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Welcome to the official reference topic for the Aethion Expanded Multiverse! The EM is a "fanon" collection of Bionicle worlds, characters, powers, items, etc. revolving around an adventure-mystery series, the Cipher Chronicles. Fanon means that everything contributed to it is available for anybody else to freely use in their own fanfics, no specific credit required!

The Multiverse was founded by and is led by me (bonesiii of BZPower) and Swert of BIONICLEsector01, and formerly led as well by retired Takuta-Nui. The Cipher Chronicles is written by us as well as by invited guest writers and explores the central mysteries of the Aethion realm. Members are also given opportunities to enter contests for their ideas to enter the fanon; the winning entries are given featuring in the Cipher chronicles.

On the old archived forum, we had a reference topic for just the basics of Aethion in the Bionicle Reference Center, using fancier formatting, but on this new forum I've decided it will be best to just use an S&T topic. We also had a freewebs wiki for a while until they removed the wiki option from that service; I backed up the information and much of it has been [or will be :P] pasted to here. This topic especially is for summarized information, some of it fanonized through contest wins and open suggestions, also used in story-specific mini-guides in CC episode review topics.

There is also a downloadable 100-page Guide PDF with a lot of detail about the most important things like the planets and the Cipher Chronicles main characters, as well as several illustrations by me and many others.

NOTE: Only reference posts by me belong here; if you'd like to talk about the EM, ask questions, or make suggestions, visit the EM Discussion Topic. :)

At any time you may write a fan fiction in the Library taking place in Aethion and post a link to it in the EM Story Submission Topic. You should also post again to note when your story is finished; full stories will be linked in one of the posts below!

[[[[[This topic is a work in progress; please bear with me as only a few parts are ready to post as of now. Anything else in multi-brackets like this is a reminder for me to edit something in the future. UPDATE: These sections are now (mostly) finished: Aethion Basics, Locations, Elements, Masks.]]]]]


Cipher Chronicles
Finished Story Submissions

Guide Posts:

Aethion Basics (Olmak Effect, Reality Shifting, Totems, Cargo Stars, Gadgets, Gem Currency, Blue Grime, & Element Keys)


Kanohi Masks + bones Masks + Fan-Submitted Masks





Transportation Networks

Other Objects


Frequently Asked Questions

Here is the original EM Fanon Collection Topic (archive auto-logout warning).

Edited by bonesiii
  • Upvote 1

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

[NOTE: The broken links here go to the archived forum that was lost, but PDF versions of each episode are available here.]



Cipher Chronicles Episode List

Cipher Chronicles is the name of the Adventure Mystery storyline series of short epics produced by Swert and bonesiii, and guest writers, set in Aethion. It follows Team Cipher, a group of individuals from each of the seven main planets tasked with solving the problem of the Olmak Effect. In order to do that, they must "decipher" the mysteries of Aethion. Each episode is designed to be understandable and enjoyable on its own, but we recommend you read through the series from the beginning for the full experience.Italic links go to the old forum, non-italic go to the new forum (beginning with Current Events).

Season 1:

1:Safety in Numbers -- by bonesiii -- Short Epic -- ~22,000 words -- Review Topic

The Av-Matoran demolitions expert Kyn is confronted with a bold new plan to solve the threat of the Olmak Effect, and must decide where he stands as events spiral out of control. Parts of his normal day routine and the Multiverse basics are explored through his eyes for those readers who don't want to read guides, and a side-story serves as an example of what happens when the Olmak Effect Copies someone out to the universe of another fanfic, placing a Copy of Kyn in the midst of trouble on an alternate Ta-Koro. There are also brief sections for most of the characters who will eventually join Team Cipher, especially Toa Zuruk, Toa Hanashi, and Glatorian M'konglii.

2:Escape the Fire -- by Swert -- Short Epic -- ~10,500 words -- Review Topic

This episode follows the adventures of Agori Khiri and Skakdi Bajnok as they try to escape the Tyrant volcanic planet of Tanuuk, in order to join Team Cipher. But escaping Tyrant is virtually unheard of... and worse, they've got a legendary mercenary on their trail.

BONUS: Swert has also written a short story focusing on the Agent Gears, designed to be read after reading Escape the Fire, found here: The Gears Turn.

3: Cold Truth -- by Takuta-Nui -- Short Epic -- ~13,487 words -- Review Topic

The news reporterette Toa Hanashi and Izumal hacker Toa Karzahni of Team Cipher are studying an Olmak Totem on the Cave Fragment of the Shattered Planet, when the evil Ice Fragment attacks. The attack sets in motion a chain of events that leads into the mysterious Glory Catacombs, and even deeper into secrets protected for nearly 500 years.

4: Sticks and Stones -- by bonesiii -- Epic -- [word count TBA] -- Review Topic

A death threat sent to Team Cipher by the infamous serial killer Avsa-Ka, and a mission to convince the Shadow Honor clan to help in the Olmak Merging plan draws Team Cipher to the Warzone planet, where several mysteries lie waiting for them. The course of events also takes some of them back to the Tyrant planet to retrieve Bajnok's missing staff, and the question of who should lead Team Cipher is addressed. All this and more in the longest episode yet! Focuses on Kyn, Bajnok, Khiri, and others.

5: Current Events -- by TakanuvaC01 -- Short Epic -- [word count TBA] -- Review Topic

Toa Zuruk is on his way through BZ-Koro to the Totem for Industrial to begin talks with that planet's companies and unions about the Olmak Merging Plan, when a bomb explodes! It is quickly discovered that in the chaos, that Totem has been stolen, and the Alarist Underground crime syndicate is implicated. Meanwhile, a citizen of BZ-Koro, Makan, is upset to find his Kanoka collection minus his most prized possession, Toa Artakha is called in to investigate a problem with a mysterious artifact, and Kyn finds himself embroiled in troubles at Shattered.

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

EM Contest History[content to be added later]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Writing Rules[content to be added later]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Finished Story Submissions[content to be added later]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

[extra post in case of future expansion]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

[extra post in case of future expansion]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Aethion Basics

The Aethion Expanded Multiverse is a special Bionicle realm in its own dimension (separate from the Bionicle Core Dimension, similar to alternate universes). All seven known worlds are facing the threat of the Olmak Effect, as the Origins Legend below says. Team Cipher must solve the mystery of how to fix this problem before the entire Multiverse is destroyed, and solve the major mysteries of the Multiverse along the way. This story is told in the Cipher Chronicles.
The Multiverse consists of eight total planets, each with its own theme, separated by unstable blue-glowing regions of spacetime called Bluespace. Seven planets are known to be populated; the eighth is a total mystery.

Aethion was spawned from the Kanohi Olmak, the mask of Dimensional Gates, from Tuyetverse (used with Greg Farshtey's permission). It had been left floating in the "space between spaces" -- between dimensions -- where it came into contact with a mysterious energy source. The eight planets, their themes, inhabitants, cultures, etc. came into being, and the Olmak was split into 42 total fragments.

These fragments are now inside Olmak Totems, six on each of the seven main planets, which enable teleportation between worlds. The Bluespace cannot be traveled through; matter that touches it disintegrates.
There are also, however, Cargo Stars; orbiting satellites that allow objects only to be teleported.
Most planets have a single continent surrounded by ocean. Each is a radically different "alternate version" of the others. The theme of the planet is identified by the English nickname, usually used to refer to the planet. They also have Bionicle-style names chosen in a contest.

The currency of most worlds is three sizes of a transred Gem, with orange and yellow specks in it. Many people on the six main worlds own communications and tool robots called Gadgets with two-way videoscreens androbotic legs and arms. Various vehicles, building styles, and objects are possible here.

Everything in Aethion is made of protodermis, and the vast majority of beings are biomechanical. Most worlds have a wide variety of beings, especially Matoran/Toa/Turaga and Agori/Glatorian. There are also many new species, some related to official species like Matoran, some brand new, some similar to Rahi. All eat food the way Agori (or Rahi) do (like us), though M/T/T can also absorb energy as they do officially but prefer eating normally for the taste.

This reference topic and the 100-page Guide include a ton of important basics, but we have designed the Multiverse with the specific intent to allow as much fan imagination and interpretation as possible. Tons of characters, species, etc. could exist here; we want to avoid ever establishing exactly how many, etc. Also the science fiction phenomenons of the Olmak Effect and Reality Shifting allow for even more fan interpretation, as part of the very physics of the Multiverse itself.

Here's a summary of the major locations with pronunciations; see the Locations post for more detail:

Aethion -- AY-yeth-EE-ahn (name of the Multiverse, a realm of eight planets threatened by the blue-glowing spatial anomalies called the Olmak Effect)

Alarist -- AH-lah-RHIST (Central planet, with BZ-Koro, Wiki-Nui, and a tiny middle government island, where Team Cipher is based)

Atohune -- AH-toh-HOON-eh (jungle Tribal planet)

Promathus -- Proh-mah-thus (polluted Industrial planet)Barrawahi -- BAR-ruh-WAH-hee (barren Warzone planet)

Clysmax -- CLIZ-macks (Shattered planet; six Fragments; Ta-Clysmax is Fire Fragment, same pattern for all six main elements, except Onu-Clysmax is Cave Fragment)

Tanuuk -- Tah-NOO-uhk (volcanic Tyrant planet, ruled by evil titans)

Izumal -- IH-zoo-MAHL (mysterious, super-advanced Enlightened planet, seen as evil; Agent attacks come without warning, are unstoppable, yet seemingly pointless)

Enigma (the Eighth Planet; everything about it is unknown)

Origins Legend

A long time ago, adrift between universes...A Kanohi Olmak meets a mysterious energy force, and spawns a multiverse. Seven planets, walled off from each other by glowing unstable Bluespace. A mysterious Eighth World. Seven cultures in a unique realm, some at peace, some in strife, others at war.All of it threatened by the Olmak Effect. People randomly disappear. Copies of them appear in other universes. Objects, homes, whole areas mangled as reality itself bends and breaks. Deaths increasing.All eight worlds -- Central, with BZ-Koro and Wiki-Nui; Industrial; Tribal; Warzone; Shattered; Tyrant; Enlightened; and Enigma -- will soon be torn to shreds by the Olmak Effect. Will a solution be found in time? Can the unraveling of existence itself EVER be stopped?This is the deadly danger of entering this world. Are you brave enough? Do you have what it takes? Dare you be a citizen of the Aethion Expanded Multiverse?

The Olmak Effect

The Olmak effect is a key part in the physics of the Multiverse. The phenomenon is an extension of the Bluespace separating the planets of the Multiverse, but unlike the former it temporarily appears on the planets. Recently it has been increasing in amount and intensity, threatening to gradually destroy Aethion; stopping it is Team Cipher's primary goal.

Usually, when an Olmak effect anomaly happens, you see what appears to be a ripple in the air, moving around slowly.

The distortion then spreads and starts glowing blue. Soon it is shining, and usually it emits random bolts of lightning.

Inside the anomaly, high amounts of energy whirl around randomly. Gravity tends to be highly distorted. Areas of brighter light appear and disappear inside and around the anomaly.

