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It's hard to judge a mystery comic on plot when you already know how everything went down. I guess the ending would feel less... awkward... if I didn't already know about it all.I like your cartoon style of characters. I always thought the Mctoran had a nice simplicity aesthetic, and you draw it well. Except for a few parts where it looks odd (the Hau and some of the Akaku directions), it looks very nice.My complaint: How would the Mata Nui Matoran at this time know about Piraka?J-K out.

Sort of retired


I have to say, I like your art style for Bionicle characters in this (especially the Mc Toran). The scenery was nice too, the mountains certainly gave a nice vibe as well as Ko-Koro. The plot wasn't very intriguing, however (mainly for the reasons J-K mentioned). Still, the flow of panels was good, and all in all it's a nice comic (it looks like you put a good amount of effort into this). Good luck in the contest! ^^

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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