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Jean Valjean

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:kaukau: I make this topic every year. Anyways, I run in basically everything that has a 200 meter dash in it (not including 400 meter dashes, which technically do have 200 meters in them)Anyways, today I had a home meat and the weightmen made my day. My best friend is among them, and there was a moment when he called out "I have donuts!" All of the weightmen stood up. "Yes! it worked!"No, he didn't have donuts.However, he did have a bottle of Mountain Dew. Our track, our rules, so they ran the weightman relay using it as a baton. They were going to use a banana, but I suppose the "Our track" mantra can only carry you so far. Either way, it was definitely one of the more memorable moments of track that I'mm be telling later.Your Honor,Tyrannosaurus Kraggh
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Last year at a meet, we didn't have enough batons, so our coach had one of our 4x400m men's teams run with a rolled up piece of cardboard.

Anyways, today I had a home meat

What kind? Chicken, Beef, Pork? Don't spare the details man!!
Actually, a home meat is one of the lesser know events in track. Each participating team has three people in it a runner, a jumper, and a thrower who represent the Olypmic motto, "citius, altius, foritus" (faster, higher, stronger). Right before the start of the race, a deer (or some other animal) is released for each team. The teams are then required to chase down and capture their animal, run 400m around the track with it, then successfully kill the animal and make a three course meal using the meat in at least two parts of the meal. The team with the fastest time and most delicious meal according to the judges wins.In other news I have a home track meet this weekend, where I will be competing in the pole vault, 100m, 200m, and 4x100m relay. We unfortunately will not be holding a home meat competition. Despite our abundance of them, we could not find enough deer for all the teams participating.
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:kaukau: I was browsing through Nukaya's blog, saw she had a category set aside just for Track, thought "Hey, cool, I should let her know about this topic!", and then I remembered...D'oh! She already posted.My second thought was "I hope she's not one of those pesky cross country runners, because in my school they're practically a cult." Came back here, and was pleased. Congratulations on being a sprinter, Nukaya!By the way, I think I'm finally rediscovering my form. Pinwheeling legs. Let's see how I do in my next meet.Your Honor,Tyrannosaurus Kraggh
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:kaukau: There's not a whole lot of tips I can give you that your coach won't, although you'll find that working on your leg muscles and core strength will be helpful. "Tummy tight", as they say. You know those annoying workout videos where an instructor tells you to do squats and bicycle pedal on your back while he or she does nothing? Those actually help. It also helps when you know what type of events you'll be in, like in my case where I practice explosive exercises to increase my short-term speed in sprints.If you're interested in sprinting, I'd go for a month just running a mile or two every day just to get into overall shape. I remember when I did this, I carried 5-lb weights in each hand to help keep my form strong. After a while, though, all you really want to do is to run routines anywhere in-between 100 to 500 at full-on sprint, and also do several successive 50 sprints in order to increase your maximum speed (it's scientifically proven that you can only run at top speed for 5 seconds).Your Honor,Tyrannosaurus Kraggh
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:kaukau: There's not a whole lot of tips I can give you that your coach won't, although you'll find that working on your leg muscles and core strength will be helpful. "Tummy tight", as they say. You know those annoying workout videos where an instructor tells you to do squats and bicycle pedal on your back while he or she does nothing? Those actually help. It also helps when you know what type of events you'll be in, like in my case where I practice explosive exercises to increase my short-term speed in sprints.If you're interested in sprinting, I'd go for a month just running a mile or two every day just to get into overall shape. I remember when I did this, I carried 5-lb weights in each hand to help keep my form strong. After a while, though, all you really want to do is to run routines anywhere in-between 100 to 500 at full-on sprint, and also do several successive 50 sprints in order to increase your maximum speed (it's scientifically proven that you can only run at top speed for 5 seconds).Your Honor,Tyrannosaurus Kraggh

That's at least a springboard for me to go off. Thanks for the help. I'll keep your advice in mind. :D

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