At the center of the phenomenon is a dimensional gate, which keeps connecting with other areas of the Multiverse, both on the same and on other planets, where there is usually no corresponding Olmak anomaly. Beings in the vicinity of the anomaly usually glimpse these locations for an instant, before each is replaced by another. Anyone or anything that goes through the central gate appears at the destination in a bright flash of light.

As the Olmak anomaly moves along, it twists or destroys large objects, such as buildings, that are in its way. Smaller objects and beings may be pushed aside.

Beings in the vicinity of an Olmak anomaly can be struck by the lightning emanating from the phenomenon, that while usually isn't lethal, can knock someone out.

Any being caught inside the anomaly is even more at risk. Subjected to high amounts of dangerous energy, he or she can be severely weakened, feel dizzy and disoriented and even suffer varying degrees of memory loss. They tend to see time distortions outside. Multiple Reality Shifts are also witnessed, even though people outside the anomaly don't see them.

If a being comes into contact with the areas of bright light, he or she undergoes Copying (see below).
After some time, an Olmak anomaly start fading and eventually dissipates. When this happens, any being or object inside it is set down.

It randomly happens that, being the Olmak Effect a version of Bluespace, an Olmak anomaly becomes a matter-disintegrator field. In this case, the energy stops whirling and instead radiates out from it, obliterating anything it envelopes. This effect is very brief, a few seconds at the most, and then the anomaly returns to the ordinary kind.

A phenomenon sometimes, though not always, tied with the Olmak Effect is the creation of new beings, which happens only when a planet is lacking its ordinary number of inhabitants. Since it doesn't always verify itself in the presence of an anomaly, it is thought to be also tied to the Bluespace surrounding the planets.

When the Olmak Totems of a planet are brought closer together, the Olmak Effect on that planet gets worse and for this reason they are usually kept apart. Some believe that if the six totems of a planet were brought together, the resulting distortions would teleport a person to Enigma.

On the Tanuuk mainland, the Olmak Effect is less common than in the rest of the Multiverse. Also, the Olmak Effect rarely forms underground.


Copying is a phenomenon closely tied to the Olmak Effect.
It happens when a being comes into contact with the brighter areas whirling inside and in close vicinity to the phenomenon. When this happens, the orb passes through the being's body and then becomes the exact Copy of the being it passed through.

Immediately, the Copy passes through a dimensional gate which transports it to another dimension. The original is able to catch only a glimpse of his or her Copy and of the dimension it is transported into.
Shortly after the Copy has passed through the Anomaly, it undergoes the second stage of Copying. Its memories of the Multiverse are erased and are replaced with other memories of a life in that dimension. Only the basic personality, the name and the physical characteristics remain. For some time after the Copying, a few faint memories of the Multiverse do remain, but they manifest themselves only as vague impressions and quickly fade.

Simultaneously, the entire dimension is altered so that those memories correspond to fact. Other beings suddenly remember the Copy, as if it had been involved in their lives in some way. Structures such as a dwelling for the Copy are also created.

Recently, Alarist scientists have started various studies on Copying and on alternate dimensions (see history section).

Methods to combat the Olmak Effect

There are certain ways to combat or affect Olmak anomalies.

The first, commonly used by Toa Zuruk, is through sound. Strong sounds weaken an Olmak anomaly, though a large amount is required to make it dissipate and it can't prevent it. Zuruk has an Element Key charged with Sonics so he can Swap elements to that if needed.

Second, the Olmak Effect doesn't occur near the Izumal power source, though the reason, like the power source itself, is unknown.

A third passive strategy is to keep the Olmak Totems as far from each other as possible, though this merely prevents the Olmak Effect from dramatically increasing.

The Olmak Effect got its name because of the legend that stated that the Multiverse spawned from a Kanohi Olmak.

When the Multiverse was created, the Olmak Effect was already present, though during the 500 years Aethion has existed it has gotten more common.

A particularly large Olmak anomaly formed itself on Clysmax during the Creation, when a large amount of Bluespace became trapped inside the planet. Over time, it became a strange kind of Olmak anomaly, which started absorbing and destroying the planet rock until it had created a cavern that reached all the way to the core. When Toa Xata and Toa Jehry discovered it in Year 23, Jehry attempted to destroy it with an Ice Nova Blast, which "overloaded" the anomaly until it exploded. The ice became the mineral called "Coldstone", which eventually caused the Shattering when it vaporized explosively.

The Olmak Effect has been studied extensively during these 500 years. Among the discoveries was the consequence of the Olmak Totems being brought together and the recent progress in studying Copying and the alternate dimensions where the Copies live. Alarist scientists have created a machine capable of seeing into these alternate universes.

The only ones who don't know about, or don't accept, these findings are the Atohune natives, who believe the Olmak Effect is caused by the boredom of the spirits.

During the history of the Multiverse there have been at least two cases when the Olmak Effect increased as a result of six Olmak Totems being brought together.

The first happened when King Taa of Tanuuk insisted on keeping all the six Tanuuk totems, and in that occasion three Dukes and several slaves were lost.

The second time occured recently, when Toa Zuruk convinced the Atohune tribes to bring all the Olmak Totems to a certain spot. In the violent distortions that resulted, Toa Zuruk disappeared, only to later return and claim he had reached Enigma.

At present time, the Olmak Effect, with its destructive properties, threatens the Multiverse itself. Team Cipher has been Mindtouched by The Presence to suggest merging the Olmak Totems to hopefully end the Olmak Effect.

Reality Shifting

Reality Shifting is a phenomenon that often occurs throughout the Multiverse.
Due to such phenomenon, small details slightly change in reality. It appears to be due to light from alternate Multiverses passing through spacetime into the "main" one. When Reality Shifting occurs, it is accompanied by intense rippling and random yellow sparkles of light.

The most common type of Reality Shifting affects the characteristics of objects, buildings and such, depending on the time and the observer.

A good example is the Hapori Tohu statue in Bz-Koro, which at different times can be seen in different styles and perspectives. However, it is possible that for a certain person to always see it in the same way, while others see it in different styles.

Reality Shifting can also affect minor events, though this occurs rarely. It basically allows for two events to happen in the same location at roughly the same time, with the beings involved in one not being aware of the other. Two events might even overlap in time, and anyone present would remember them as occurring in sequence. When this kind of Reality Shifting occurs, the entire area involved undergoes the rippling and sparkling effects, though the beings affected wouldn't probably notice it.

The rarest kind of Reality Shifting even allows a person to be in two places at the same time, usually nearby, doing different things. The being affected would later return to be a single entity, remembering both events as happening one after the other.

Reality Shifting has some limitations. It cannot affect major events, nor can it influence what actually happens during a certain occurrence, whether minor or major, by for example doubling a being so he or she can have more chances in a fight or by altering a weapon to make it more powerful.
There are, however, some exceptions to this rule.

The first is the danger Reality Shifting poses to powers such as intangibility. An intangible being walking through an object in the middle of a Shift can get fused to that object. Usually someone in this situation is freed during the next shift, but this condition can be dangerous during a fight. And if a being is stuck inside a large object such as a wall, he or she could suffocate long before a new Shift occurs.

The second exception is the mask power of Reality Shifting, which allows the wearer to control and use this phenomenon, thus allowing it to have a greater influence over major events. (See the Kanohi post.)

Reality Shifting does not usually appear to be related to the Olmak Effect, though a person trapped in an Olmak anomaly usually witnesses several Shifts no one else sees. It seems to be more related to the Bluespace between the planets.

However, the phenomenon has gotten slightly less common during the years, and some scientists theorize that this is due to the worsening of the Olmak Effect, and that its eventual resolution might cause Reality Shifting to become more frequent again. Others, however, believe that this is a natural occurrence which will eventually cause Reality Shifting to disappear entirely.

Olmak Totems

The Olmak Totems are the objects used on Aethion for interplanetary travel. Each about the size of a gallon milk jug, made of wood with white paint markings, and each contains one of the 42 fragments of the Kanohi Olmak which spawned Aethion.

The Totems are the primary way of interplanetary travel on Aethion, since the Bluespace walls prevent normal space flight. Each of the seven planets possesses six Olmak Totems, one for each of the other six Planets. The symbol of a planet is painted on the Olmak Totem that leads to it.

To use a Totem, a person has to touch it and will it to activate, in a fashion similar to a Kanohi mask. A flash of blue light, the same color as Bluespace, then teleports the person to the planet the Totem leads to. The user appears there next to the Olmak Totem for the planet he/she just left.

When two or more Olmak Totems are brought close together, the Olmak Effect increases. For this reason, the artifacts are usually kept as far away from each other as possible. An exception is Atohune (see below). Some people believe that when the six Olmak Totems of a planet are brought together, the resulting Anomalies will teleport a person caught into them to Enigma, though this has been attempted only once and never proven.

Each planet manages its Totems in a different way. As they are some of the most precious artifacts in the Multiverse, their use is usually subject to regulations and restrictions.


Alarist keeps its Totems inside Interplanetary Teleportation Hubs (ITH), which are always heavily guarded. Average citizens can use the Totems to travel off-world, provided they undergo security checks and pay a fee for security procedures.

Trade can also be arranged through the Olmak Totems, but since the actual goods go through the Cargo Stars it isn't limited to the owners of the Totems to Alarist.

Alarist's Totems are split between Bz-Koro and Wiki-Nui.
Shattered Totem - Wiki-Nui Museum
Warzone Totem - Southern tip of Wiki-Nui
Enlightened Totem - Northern tip of Wiki-Nui. Has no ITH. Is never used.
Industrial Totem - Bz-Koro's central island
Tribal Totem - Bz-Koro's west coast
Tyrant Totem - Bz-Koro's east coast. Has no ITH, but there is a slave-refugee welcoming center and a security post. Gets little travel and no trade.

Promathus' Totems are divided between the six main organizations and kept in the lower levels of their headquarters, where there are ITHs just like on Central.

Each company exploits its Totem to obtain business and profit, though trade is also arranged through the Cargo Stars. Enlightened, of course, doesn't trade with any of the other planets, including Promathus.
Tyrant Totem - Experimental Industries
Warzone Totem - Weapons' Science
Enlightened Totem - The Guild. Has no ITH. Never used.
Shattered Totem - Phantoka Motors
Central Totem - Miscellanous Enterprises
Tribal Totem - United Promathus Workers. Brings a moderate amount of business and trade.

The Atohune tribes see the Olmak Totems as the bodies of spirits. They keep the artifacts on top of octogonal-shaped, lightweight wooden towers. These are very high, higher than the average tree, and narrow.

The Atohune tribes believe that the spirits get bored when they remain too long in one place, and therefore angry at the inhabitants for failing to entertain them. The Olmak Effect is seen as the manifestation of the spirits' anger. Therefore, to entertain the spirits, the Olmak Towers are carried from one place to another, without concept that the Olmak Effect is actually worsened when the Totems get closer together. When a tower stays in the same place for some time, the area is grandiosely decorated, even though the towers never remain in the same place for more than a week.

