are aliens; they have advanced armor and spaceships beyond what we can hope to build. We need a space force. And I don't mean a pack of haphazard ships who are constantly at each others' throats; our armies do that well enough. I mean a regimented, controlled, regulated Navy, under one nation's control. That nation must have shown talent with space before, along with being situated close enough to the Equator to make launches practical. Thus, I propose this; we here at the forum create an International Space Force, crewed by people of every nation, based at the island of Calderon, and under the leadership of Aquileon."

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC: The Sultan raised a hand."I believe my nation could serve, in that respect. We have the most advanced experience with rocketry. Plus," he chuckled. "We have good relations with every nation- excepting, of course, Arctungaad. And we're right on the equator."OOC: I want a shot at it. :P

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC (Forum)"Perhaps what we are seeing is the last vestige of a dying race. We cannot know for certain, we can know nothing for certain. I am not certain the High Council will agree to surrender space completely to another nation. This is a bit premature, I purpose we create an investigative agency to explore the the possibility of an older alien presence on the planet. Look at the Howlers....I've said this all before. I'm certain you get the point." The High Councilor replied in a somewhat civil tone.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC:"To explain my reasoning, only Aquileon has managed to bring the entire world together like Aquilion does, first with Luminous, then with the war against Waalrusaan. That's what's important."

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC: He nodded."True. Although, the Bylans have a point. Let's wait and see what we discover. However..."He paused. "Perhaps we should all look into weapons which could take down an orbiting craft. I know of a few theoretical ideas.... Let us all put some money into the international colony. The minds there will figure out how to make it work."

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC (Forum)"Weapons...now that is an idea I can get behind. On the condition they be put under the control of all nations, one for each nation or somesuch. But this is all theoretical isn't it? We need to wait for word from our soldiers" The High Councilor said while reaching into his briefcase for some choice reading material. He did enjoy the Call of Kthulu. Granted the Bylan who wrote it was probably a bit insane but still, it was quality work.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC:"It takes a missile the size of the ones used to launch satellites, or a mass driver the size of the one we still hope to build. Which leads me to my next point; the Spaceship is the ultimate in warfare. A ship can bombard from orbit and its targets can do nothing. Along with protecting from aliens, we need to protect from ourselves. That's my other proposal; only the Space Patrol will have armed ships, and the Space Patrol will remove itself from all earthly conflicts. It will be both metaphorically and literally above all governments."She raised an eyebrow at the Bylan's choice of reading material before picking up a book of her own; a compilation of the short stories that had told of the ancient, fanciful Aquilonians from the Age Of Myth. She started on the first piece, "The Sword of The Pheonix"

Edited by cardworkMagician
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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