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Rpg: Transformers Alignment

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IC: Mindwipe"Yes," Mindwipe rasped, "we were indeed discussing such matters. And I really don't like being interrupted."What is it you fear? Grindor heard in his mind, I will torment your mind, exploit every bit of weakness you have until you're on your knees begging to be killed. That is, unless you desist. Now.IC: "Good luck."The device descended from the ceiling and connected with Alphonus. He, too, found himself in a white room and was told to wait while the simulation loaded.OOC: Wheeljack, did you have Evo enter the simulation chambers?


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IC: Shade"Bite me" she retorted.IC: HydraShe nodded. "spew, or i will make sure you aren't a threat. and it will be very, very, painful."OOC: Yes, he went there and went on the shiny bed thing.

3DS Freind Code: 1693-0634-1082 Name: Joey

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IC: Grindor stopped, in pain. I...DID!OOC: Why? Weren't they just now attacking Mindwipe?IC: Omnitrix proceeded to slap her repeatedly with his enlarged hand. "TELL. ME. ALL. YOUR. INTEL!"Hurrazor spat some Energon and a few spikes and gears in her face through the cell bars. "Ha. You think I fear you, Autobot? I have heard your tales, and they do not scare me. There is no water here, and what would I fear from flashing lights and oddly shaped shadows?!"


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IC: Hydra"well, you're in luck" she surrounded his head in a ball of water, brought him to the prison door, froze his head and kicked him into the opposite wall, breaking the ice. "I carry my own."

Edited by Wheeljack

3DS Freind Code: 1693-0634-1082 Name: Joey

I also have Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokemon Y and Kid Icarus: Uprising

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IC: "AAAAAAH---RAAAAAAAH!" Grindor fumbled, tripped, and ran out of the entryway. "CURSE YOU! TO THE INFERNO--RAAAAAAAH!" Hurrazor sneered, and began to spark and sputter. He came up to the bars, with the energon he spat still on Hydra's face. He raised his sparking arm, setting it off and creating a bearable, yet painful explosion on her face. Omnitrix left Shade's cell and walked up to the Vehicon. "TALK."The Vehicon converted his arm into his cannon, activating the force field that prevented prisoners from firing at the guards with weapons that were part of their bodies. "I will die before I talk." And with that, he shot himself in the face, blowing his processor out.


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IC: Burning SkyWith the intruder dealt with, the Seeker's stiff wings relaxed, though not by much. It just went to show how annoying those grounders were: they were rude and arrogant, barging in on all manner of meetings that they had no business in being part of.While Mindwipe had clearly been the one that made him go away, that didn't mean she trusted him yet.-Inferna

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IC: Wideload"That can be arranged," Wideload threatened, looking straight at Hurrazor, "but it looks like you're in bad enough shape already. Let's see how long we can drag out your pathetic existence, shall we?"It was clear that the general's darker side was beginning to show.

Edited by Zyke the destroyer


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OOC: That explains why he doesn't mind Alphonus' methods. XDIC: "Ha." Hurrazor grabbed and moved the optic directly next to his other optic, pulling it to the other side so he now had two eyes like a regular being, rather than four in the shape of two. It was easy when the optics on the other side of his face were missing. "What are you going to do, kill me? Then what information can you get?"

Edited by TNG Prime


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IC: Shade"so, are we all just going to forget that i didn't kill all of you in a fiery explosion? because honestly, I really think i made the wrong choice."IC: Hydra"Just say the word."

3DS Freind Code: 1693-0634-1082 Name: Joey

I also have Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokemon Y and Kid Icarus: Uprising

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IC: Hurrazor tore off his forearm on his left arm. "GAAAAAAHK! You think you know PAIN?!" He slammed it down near the bars. "All the Energon in there will blow if you do that again! Do you hear me?!" At that point, his other optic fell out, leaving him as a cycloptic robot.


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IC: Wideload"Then I guess we'll have to use some...unprecedented methods," Wideload said, "open the cell!"The bars moved down until they were out of view, then Wideload stepped into the cell and stood over Hurrazor. His massive form would block any attempts to escape. He grabbed the Decepticon by the throat and held him up at arm's length."Tell me what you know," Wideload growled, "or the diagnostic drones are going to have a lot to clean up."


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OOC: Wideload is so awesome.IC: Hurrazor coughed, though it was not fatal, as robots didn't need to breathe. "You...grrrrr....PHOLOCK SIPERSNIPER!" he yelled unintelligibly. He began to spark again, and was leaking Energon all over Wideload. "All I have to do is raise my arm...and we'll both blow up!"


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