The towers are carried by beings holding up two parallel poles, connected perpendicularly to a central pole which sustains the tower. Other beings make up the procession, which walks through a path created by cutting down foliage.

The Totems are so revered and important that no tribe attempts to keep them or war over them. When one tribe carries the tower to its borders, they simply make sure they are seen by the watchmen of the bordering tribe and then set down the towers, which are then taken by the other tribe to keep them moving. This is done even between warring tribes.

To use the Totems, a being must climb the pegs that stick out of the sides of the towers in a spiral-like fashion. Since the towers are very light and fragile, no being heavier than a Toa can climb the towers, since they would probably cause their collapse, the worst crime on Atohune.

Usually, Atohune uses the Totems to trade with other planets for food and spices.

Barrawahi's Totems are split between the six main clans. This is one of the reasons minor clans ally themselves, at least temporarily, with the major clans.

The Olmak Totems are mainly used for trade. The clans usually trade through their Totems, though Industrial will trade with any clan. Food is one of the most common trade goods.
Tyrant Totem - Red Skull. Often used to engage in commerce with Tyrant.
Central Totem - Hand of Faith. Since Central will trade only with the Hand of Faith on Warzone, this Totem is often used for that purpose.
Enlightened Totem - Shadow Honor. Never used.
Tribal Totem - Rockfoot. Used to trade Rockfoot's agrarian products with Tribal's more exotic spices.
Shattered Totem - Iron Hawk. Used to obtain forcefield technology and flying crafts from the Ice Fragment.
Industrial Totem - Brethren. Used by Industrial representatives, though Promathus also trades with the other clans.

Clysmax's Totems are divided between the six main fragments. Like on Central and Industrial, ITHs are used here.

Trade is carried out with the most advanced planets mainly through the Cargo Stars, but the less advanced planets will often trade for technology through the Olmak Totems.

Warzone Totem - Ko-Clysmax. The Totem does have an ITH, but only Ice uses it.
Industrial Totem - Ga-Clysmax
Tribal Totem - Le-Clysmax
Central Totem - Onu-Clysmax. (Recently stolen by Ice, whereabouts unknown, impossible to teleport to it from Alarist as it is stored in a place with no room for someone to appear, as seen in an EM crossover in my Paracosmos epic Endless Blue.)
Tyrant Totem - Ta-Clysmax. No ITH. Never used.
Enlightened Totem - Po-Clysmax. Used only by Enlightened representatives, for unknown purposes.


On Tanuuk, the Totems are split between King Taa and the five Dukes. The Totems are usually heavily guarded and kept inside locked protosteel doors.

Some Tyrants use their Totem for trade, others don't use them at all. Slaves have no access to the Totems, though many escape attempts are focused on acccessing one.

Industrial Totem - King Taa. Industrial, and especially Experimental Industries, uses this Totem to trade with King Taa.
Warzone Totem - Duke Choruul. Often used to trade with the Red Skull clan.
Tribal Totem - Duke Kle. Used to trade for food and spices. Duke Kle in particular often feasts on very hot Tribal spices.
Shattered Totem - Duke Mboko. Sometimes used to trade with Lake Aerospace.
Central Totem - Duke Mokuun. Never used by the Duke or his servants. It is the first target of escaped slaves, since Duke Mokuun is mad and often lets down his guard on the Totem. Some say possessing the Totem itself caused him to go mad, since he had only good people on the other side.
Enlightened Totem - Duke Tor'tuhrak. Allegedly never used, though some say Tor'tuhrak is planning a coup with Enlightened help.


The Izumal Olmak Totems are located inside six of the eight Olmak Hovertowers (two are simple decoys), located at the edges of the spokes which mark the city's expansion areas.

The towers are shaped like very elongated spheres and hover over mile-wide platforms. A spherical, featureless room is inside, with only a pedestal for the Olmak Totem and no exit.

Anyone who teleports here is greeted with a message to go back. While most teleport back, some refuse and are then let out through special "Melt-doors" and exiled to the criminal camps. Also, a security programmer occasionally goes inside to update security protocols, though some suspect there is more. A wall of nanites shield the programmer from view, to prevent the hackers from seeing the operations performed inside.

It is unknown if the Izumal Agents use cloaking technology to travel through the Totems to the rest of Aethion or if they use some other method.


The Olmak Totems were created from the 42 fragments of the Kanohi Olmak that spawned Aethion. Much of their origin is a mystery, as the creation of Aethion itself is.

On some planets, like Alarist and Izumal, the Totems belonged to the government of planet.
On Promathus, the six major organizations obtained them thanks to their economical superiority, while on Warzone the six major clans conquered them.

On Tanuuk, the Totems were split between the King and the Dukes, though at some point King Taa gathered all of them, resulting in a massive increase of the Olmak Effect.

Recently, Toa Zuruk convinced the Atohune tribes to bring their Totems together, and disappeared in the great distortions that ensued, though he later reappeared claiming to have been teleported to Enigma.
When the Presence Mindtouched Team Cipher, it suggested merging the Olmak Totems to end the Olmak Effect.

Some time later, the first Team Cipher experiment on the Onu-Clysmax Totem was interrupted by Ko-Clysmax fighters, who stole the Totem and, after a flight through the Glory Catacombs, managed to give it to their king.

Soon after this, Team Cipher member Artakha, with the help of many scientists and Karzahni (see Characters post) created Bulwark Machines that protect Totems placed atop them from Agents, by dampening powers nearby, including the powers that make nanites function. The nanites solidify in close proximity to Bulwarks. Organics, biomechanical beings, and simple robots can still function in the radius though, so the Totems must be guarded.

As the end of Season 1 of the Cipher Chronicles approaches as of this update, roughly half of the owners of Totems have agreed with the Merging Plan or are seriously considering it, while Izumal, Ko-Clysmax, and half of Warzone oppose it. Tribal has not been actively engaged in the plan as they still do not understand the relationship of the Totems to the Olmak Effect.

Most recently, the crime organization on Alarist stole one of BZ-Koro's Totems. Through the course of the investigation, a method of getting the Totems safely through the Bluespace ceilings was apparently found, so that they can be Merged as planned. That Totem has just been retrieved.

It also appeared that Izumal was organizing the rest of the groups that opposed the plan, but to the characters' surprise, an Agent spoke for the first time in history, denying responsibility and revealing that Anaana, the female Makuta of Light who leads the Promathus Guild Union, is behind it, even though publicly she was in talks to agree to the plan.

Cargo Stars

The Cargo Stars are six artificial satellites, one for each Aethion planet (except Izumal and Enigma). They are set at a standstill in space, anchored by forcefields to the Bluespace Walls. In addition to doubling as suns for their planets, because there are no real stars in Aethion, they allow inter-planetary communication and can beam cargo through the Bluespace Walls to the other planets.

Their size is about that of a real-world supermarket. Each has a convex-rounded bright-yellow-shining disk, nicknamed Star Bowl, hanging down from a metal framework formed by two octagonal-shaped layers, connected by eight long trusses.

The light shining from the Bowl allows the Cargo Star to double as suns for their planets. As they are at a fixed point in space, while the planets revolve, they can effectively be seen by a viewer as rising and setting.

Of the two octagonal layers, one, the floor layer, is set inside the concave top side of the Star Bowl. From the other, the upper layer, eight massive, radiating, up-bent trusses extend. These emit blue forcefield rays into the Bluespace above, anchoring the Cargo Star to the Bluespace wall.

Atop these trusses, many tiny cylindrical devices are mounted. The devices collect Bluespace energy, which feeds into them from blue electric-crackling energy beams coming from the Bluespace wall. From there, the energy travels along a large number of wires to power the various devices of the Star.
In addition, eight spatial anchors, shaped as silver-encased spheres, are embedded in the underside of the eight trusses.

The upper octagonal layer of the Cargo Star has several communications dishes pointing at the other Cargo Stars. In addition, its lower side (the ceiling of the space between the two octagonal layers) has a white-glowing sparkling crystal circle mounted on it, with the diameter the size of a real-world basketball court: the Energy-Matter Converter. Around it is mounted a large number of crystal computing technology, wires and indicator lights.

From the Converter, a large bundle of wires runs to the Teleportation Array, made up of seven larger versions of the communication dishes, which is mounted on the outer side of the Star Bowl. All the dishes are pointed in the same direction and run along the rim of the Bowl to point at the Cargo Star of the planet the cargo is to be teleported to.


As said above, the Cargo Star allows inter-planetary communication and cargo teleport.

The former is achieved by sending multiple signal beams through the Bluespace layer, which compare each other and remove inconsistencies caused by bluespace distortions.

The Cargo Stars beam multiple channels of information to each other at the same time. In addition, they have a communications network always functional, to which Gadgets can connect to to access online databases and communicate with each other.

The cargo beaming is accomplished by converting matter into energy and beaming it through the Bluespace layer. Robotic spaceships are used to carry cargo to and from the Star. Since degradation, if minimal, still occurs, it's too dangerous for beings to use the same system, though it is theoretically possible.
Usage and history

In the first years of Aethion's existence, the planets were lit only by Bluespace. But soon the Promathus company Experimental Industries developed the idea to construct a shining satellite in space. They contracted this with the other planets, except Izumal and of course Enigma.

The parts were sent to the other planets through the Olmak Totems and the satellites were constructed on-world. Lake Aerospace modified the Clysmax one with some of its own technology, though the teleportation system remained the same.

In the following years, those who desired to be able to use the Cargo Stars had to make a contract with Experimental Industries, which gave them the passcodes necessary for their activation.

In Year 500, for the first time beings were able to beam through the Cargo Stars. These were future Team Cipher members Bajnok and Khiri, which used the star to escape from Tanuuk. However, their ship was equipped with Izumal technology, and despite that the two were subjected to small changes in the process.
[text to come]

Gemsand, Gem, & Orb Currency
[text to come]

Blue Grime
[text to come]

Element Keys
[text to come]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)


The Multiverse is composed of seven main planets, walls of unstable spacetime called Bluespace between them, and an eighth mysterious planet. Each of the planets has an English nickname that describes the theme of the planet, and the seven main ones have Matoran-language names too.

Alarist -- AH-lah-RHIST (Central planet, with BZ-Koro, Wiki-Nui)

Alarist is a fairly tropical planet with two "continents". To the west is the advanced Wiki-Nui, which is similar to the canon Metru Nui location. It correlates to the BIONICLEsector01 Wiki. To the east are five islands on the same shallow continental shelf; this is BZ-Koro, with a hut-based style of life similar to the canon Mata Nui Island location. It correlates to BZPower. There is also a tiny middle island that is the seat of the Alarist Ambassadorial Government (AAG), with leaders elected from both main islands.

It is mostly peaceful, but with tons of variety and various problems including an underground crime network. Three Olmak totems are in each of the two islands. Many different types of beings live here. The storyline for the Expanded Multiverse centers here; the AAG island is the original home base for the Cipher Chronicles. People from all the other worlds visit often, since it is a center of science, commerce, discussion, reference, and much more.

Here is a sketched map of Alarist.


Olmak Totems: Promathus, Atohune, Tanuuk

BZ-Koro is the island shaped like the Bionicle "Unity-Duty-Destiny" logo. Despite having about as many citizens as Wiki-Nui, it is considered a Koro ("village"), due to its dirt path based transportation system and it's hut-based building styles.
One key part of BZ-Koro are the Forum Plazas, which are large, stone meeting floors shaped like large circles. Ideas are discussed in these Plazas by citizens of BZ-Koro as the primary part of their cultures.

Different areas of BZ-Koro have Forum Plazas devoted to different aspects of discussion. Most personal buildings in BZ-Koro are clay huts. The three Olmak Totems on BZ-Koro are in the central dot island (Industrial), the West Coast (Tribal), and the East Coast (Tyrant). Although there is no ITH for Tyrant, it is used as a welcoming site for refugee slaves, as well as a security post.

The middle BZ-Koro island is also known for its giant, 500-foot tall statue of Hapori Tohu, the guardian spirit of BZ-Koro. Kolhii games and other sports are played around it. Nobody knows what its importance is, though a wide range of legends have been passed on about it.

The government of BZ-Koro is led by characters corresponding to BZPower staff.


Olmak Totems: Clysmax, Barrawahi (Hand of Faith), Izumal

Wiki-Nui is the island shaped like Metru-Nui. It is the more technologically advanced of the islands, having Chutes and advanced buildings.

Wiki-Nui is well-known for its Museum, a large, massive skyscraper in the center of the island that correlates to the canon Coliseum. Although the entire island is focused on reference, the Museum has the most important and interesting exhibits on the island, and has videoscreens that tell about the exhibits. The roof of the Museum has an arena, which is used to hold Akilini competitions, as well as other sports. All known Energized Protodermis has been collected in locked rooms here, and there are many other mysteries hidden in other locked rooms.

The three Olmak Totems on Wiki-Nui are located in the Museum (Shattered), the Southern Tip (Warzone; Hand of Faith), and the Northern Tip (Izumal; no travel). The island's government is led by the Toa Sectra, who in turn are led by Toa Swert.                AAG Island

There is a tiny central island between BZ-Koro and Wiki-Nui, which serves as the seat of the Alarist Ambassadorial Government (AAG), which consists of ambassadors sent from both islands.
The AAG holds no sway over the governments of BZ-Koro and Wiki-Nui, however. Instead, it handles the relations between BZ-Koro and Wiki-Nui and between Central in general and other planets, especially offworld trade, and also sponsors scientists.

The AAG government building is a large, protometal cylinder, with a roof surface shaped like an advanced version of a Forum Plaza, with forcefield technology from Shattered keeps weather out of it.
Other structures on the island are a mix of those on BZ-Koro and Wiki-Nui. No Olmak Totems are on the central island.

Originally, Team Cipher used a very deep underground room as their home base of operations, but almost immediately two Agents overwhelmed huge numbers of guards and knocked every member of Team Cipher unconscious. They left behind a tablet message threatening to oppose the Olmak Merging Plan and Team Cipher, so since then Team Cipher met temporarily in abandoned warehouses in Wiki-Nui.

By the end of Episode #4: Sticks and Stones, they had constructed a mobile, cloaked submarine cube made out of Izumal hacker Macrochips, which randomly moves about in the ocean around the AAG island. Still based on the AAG island, however, is a thus-far unnamed AAG official who often gives assignments and information to Team Cipher; he is also tasked with handling AAG funds used for Team Cipher.

Atohune -- AH-toh-HOON-eh (jungle Tribal planet)

Atohune is a primitive planet filled with big jungle trees, lakes, and rivers, and the occasional super tree. The normal trees are very large, akin to Le-Wahi, while the rare supertrees will often reach past the clouds.

It is populated by untold numbers of tribes, usually led by Turaga, and is known for its strange beliefs about the Olmak Totems. Most tribes are fairly good, although border disputes are common, and trade with Alarist often. The tribes are made up of mostly Matoran/Toa, with other species present. This is the only other world considered "good" overall, because most of the tribes are allied with Central, but there are border disputes and culture clashes often.

Nearly everything here is made out of some product of plants or Rahi. Transportation is usually via wooden canoes in the rivers, lakes, and around the oceanic coastline, or by walking. Huts are made of wood and thatch material. Stone is another common building material for important purposes.

There are a wide variety of mysteries here, some of the most difficult to unravel in the main six planets. In some places there is evidence of a now-extinct advanced civilization, including some highly mysterious technology and artifacts that often still function, usually found buried, some of it rivalling Izumal technology in advancement. But as far as anthropologists can determine, nobody alive now remembers this civilization, or if they do, they aren't telling.

Here is a sketched map of Atohune, showing what little or the tribe locations, etc. has been revealed thus far in the Cipher Chronicles, with the exception of a tiny island in the northern ocean, where M'konglii of Team Cipher has been visiting often on his own for some secret purpose.

Promathus -- Proh-mah-thus (polluted Industrial planet)

Promathus equals production. Weapons, vehicles, tools, appliances, you name it, it's manufactured here. Similar to the canon Xia island. The air is so polluted it corrodes the buildings which must be demolished and rebuilt often. It's also known for the glatorian-with-weapons-and-vehicles sport of Clash.

This neutral world has no actual government; it is ruled by contracts with four main industrial companies and two unions, as well as countless smaller companies, usually subsidiaries of the main four. It is similar to Xia in that it sells what it manufactures to highest bidder, including weapons, vehicles, and other technology. Its customers come from any of the other planets (usually excluding Izumal), regardless of affiliation or morals. Its styles are sort of Steampunk, sort of Xian.

The land is mostly made of a rust-colored protodermic compound substance called glomosulfur. The buildings are also made out of it. Factory machines inside almost all of the buildings are powered by separating this into its two ingredients, a yellow ash, and a purple vapor. These are then ejected out of pipes into the air. The ash settles constantly like snow, gradually accumulating on the land, while the purple gas pollutes the atmosphere. The gas slowly corrodes the buildings so that they become unstable and must be demolished and replaced often.

Mining to get fresh glomosulfer is another major job here, done by all the main companies as well as others. Because it is so polluted and due to various other effects some of the old mining and demolitions technology has gone haywire, acting much like mechanized wild beasts.

Barrawahi -- BAR-ruh-WAH-hee (barren Warzone planet)

Barrawahi is a barren, gray rocky landscape with scarce resources, similar to Zakaz. Life there is all about clans, honor, and warring for those resources.

There are six main clans, each of whom own an Olmak totem, who war over resources and possessions. Members of these clans are usually Toa-sized beings. Their morality varies, but only one is considered good; Hand of Faith, which is allied with Alarist. The others are considered varying degrees of evil, and have their own views of honor, although one, Red Skull, is allied with Team Cipher.
There are also hundreds of smaller clans, but these are somewhat fluid. They are frequently overthrown and their allegiances to one of the six major clans change all the time. The vast majority of people in all clans are motivated by a philosophy called Clan Honor -- you do what is honorable for your Clan. Period.

There is also an Atero-style neutral Meeting City called Zien in the center of the continent, used for negotiations.

Here is a sketched map of Barrawahi.


Ambassadors from the clans meet here to discuss terms and declare war on each other.
Dominating the city is a massive, 200-foot tall stone arch, under which the ambassadors meet. The arch symbolizes reaching across the great divide of hostility. Zien's tranquility is honored by most clans, and a neutral clan exists to defend Zien, which uses brute force to defend structures, as well as using cultural propaganda such as "Wars belong on battlefields, not in Zien."[[[[[FIND THE NAME OF THE NEUTRAL CLAN.... But for Organizations...]]]]

Clysmax -- CLIZ-macks
(Shattered planet; six Fragments; Ta-Clysmax is Fire Fragment, same pattern for all six main elements, except Onu-Clysmax is Cave Fragment)

Clysmax was once a single planet, but from the first moments of its origins, everybody knew it would be Shattered, and soon after it was split into many pieces by a Cataclysm (the secret of its cause was recently solved by Team Cipher in Cold Truth).

There are six large Fragments, each devoted to one of the six primary Bionicle elements. They originally formed Regions arranged around the planet like the faces of a cube; Clysmax was the only one of the seven main planets not to have a vast ocean. Five of these are good; they are called the Allied Fragments, and the sixth is the imperialistic Ice Fragment.

There are also a number of Shard Moons, smaller bits of the planet (many used to be smaller communities between the main Regions), the largest of which are devoted to the other main elements, including several EM-exclusive elements (see the Elements post). After a varied history, currently all Shards are by treaty independent and largely self-sufficient from the Fragments, so neither Ice nor the Allied Fragments fight over them. In addition to the 24 element-themed Shards there are countless smaller ones, some with communities devoted to combo elements or other associations, others owned by rich individuals, and still others unpopulated.

Clysmax is known for its advanced technology, with spaceships traveling between the Fragments and Shards, space battles against Ice with accelerated lightstone weapons, etc. The buildings tend to be shaped like domes and called Huts, but the resemblance to the clay huts of BZ-Koro ends there. The technology tends to use crystals and wires for various functions as well as metal. It is not as advanced as Izumal by far, but advanced enough that the average citizen lives a life far more luxurious than those of the other planets.

The pieces are dominated by artificial gravity, which also keeps them from drifting too far apart. The inhabitants are able to breathe because of an airtight forcefield keeping the air in. This also means ships don't need to be airtight.

Here is a sketched map of Clysmax (updated version for the Shards contest, hence the computer-generated list of Shards).

Ice Fragment/Ko-Clysmax - Warzone Totem (ITH only used by Ice) – Evil

The entire area is frozen under an elemental "spell" of cold energy (a fictional type of negative energy official Bionicle Toa of Ice could create). It is filled with ice and snow covered mountains. Outposts on the mountains are the primary living areas, with powerful forcefields.

There is a single overall King who rules the fragment, and has for hundreds of years, after overthrowing the original King. The kings have encouraged evil attitudes among their people since the beginning. Ice seeks at all times to conquer the other fragments (and beyond afterwords), thus there are space battles often.

Water Fragment/Ga-Clysmax - Industrial Totem (ITH) - Good, with a clarification

Water is a forested land with several lakes. Prior to the Shattering of Clysmax, all its people lived in airtight underwater cities, and built submarines to travel between them. When the planet split, the primary submarine company became Lake Aerospace, which makes over two thirds of the spacecraft in Shattered. More on that in the Economy section.
The clarification is that Lake Aerospace will sell to evil groups, including Ice and Tyrant, but for an extremely inflated price. They have some advantages over Industrial spacecraft so occasionally these places do fork over the dough for Lake craft. Post-Shattering, Water has cities elsewhere besides underwater.

Air Fragment/Le-Clysmax - Tribal Totem (ITH) – Good

A forested area whose inhabitants originally partnered with Ice to develop forcefield technology. Ice kept the powerful wall-like fields to themselves that are better for military shields, while Air kept the air or water containing kind that other things can go through.
Air focuses on maintaining the satellites that project the air containment field. Without that, the air would seep into the surrounding bluespace and be destroyed, until it was so thin nobody could breathe. As such, Ice tries hard to avoid interfering in Air's daily operations, or firing on the satellites; Ice may be evil but they're not stupid.

Cave Fragment/Onu-Clysmax - Central Totem (ITH) – Good

This fragment is unique in that it looks pretty much identical in terrain no matter what side you are looking at; the inhabitants live entirely inside caves. It is devoted to the Earth element (but Earth is already a planet name). The fragment is made of a slightly loose stone/dirt mix that is sort of like sandstone, but digging through it is not that hard. Lightstones dot the tunnels naturally.
The inhabitants of Cave invented artificial gravity and sold it to the other Fragments and Shards before Clysmax's Shattering, and to Industrial for the Cargo Stars and spacecraft. There are several companies that make these devices, in a variety of shapes and sizes. Even before the Shattering, they used it to be able to walk on any part of the cave tunnels, upside-down, sideways, etc. and construct buildings like that. They still do this; there is no clear up or down here. Generally the center of a tunnel is weightless, so hovering spacecraft don't have to worry about which way to hover against.
They also invented a subterranean version of GPS that enables them to navigate underground regardless of where the gravity is and regardless of confusion of the tunnels. However, most of them no longer need to use this tech as they're familiar with the whole area.

Fire Fragment/Ta-Clysmax - Tyrant Totem – Good

The Fire Fragment was originally dominated by an active, lava-flowing giant volcano. When the planet split, the lava cooled and shrunk, leaving hollow lava chambers filled with flammable gas.
This flammable gas escapes slowly from vents all over the original lava crater and the cold lava rivers that radiate from it. Using fifteen-foot-thick fire suppression forcefields from Air, they were able to safely light these gas vents. Thus, in that entire area, you see venting cones of rippling, strange-smelling air, the tops of which are aflame. From a distance it looks like flaming rivers. It's safe to walk underneath/around the vents too, though the gas itself is hard to breathe in. The forcefields are to prevent the gas inside the fragment from igniting, which would explode the entire fragment.

The people of Fire place heatstones around the vents to charge them up, and sell them as a power source to others. Similar to Ta-Koro's lava farming, except from actual Fire. These also make effective weapons as they explode on impact, releasing heat energy, which is effective against Ice, since Ice people dislike heat and their tech is always kept at cold temperatures.

Note that the Tyrant Totem is essentially never used, as the Fire people are very opposed to tyranny, though they may sometimes attempt to rescue people from there. They are very focused on defense against Ice's aggression; their ships are usually surrounding Ice and escorting passenger and cargo ships between the good fragments. Should a slave refugee from Tyrant ever make it through, they would be welcomed and protected as on Central, but it's highly unlikely, since the Tyrant Duke who has the corresponding Totem guards it well, unlike the insane Duke who has Central's Totem.

Stone Fragment/Po-Clysmax - Enlightened Totem - Good, with a question

The Stone fragment's desert surface is covered in rock mountains with few plants, and also with many canyons. Post-Shattering, they live all over the fragment's surfaces. They specialize in public transportation Spacetrain services; the equivalent of light rail, with several companies offering the service. All except Ice use this service, both between fragments, and from place to place on them.

The question about their status comes from the fact that it is known they do frequently receive mysterious emissaries from Enlightened. What is discussed between is kept secret, but it is known that nothing physical is ever traded; Stone has nothing to offer Enlightened, and Enlightened does not spread its technology offworld at all. Many look with suspicion towards Stone's government for this. Enlightened Agents show up from time to time on all the planets, do whatever they were ordered to do without any hope of real opposition, and refuse to answer for their actions. Their motives are not known, but many believe them to be evil.

However, most Shattered inhabitants do not question the transportation companies which are not controlled by the government, and have no qualms about using them.[/font]


This section will be populated later from the winners of the Shards contest!

Tanuuk -- Tah-NOO-uhk (volcanic Tyrant planet)

Tanuuk is the harshest home for a denizen of the Multiverse -- except for its ruling species, the Tyrants. Aside from the occasional mercenary, everybody on the planet is enslaved by the Tyrants and forced to work in horrible poverty for the Tyrant's gain. Added to this is the intense heat from the many volcanoes, lava rivers, and magma channels that cover the continent. There is a fugitive slave organization, but for the most part, citizens of Tanuuk live a miserable, dangerous life.

Izumal -- IH-zoo-MAHL (mysterious, super-advanced Enlightened planet, seen as evil; Agent attacks come without warning, are unstoppable, yet seemingly pointless)

Izumal is entirely separate from the other planets, both for their extreme technological advancement (they make Clysmax look primitive) and for its culture of enlightenment and purity. This planet is unique in that it is made primarily out of protodermic silver and gold.

Its main citizens live in a single city made mostly of powerful silver nanites with protodermic powers and a highly secret unlimited power source (or so they claim). Virtually anything you can imagine is made possible by the nanites there, and its citizens are totally at peace with each other; crime is almost unheard of, and few ever desire to leave. They do not allow travel to here from other worlds; visitors are told to immediately go home, or be imprisoned, lest the harmony of this world be unbalanced.

They have become able to control the weather, so that clouds from the oceans move directly into receptables in the city that feed water to canals. They can also use controlled tornadoes for security purposes.

There are outlying criminal camps in the wilderness, and criminals enter the city sometimes. There are thus police and investigators. Most crimes involve hacking, so the camps are also called hacker camps, though not every camp has hackers in it.

Agents wearing powerful nanite suits war against these camps, and from time to time, they show up on mysterious missions on the other planets, bullying their way to whatever it is they want. When they go on these offworld missions, they are unstoppable and spark terror in the hearts of all, but they do not kill, and their goals don't even seem to make tactical sense. They claim to be good, but most Aethion inhabitants see them as the real evil of this universe.


The Eighth planet in the center of Aethion has no actual name. Its name tells all -- it is a total mystery. None can travel there by any known means -- or at least those that have tried a controversial, difficult method never return, with the claimed sole exception of Toa Zuruk in Year 500. Even its appearance is unknown, because the Bluespace Ceiling around it is so intense only a faint spherical outline can be made out visually from the other planets.
As far as anyone knows, no Olmak totems exist that can teleport to it, though legend has it that if all six totems of a world are brought near, the Olmak Effect will become strong enough to teleport a person to Enigma. Some people have tried this, but whether they got there or not, nobody knows, because they have never come back.

Enigma is believed to be either a perfect paradise, or unimaginable horror manifest, but nobody really knows.

Toa Zuruk has made some specific claims about Enigma, but it's not proven that he was actually there. He created the Enigma Line of products, made on Promathus, claiming that they are inspired by similar technology used by the inhabitants of Enigma. He also claimed in Episode #4: Sticks and Stones that the people of Enigma told him about certain special, mysterious locations on the other planets such as the Cyclops Volcano on Barrawahi.

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)


NOTE: Just the first two lists here are for the Shards contest (minus the first six).

Official Elements:The following elements are official BIONICLE canon:
Fire -- Ta -- Red (heat and combustion flames, pronounced tah)
Water -- Ga -- Blue (female) (H20 and protodermis)
Stone -- Po -- Brown (rock and solid protodermis)
Earth -- Onu -- Black (dirt/soil, pronouned ah-noo)
Ice -- Ko -- White (ice, snow, and coldness)
Air -- Le -- Green (pronounced lee or lay; the latter is canon, former is original)
Light -- Av -- White & Gold (both genders)
Sonics -- De -- Gray (pronounced dee)
Iron -- Fe -- Gunmetal (normal protometal, pronunciation fay)
Shadow -- Kra -- Black & Dark Red (usually evil, both genders)
Gravity -- Ba or Gar -- Sapphire Blue (Gar is an alternate prefix from canon Kanohi Garai; Ba is actual canon prefix)
Plasma -- Io -- Rust (superheated gas, not combustion, pronounced eye-oh)
Magnetism -- Neh – Teal
Plant Life/The Green/Jungle -- Vi -- Dark Green (pronounced vee)
Lightning -- Et -- Yellow, or Blue and White (female)
Psionics -- Ce -- Blue and Gold (female, pronounced say) (Mind reading/control, telekinesis, illusions and mental blasts)

EM Elements: The following elements are not official canon, but may be used in the Expanded Multiverse:

Sand -- Vo -- Tan (both genders)
Crystal -- Kru -- Lime (female) (Crystalline protodermis)
Acid -- Hy -- Turquoise (both genders, often evil, pronounced huhy; vowel sound of standard American "ice")
Lava -- Ig -- Orange (both genders, heat and molten rock)
Kinetics -- Nu -- Purple (female, slow things down or speed them up)
Sulfur -- Fos -- Amber (both genders, includes protosulfur and glomosulfur, pronounced fohs)
Gold -- Au -- Gold (very bendable yellowish protometal, pronounced ah-oo)
Silver -- Ag -- Silver (female, power-channeling, strong, light-gray protometal)
Mercury -- Gi -- Indigo (liquid protometal)
Virus -- Cha -- Lime [Lime] (female, short-lived beneficial or harmful microbes, lifespans depend on energy used to create them)
Tar -- Res -- Very Dark Brown (dark brown or black gooey substance, both volcanic and organic)
Ghost -- Ka -- Transgreen (intangible or semi-tangible energy structures)
Fungi -- Spo -- Tan & RedBlue
Energy -- Em -- Azure (electrospatial energy from Bluespace, not Bluespace itself; need blank Element Key and Mask of Blue Energy to become this, either gender)

Element Fusions

No beings naturally have these elements. Two Toa can make these substances by mixing their elemental energy, however, and a being can control these elements by charging an Element Key with the right mixture of EE and having an Element Swap. However, Element Keys can only hold up to three elements at a time.
Note: 'Make only' elements allow the user to only create the element, with very little control over it. 'Control' elements allow for Toa-level control over the element.

Official Fusions:

Glass -- Ti -- Trans-white -- Sand + Fire (make-only)
Storm -- Thu -- Dark Gray -- Water + Air (make-only)
Twilight -- Zo -- White & Black -- Light + Shadow (control both elements)
Protocage -- Trans-gray -- Fire + Water + Stone + Earth + Ice + Air (make and unlock only, plus an Element Key cannot hold all these, so no Toa can have this element, thus no prefix)
EM Fusions:
Obsidian -- Lu -- Transblack -- Sand + Lava (dark strong glass; make-only)
Cloud -- Vae -- Pastel Blue -- Water + Fire (water vapor, steam; control except limited control with steam)
Swamp -- Bo -- Greenbrown -- Water + Earth (mud; control)
Vacuum -- Sen -- Greenish Black -- Air + Shadow (pushes air/liquids out of an area, pronounced sehn)
Steel -- Dur -- Medium gray metallic -- Iron + Silver + Fire (protosteel; make-only, pronounced doower)
Wood -- Fo -- Light Brown -- Plants + Stone (wood of much thickness is hard for normal Plants element; make-only; making wood by itself is easy, making a tree or group of trees is like a nova blast)
Quicksand -- Si -- Light Tan -- Sand + Water (wet sand that acts like liquid)
Dry Quicksand -- Lesi -- Very Light Tan -- Sand + Air (sand with air blowing through it; must be powered directly by EE constantly or it reverts instantly to normal sand by air escaping from it, pronounced lee-see)
Poison -- Ven -- Applegreen -- Acid + Water
Magnets -- Eti -- Metallic Teal -- Magnetism + Iron (make-only, pronounced eh-tee)
Anti-Gravity -- Re -- Cyan -- Gravity + Light (make-only; anti-gravity hoverfields in the EM sparkle, pronounced ree)
Salt -- Tas -- Very Light Gray -- Sand + Crystal (especially useful against mollusk-like villains...)
Copper -- Cu -- Copper color -- Iron + Electricity (control metal that channels electricity naturally, with some electricity-make-only power, pronounced koo)
Electromagnetism -- ?? -- ?? -- Lightning + Magnetism (half control of both related elements, ability to convert one to the other)
Electromagnets -- ?? -- ?? -- Lightning + Magnetism + Iron (control only; induce spiral electricity in metal to make them into superstrong temporary magnets, or amplify existing magnets)
Rubber -- ?? -- Black & Dark Brown -- Tar + Fire (non-conductive solid, flexible)
Plastic -- ?? -- White & Blue -- Tar + Sand (easily meltable solid, somewhat flexible when thin)
Blue Fire -- ?? -- Metallic Blue -- Fire + Plasma (superheat plus combustion flames)
Frost -- ?? -- Blueish White -- Ice + Shadow (supercold plus some ice power)
Radiation -- ?? -- Black, Dark Green & often silver -- ??
Oil -- ?? -- ?? -- Tar + Plants
Natural Gas -- ?? ?? -- Tar + Air

Mixing any element with Kinetics produces a unique combo power. For example:
Fire + Kinetics = Supersonic fireball.
Earth + Kinetics = Earthquakes

We're not going to define a complete list as it would be huge. The prefixes of all Kinetics combos are the other element's prefix plus the prefix Nu. Colors are the original color(s) and purple.

Common Element-related Powers

These are sub-powers of actual elements, and are commonly obtained by Toa in place of their elemental powers by the use of a Power Key. But they are not actually elements. They are usually control-only; users of Insect Control, for example, cannot actually make new insects. Most of the powers are also common as Kanohi Mask powers.

Insect Control (subpower of Life)
Rahi Control (subpower of Life)
Chain Lightning (subpower of Lightning)
Electronics (control over electric signals in machines; Lightning)
Telekinesis (Psionics)
Mind Control (Psionics)

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Kanohi Masks


All Powers in this and the next two posts are available to use as Mask or Kanoka powers in your EM fanfics. In addition, all official mask powers except for legendary elements are available to use. All masks are Great, noble version is weaker/shorter range/etc. unless otherwise specified.


The following are mask powers invented by bonesiii and Swert for the Multiverse.


Mask of Parabolic Vision






Gives the user the complete range of vision around them, including behind them, and enables them to understand it. There are small blind spots immediately above and below the mask (roughly the person, but changes as they tilt their head etc.). The mask also cannot see through walls. Back is split into two sides that open on axles to take mask off.


Mask of Heatpulse



Sends out a shockwave of heat in all directions.


Mask of Proto-Transmutation




Change the elemental composition of protodermic objects, for example turning proto-iron into proto-gold. Works like King Midas, but in terms of physics it's a lot easier and safer than with normal matter (and everything in the EM is protodermis). Kanoka material of this mask is involved in Element Keys. Cannot turn organic matter into inorganic matter, preventing accidents involving living beings.


Mask of Floortilting




Lets user bend gravity near walls and ceilings on touch. A minor Gravity power, touching walls can "turn" them into floors and touching ceilings turns gravity upside-down. Noble version lasts shorter than a Great version. Can work without an actual physical wall, but only for as long as mental focus is maintained.


Mask of Forcefield Control




Generates mostly-wall-like forcefields in whatever shapes the user imagines. The fields are not as solid as shields generated with a Kanohi Hau and higher-powered projectiles can go through them. It could be used to create a forcefield ramp to get up or down a cliff, but a being with around more mass than a Toa would slip through it.


Mask of Reality Shift




Forces local reality shifts to occur at the user's command, thus having a somewhat more major effect on events. For example, at tactical times, it could be used to make the style of your enemy's weapon change, so it takes him a second to figure out which button does what now, in which time the user could move out of range.


With enough focus, the most extreme example is making multiple copies of you temporarily appear at once and you remember everything from all of them, so similar to the Kanohi Mohtrek, but limited to the amount of observers and not involving time travel. If there were five enemies attacking the user, they could be in five places at once either to fight them or to do something else, but if only one enemy attacked, the user could only be in one place at once. Such copies are intangible related to the user and cannot efficiently work together.


Another use of the mask is to create the four copies against five enemies and have them each work on other tasks that the user needs completed while the user fights the five enemies normally, with the copies standing ready to fight the enemies if the user gets overwhelmed. Observers must be conscious for this to work.


Mask of Quarantine




Another mask like the Hau but creates a weaker forcefield against the body surface of the wearer that stays on at all times while the mask is worn. It cannot protect against solid projectile attacks, but it keeps poisonous gas & liquids, germs, and acids away from the body.


Mask of Windchange




Changes the direction of wind. Minor weather control power. Power inspired by the Zelda game Windwaker.


Mask of Swamp




Turns earth into mud, a minor Water power. Inspired by the name Swamp sometimes given to the power of the Levhak, even though they actually have Acid powers.


Mask of Energy Tracking




Allows the user to track any being or user through the Multiverse by following their trace of energy left behind wherever they have been. Does not work with Olmak Effect teleportation, and depending on the accessibility of the other planet in question, Olmak Totems can also become dead-ends for energy scent trails. Essentially the power of the Energy Hound in Kanohi form.


Mask of Alternate Pasts




Gives the user visions of different past events that could have arrived at the same basic conclusion. An obscure power that basically flips the Olisi's power of Alternate Futures backwards. It is sometimes used by inventors to determine more efficient ways to accomplish things technologically, however criminals often use it to devise near-perfect alibis for their crimes and even to frame others for crimes.


However, the mask cannot ever replicate the exact same past perfectly, some difference is always present between pasts. This is usually good for inventors as the difference is unneeded or harmful byproducts for example and also good for investigators as there is always some evidence of the truth. It can also be used to learn trivial alternate pasts for anything, but these serve no practical purpose.


Mask of Opposing




Processes the power of the being closest to the user or that is focused on and generates a limited, simple power that is opposite of the original power. For example, if the target has the power of Flight, you get the power of Grounding (the power of an official Rahi), but to a limited extent. With focus, the enemy in that example could still mostly overcome the grounding power and stay in flight, however being slower and lower. Another is Accuracy against Dodging.


With elemental powers, which include their own opposites, it gives you the inversion of whichever "half" of the element is being used. If an enemy with the element of Fire is shooting a beam of fire at you, you are given the power of fire absorption, so you can convert it into elemental energy. If the Fire enemy tries to absorb heat to freeze you, you get the power of heat creation. If the enemy is manipulating existing fire or heat, you either get absorption if it's sent at you as an attack, or an interference power if the enemy is controlling the power for some other purpose.


Mask of Mask Coma




Disrupts the symbiotic connection between any mask-dependant being (especially Matoran, Toa and Turaga) without needing to knock the mask off, acting as a stun attack. For Matoran and Turaga this makes them slow down and lapse into a coma soon afterwards, with Turaga waiting longer before they slip into a coma. For Toa it slows them down and halves the effectiveness of their powers but cannot force them into an actual coma. The effect lasts only for as long as the power is on, assuming the victim's mask is not taken once they are stunned. Has no effect on beings not dependent on masks, and does not block the target's ability to use the mask's power. Most effective against Matoran.


If a target takes their mask off and puts it back on over and over, they do not reach a coma, but are merely slowed down as taking it off breaks this power and there's a moment when the mask is reconnecting when the symbiosis cannot be disrupted. Industrial has invented a simple device worn as a piece of armor that accomplishes this same protection by using its own Mask Coma power Kanoka material and rapidly switching this power on and off if the device is mentally activated. Kyn owns one, as do most rich Matoran, Toa and Turaga. Kyn's is built into his chest armor.


Mask of Blue Energy




Lets the user draw energy from nearby Bluespace (such as an Olmak Effect anomaly) and use it for some basic purposes. They can use the mask to shoot lightning bolts. If they are tired, they can recharge their energy; theoretically going for a long time with no need to sleep, unless they are constantly in battle or otherwise in situations needing physical effort as the power cannot stay on indefinitely, like most mask powers. If a piece of technology is low on power, the user can recharge it electrically by touch using this mask. Skilled users can even materialize Bluespace energy into Blue Grime.


However, users cannot use it reliably as Olmak Effect anomalies are random (or you have to have a space ship to go up to the Bluespace Walls) and going near Bluespace is dangerous. The power has been mainly used in Kanoka material to improve the efficiency of existing Bluespace-tapping technology.

The power was recently mixed, and the mixture was discovered by using a mask of Alternate Pasts on the Bluespace-tapping devices on Industrial's Cargo Star.


Mask of Radar



Same idea as the canon mask of Sonar, but works in a vacuum and is more efficient for long-range scanning in air (same basic use as on Earth). Another power often used in Kanoka-material machines.


Mask of Time Jump




An obscure minor time power that enables a user to jump forward a short amount in time, effectively vanishing from existence.


It is not considered time travel, since it cannot be used for jumping backwards and it cannot be used to jump far. However, it is considered teleportation of sorts, and is usually advised against. If something or someone is where the user is when reappearing, the user intangibly slides out from them. The user always appears intangible for a brief moment afterwards. It can be used to travel to places where you know an enemy will be and jump there without the enemy knowing it.


However if the enemy sees you jump, they know right where you'll appear and has time to prepare, making it dangerous to use but may sometimes be necessary if the user gets in trouble in battle. The danger can, naturally, be countered by allies winning the spot back. Enlightened bans this mask due to its time and intangibility aspects.


Mask of Pathfinder



Gives the user a sense of what route to take to reach a destination, provided that the destination is not a secret location. The user must have a sense of the destination though they need not know it in and out.


There is a small company of Toa on Central who all wear this mask who can be hired as guides for beings on most worlds. They are sort of the equivalent of GPS.


Mask of Insect Control



Lets the user control insects, can be used to summon insects to attack enemies.


Mask of Disguise



Enables the user to change their body colours and the shape of their mask to a different mask shape. It is not shapeshifting, since only the mask changes shape, but can accomplish a similar effect. The body colour changing ability is similar to that of the Av-Matoran. The mask can be used for camouflage purposes. Its normal form is the mask Toa V is portrayed as wearing.

The following masks powers were invented by bonesiii and Swert and assigned to existing mask shapes, and canonized by Greg Farshtrey. Thus they are canon masks.


Mask of Rebounding






A projectile thrown will be forced to bounce off its target and return to you, if the mask is activated in time. Uses a slight amount of telekinetic power, so if the user focuses on it harder, the rebounding is more accurate, mainly useful for if the user is moving.


Mask of Emulation






Analyzes and duplicates powers of those nearby. The user must see the power in action, and takes a while to analyze the power. The length of the process varies depending of the power analyzed. If the duplicated power is deactivated, it has to be reanalyzed, though the copying time will be shorter. The mask has become Toa Pouks' mask in canon story.


Mask Sensory Aptitude






Increases the ability of all five senses to a degree. For example, the amount it increases vision ability is about one fifth that of the Kanohi Akaku. The user cannot limit the effect to only one or more senses, though experienced users can slightly increase one sense while not increasing the others as much. In general, it applies to all five across the board.


Mask of Conjuring






Enables the user to speak out loud what he wants the mask to do, with strict constraints, using Matoran language (which is programming language) to determine the power temporarily.


The user can conjure somewhat powerful abilities, but there must always be a tradeoff or a weakness specified or the instructions are ignored. The user must describe exactly what the mask is wanted to do; they cannot just say "Hau" or "Shielding" to mimic a Hau, it must be said something like "make a protective forcefield bubble around me that blocks incoming projectiles if I am aware of them".


The power remains around five or fifteen minutes, for Noble/Great respectively, and there is about a thirty-second period after a power fades when the mask is totally powerless.


If a slightest mistake is made in your instructions, the power will backfire and something horrible could happen to the user, like messed up computer programming. Any sapient enemies nearby hear in detail both what power to expect you using and what its weakness is, unless they do not understand Matoran. So the conjuring is best done alone before entering a fight. The power is rarely used due to its dangerous downsides.


In the Multiverse there is a professionally organized collection of proven definitions, managed by the Wiki-Nui librarians, which can be made available to moral Toa who have this mask. Memorizing a few common definitions can provide a fairly safe use of the mask. Various evil organizations also keep records of proven definitions.


Mask of Fusion




Forcibly merges two or more beings into a Kaita-style fusion, so they become a single larger being with a hivemind. The mask user maintains most of the control over the fused being and can become part of the fused being. A strong enough mind can resist the merging, and even a weak-minded enemy can interfere with your control over the merged being. The power cannot stay on forever, so eventually the target is restored to their normal forms. In battle, strategy can overcome the last weakness, if the user moves to a place where they have the upper hand.


For example, if you're fighting a coastal Rahi with power to make tidal waves, move far inland. If you are trying to keep secrets and include yourself in the fusion, you need to have a strong mind to prevent the hivemind as a whole, and thus your enemy, from learning them. Enlightened Agents do not use this mask, and nanite suits appear to be able to block it. An obscure use is to keep a normal Kaita stable in presence of powers that disrupt them, such as Makuta.


Mask of Biomechanics






Enables the user to mentally interface with mechanical robotics beyond the mechanical parts of their own body and control or influence them, depending on range and complexity -- farther and more complex equals less control. A clockwork brain for instance is beyond all control, but a robotic version of telepathic communication is possible. Also gives the user a minor mechanical strength boost.


Cannot control the mechanical parts of other beings without their consent, but can slow them down slightly. Kyn uses a Biomechanics Kanoka-material add-on to his Gadget to communicate mentally with his robots. Cannot control crystalline computing devices at all, or even influence them, though it can sometimes read simple files on them.


Mask of Undeath






A rare and immoral mask most beings see as bad luck and taboo to wear. This mask cannot activate unless it is worn by a person when they die. After death, the mask animates the body to keep doing what the user would have wanted for up to several years. While alive, for every moment it is worn, it charges up energy from the user's mental energy, making their mind slightly sluggish. How long the undead body continues on after death depends on how much time was spent wearing the mask while alive. While undead, the user appears normal except their eyes and heartlight are black.


The only place this mask is commonly prized is Warzone, where there are many undead warriors among various clans. Most who are living do not wear it as their primary mask, but spend time wearing it while not in battle, keeping both it and their normal mask handy and only switching to the mask of Undeath if they fear they are about to die.


Mask of Scavenging






Reaches out to a wide area around the user and absorbs the escaping life energies of any recently deceased being. Morally good beings refuse to use this mask and see it immoral, seeing it as a mask that creates murderers. The mask is an evil power along the lines of the mask powers of the Makuta. Like the Mask of Undeath, this mask is only accepted in Warzone. In canon, Vultraz wears a Matoran version of this mask. Mask of Vulture is a nickname or an alternate name to this mask. Similar to a power in the Inheritance (Eragon) Cycle.


Mask of Aging






Forcibly causes beings, structures, or objects to age, similar to the power Voporak possesses but is unable to age as fast. Considered to be an immoral mask.

Mask of Incomprehension






Scrambles the speech or text of targets, preventing them from communicating plans to each other. However, it can be thwarted by a Mask of Translation and cannot affect hand signals or the like. Considered to be an immoral mask.


Mask of Adaptation






Automatically adjusts the user's body to handle any and every weather or environmental condition. The power is always on at a low level, sensing the environment. If it senses need to change, the power mutates the user nearly immediately.


The mutation is permanent unless the user is mutated back, so the power goes back down to a low level after mutating and the user doesn't have to worry about losing focus on the mask. However, if it is knocked off, the user is stuck in their current form. Based on the similar Kraata power.

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Paracosmos Masks: Masks invented by me (bonesiii) for my Bionicle Paracosmos fanfiction series and submitted to the EM.

Kanohi Halehki, the Mask of Healing




Lets the user heal the injuries or illnesses that they understand.
(First and second images are the Great version; third is the Noble.)

Kanohi Amaru, the Mask of Hearing



Increases the user's sense of hearing. The user can hear whispers miles away.

(1st image is Great; 2nd is Noble.)

Kanohi Inakko, the Mask of Combination





Lets the user mix the powers of other Kanohi. Can use up to five other Kanohi at once. Shapes seem to mix with the Inakko's featureless shape.

(1st image is Great. 2nd shows the Combination of Noble Huna and Noble Mua, giving the powers of Concealment and Quiet at once. 3rd shows the Combination of Great Halehki and Great Lauku, giving the power to heal that which the user understands, while aiding his understanding. 4th is Noble.)

Kanohi Koruuka, the Mask of Deflection



Projects a small ball of energy where the user holds his hands that deflects any attack back at the attacker with equal force.
(1st image is Great; 2nd is Noble.)

Kanohi Kumataku, the Mask of Reverse Breathing



Allows the user to breathe in that which is normally breathed out, preventing suffocation in enclosed spaces.

(1st image is Great; 2nd is Noble.)

Kanohi Lauku, the Mask of Understanding




Increases the user's mental awareness and ability to understand any puzzle that is solvable by thought and the user's current knowledge.

(1st & 2nd images are Great; 3rd is Noble.)

Kanohi Naulako, the Mask of Stamina





Increases the user's stamina, enabling them to run for miles without getting tired or letting them stay awake through a whole night or two.
(1st through 3rd images are Great version, 4th is Noble.)

Kanohi Rikaori, the Mask of Telecommunication





Lets the user speak with a person even if the person in question is miles away by projecting voices over distances.(1st through 3rd images are Great version, 4th is Noble.)

Kanohi Roku, the Mask of Memory







Allows the user to clearly recall what has been forgotten or clearly relive past events mentally.

(1st through 5th images are Great; 6th is Noble.)

Kanohi Togau, the Mask of Passage



Allows the user to pass through thin solid obstacles as if they were merely air. Easier to use and more precise and less risky than the canon Mask of Intangibility, but does not work on thick substances.

(1st image is Great; 2nd is Noble.)

Kanohi Utati, the Mask of Agility



Gives the user acrobatic agility, to jump, dodge, balance, etc. perfectly and quickly.

(1st is Great, 2nd is Noble.)

Kanohi Wahruma, Mask of Temperature Shielding



Shields the user from extreme heat or cold.

(1st is Great, 2nd is Noble.)

Kanohi Fiuwa, the Mask of Ductility



Lets the user make targets flexible without interfering with their physical structure, including user and living targets. Distinct from the Mask of Elasticity in that it does not allow significant stretching, and that mask only affects the user.

(1st is Great, 2nd is Noble.)

Kanohi Gurihu, the Mask of Nutrition



Can recharge a user's energy without requiring them to eat food.

(1st is Great, 2nd is Noble.)

Kanohi Hakohu, the Mask of Sound Imitation



Allows the user to imitate sounds or voices of other beings, objects, or forces of nature.

(1st is Great, 2nd is Noble.)

Kanohi Jahiru, the Mask of Precision



Improves hand-eye coordination of the user, so they can throw a disk well at a target or draw or sculpt even without inherent artistic skills. NOTE: This mask was established prior to the 2006 canon Mask of Accuracy. Now it is considered a variant mask. Accuracy is better for projectiles and other battle situations, while Precision is better for drawing maps, writing exact accounts, etc. But they both improve results in all those situations.

(1st is Great, 2nd is Noble.)

Kanohi Kanuku, the Mask of Lethargy



Imposes drowsiness on a target. If the user focuses enough, they can make targets fall asleep.

(1st is Great, 2nd is Noble.)

Kanohi Kaun, the Mask of Antifriction



Reduces friction on targeted surfaces over limited distance. Can be used to make enemies slip and slide around, hampering their effectiveness in battle.
(1st is Great, 2nd is Noble.)

[Continued in next post due to too many images.]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Kanohi Kihi, the Mask of Freezing










Can instantly and non-fatally freeze a target at short distances.


(1st image is Great. 2nd through 4th images are Noble.)


Kanohi Mua, the Mask of Quiet






Enables the user to move without making a single sound. More subtle than the Shelek, and not considered immoral.


(1st is Great; 2nd is Noble.)


Kanohi Pahuaia, the Mask of Adhesion








Lets the user make targets sticky. Can be used to easily climb walls or make enemies stick to the ground.


(1st image is Great; 2nd and 3rd are Noble.)


Kanohi Rakati, the Mask of Camouflage






Lets the user materialize camouflaging material on a target, altering the surface appearance and texture of objects. Can be reversed or wiped off.

(1st is Great; 2nd is Noble.)


Kanohi Serekrom, the Mask of Hypnosis




Allows the user to implant ideas or memories in someone’s mind. Considered immoral.


Kanohi Whutura, the Mask of Petrification




Turns objects into stone. Works on organic and inorganic Protodermis. Considered immoral.


Kanohi Kuwatri, the Mask of Ferocity




Temporarily boosts the wearer’s adrenaline and ferocity. Considered immoral.


Kanohi Ulnokra, the Mask of Temporary Death




Temporarily pushes a being's spirit out of their body, so that it is non-living and able to be possessed by for example a Makuta's antidermis. Only works on the weak-willed, and only works for a short amount of time. Considered immoral.


Kanohi Vunu, the Mask of Emotion








Influences the emotions of a target. Considered immoral.


(1st and 2nd image are Great; 3rd is Noble.)


Kanohi Avkama, the Mask of Lightspeed




Turns the user into light, enabling them to travel at the speed of light. User must either be in constant motion or turn back to matter; hovering is impossible, but experienced users can slow down to about half the speed of light.


When switching into light form, acceleration is rapid but not instant. When ning back to matter, deacceleration is more gradual, giving the user time to land carefully instead of slamming into their destination.


Multiverse users must be careful to only use it in brief jumps, lest they accidently fly into the Bluespace Ceiling. Although light can pass through the Ceiling, and so there is a slim chance they could survive if they turn around fast enough, it distorts the light, which would disintegrate any user who tried to pass all the way through.


Mask of Fatigue






Immoral version of the mask of Lethargy, which drains mental energy, making the target sluggish. The Mask of Lethargy mask does not actually drain energy, and if the target does not fall asleep, they will feel fully awake as soon as the mask is switched off (if they do fall asleep, they will stay asleep, but if they are woken up, they do not feel tired).

But the effects of the Mask of Fatigue remain for a long time even after the power is switched off. On the other hand, this mask is slower to make a target actually fall asleep, victims are usually pushed right to the edge of sleep but can try to rouse themselves and keep fighting (usually not very well).


Mask of Self-Mutation






Enables the user to shapeshift permanently until the mask is again used to mutate back to normal. The original form is stored informationally inside the mask, so the user can always be restored to normal as long as the mask is intact.

If the user mutates themself, then loses the mask, they remain in the mutant form. The mask also changes shape, and becomes part of the resulting form that is just as easy to knock off as a mask.


Mask of Suppression






When this power is active, all other protodermic powers within a short radius are disabled, and powers for a wider range are weakened. The Great version (pictured) also has a weak, very-close-range repulsive effect when the power is active. Because the Noble version only works over a very short range, it is usually not used as a Mask power, but is sometimes a Kanoka component of machines.


(1st image here is the Great version; 2nd is Noble.)


Mask of Mind-Slavery




This mask gives off a green-brown fog that infects beings that the user touches, making them "permanent" mind minions of the user. Their eyes tend to glow the same color as the user's eyes, and they seem to lose their individuality.


On their own, they always act in whatever way they believe is in the best interests of the user, and there is a long-range mental link to the user; when the user mentally sends a command, they instantly obey, without the slightest hesitation. By default, they follow the user around, but can be ordered to guard something, or go on missions, etc.


However, under normal circumstances, the user must be in physical contact with the victim's head for several minutes, and mentally channel the fog into the victim's brain. Also, the fog does slowly dissipate from the victim, so after about a month, if it is not replaced by the user, the victim will lose enough of the fog to be freed. (But the user can normally replace the fog at any time.)The person who is most able to free the victim is the victim themself, even over the user, especially if the victim is a hero or otherwise morally upright (so the mask is more effective on villains who already have pledged loyalty to the user, and villains in general are easier to control). The victim's mind is able to think freely when the body is not busy (when it is, the mind is controlled enough to think through whatever the body is doing. Such moral people can focus hard during such free moments to send away the fog.


The user can also free the mind slaves by reversing the process, though this takes just as long as enslaving them. If the user dies, the minion is instantly freed -- but until that moment, the minions dogmatically defend the user, even to their own deaths sometimes. Also, Removes Poison powers are effective at freeing a minion, and a rescuer can also kidnap a minion and imprison them far from the user; they will be freed automatically after a month.

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

The following are mask powers suggested by fans and approved by me (bonesiii).

Mask of Paralysis

Paralyzes any individual by concentrating on it, but weakens the further away from the target or how many targets the user wants to paralyze. If the user’s concentration is broken, the target is set free and a mental surge will hit the user and, depending on the usage and endurance of the user, knock them into unconsciousness. Suggested by Kahi Govaki.

Mask of Extrusion

The user can cause surfaces and objects to extrude upon physical contact. Similar to the video game Fracture, but narrower and usually smaller. Suggested by MechaFizz.

Mask of Indentation

Causes surfaces and objects to indent back upon physical contact. The opposite to the Mask of Extrusion. Suggested by MechFizz/Justax Kal.

Kanohi Xclyses, the Mask of Sharpening


Causes blades or edges to become super-sharp. Great version works on non-blades (such as making your hands sharper to aid in hand-to-hand combat). The effect is permanent. Very dangerous, as it is extremely easy to harm yourself. Some consider it immoral. Suggested by TLhikan. Image by MechaFizz.

Mask of Golems/Golem-making

Allows the user to animate certain amounts of materials into functional forms. These golems’ fighting styles/mannerisms are similar to the mask user. Most golems can only perform simple tasks and are incapable of speech, but skilled Mask users can program their creations to speak pre-programmed phrases or even perform multiple tasks. The user can not countermand/change any orders they give the golem.

The large the golem us, the shorter the amount of time it exists before crumbling. To sustain a golem for more than the usual time slot, the user can enter a trance-like state were they send energy to the golem. The larger the golem, the more energy the user must expend. If the golem is prematurely destroyed in this state, a backlash will occur that causes severe pain to the mask user. Suggested by Master of the Rahkshi.

Kanohi Leveni, the Mask of Armor Generation


Creates a layer of armor over the user's body, made of any substance the user makes contact with. For example if the user touches metal, the mask creates metal armor. The thickness and durability of the armor varies between Noble and Great. The armor is much more powerful if it is made of the user's element, such as Stone or Ice. Suggested by Iranu. Image by MechaFizz, based on the concepts by Taipu1.

Mask of Elementalizing

Turns the user into a being made of their element. This drastically amplifies both the strengths and weaknesses of the user’s element. The user is also incapable of using any other powers while elementalized. Can also cause the user to become insane if they are not prepared for the drastic physiological changes. Cannot be used by beings with no elemental affiliation. Suggested by makuta of xhini nui.

Mask of Animation

Similar to the Mask of Golem-making, but the user must directly control the creation. This allows for more complex actions and changes in the creation’s actions, but the user cannot do anything else while using the mask. The creation only continues as long as the user is using the mask.

Kanohi Stronad, the Mask of Permanence

Causes a single effect to be permanent. Only one effect can be made permanent until they use the mask for a different effect. For example using the mask on a forest fire to make the forest unable to grow back. Power invented by bonesiii, as a mask suggested by TLhikan.

Kanohi Camarko, the Mask of Inertia


Amplifies inertia for the user, making you virtually unstoppable and with unlimited stamina the more you move in one direction, but the user cannot change directions and finds it difficult to stop moving.
Alternatively, the user can stand in one place and become immovable, but the user would have a hard time leaving the spot or even moving at all if they stand still too long. If the user does stay in one position too long, their mechanical parts lock in position, eventually killing you through starvation or thirst. Suggested by TLhikan. Image by bonesiii.

Mask of Acid StrengthAllows the user to adjust the strength of acids or acidic substances. Suggested by Toa Nidhiki05.

Kanohi Uah, the Mask of Ambush Protection


Protects the user from sneak attacks and ambushes, but is useless against attacks the wearer is aware of. If the user is ambushed or sneak attacked, the mask delivers a counterattack at about twice the power of the strike, making it a complement of the Kanohi Hau. The mask is always on at a low level. Suggested by Toa Nidhiki05. Image by MechaFizz, based on a design by Taipu1.

Kanohi Bartow, the Mask of Subliminal Retention

Allows the user to see parts of the past of a living being by looking at them, and can also temporarily grant the user an ability - such as martial arts or marksmanship - after watching an example of it. However, the mask always works passively and cannot be forced, and as such is very unreliable in a combat situation.

Also the amount of information the user receives varies is also unreliable. The Noble version only allows the user to see the pasts of beings. Works kind of like the Intersect in Chuck. Suggested by Toa Nidhiki05.

Kanohi Laungh, the Mask of Logic


Sometimes called the Mask of Strategy. Lets the user think more clearly and concisely, and better know the steps in reasoning. This allows the user to form strategies, a common use for the mask, as well as solve puzzles and riddles. The mask is often referred to as the Mask of Strategy on Barrawahi, as it is popular for use by generals. Suggested by Toa Nidhiki05, image designed by Mr. Mayno. NOTE: It is distinct from the Mask of Understanding, as that one provides a more intuitive understanding without clear knowledge of the steps involved. This one provides all the steps and thus is slower but the steps often have other importance, especially in tactical situations.

Mask of Limitation

Enables the user to unable their target’s elemental power to focus within the wearer's body. For example, an iron clad monster wearing the mask would be able to make his enemy, a Toa of Iron, not able to control the iron within the monster. The mask has an effect radius, the size of which depends on whether it is Great or Noble. The mask is always on at a low level, and a Noble version needs to recharge for three seconds after thirty minutes. Suggested by lewathetoa.

Kanohi Hospok, the Mask of Distribution


Provides elemental energy (if the target is Toa) or physical strength (if the target is of other species) to chosen allies. However, the strength distributed to allies is drained from the user themselves. Suggested by lewathetoa.

Mask of Willpower

Increases the user's motivation to do what he needs to do, allowing him to more easily do difficult tasks he could already do but that would be too emotionally draining for him otherwise. Slightly strengthens the mind against mental attacks. Suggested by MechFizz.

Mask of Afterlife

While worn, it takes energy from the user and stores it, and upon death, it uses this energy to allow the user to continue life in spirit form. In this spirit form, the user is able to communicate to living beings, as well as to appear in a ghost-like form. The user cannot use any powers they had, or physically interact with the world, but they are capable of all things the Iden allows, except possessing robots.

The time the user is able to spend in spirit form is roughly double the amount of time they wore the mask; when they surpass that point in spirit form, their spirit fades away and dies. The mask is not viewed as taboo/evil by Toa and other 'good' beings, and is primarily used by HoF on Warzone to have temporarily unkillable spies and generals. Suggested by Toa Nidhiki05.

Mask of Environmental Absorption

Automatically absorbs small amounts of energy from nearby plant life, which can increase strength as well as decrease hunger/fatigue. Although the mask does not absorb enough energy to actually kill plants, it is still controversial. Suggested by Toa Nidhiki05.

Kanohi Nhabamor, the Mask of Shockblasts

Similar to the Force Push and Force Repulse powers from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Allows the user to shoot powerful, extremely inaccurate, blasts kinetic energy that consume a small amount of energy. These blasts can be in one direction or as a all-direction pulse. Blasts can also be "charged" for a short amount of before they're released, making them more powerful. More destructive than the Crast, but cannot be steadily maintained. Suggested by TLhikan.

Kanohi Bianeri, the Mask of Technopathy


Allows communication with clockwork brains and crystal computing matrices. Can also be used to view video disks, or music/videos/files on a computer in your mind. Also allows you to give orders to a computer/Gadget without a keyboard/microphone/etc. It can be used to get through computer bugs, or quickly find files in a computer, however most of the same restrictions (e.g. passwords, video quality) apply as with standard computing.

Similar to Biomechanics but more specialized; it cannot control mechanical functions (unless a computer can be used to control them), but it is more powerful and easier to use than Biomechanics' technopathy ability. Commonly used on Enlightened by hackers, and on other planets by pilots/machine operators. Suggested by TLhikan. Image by bonesiii.

Kanohi Shrik, the Mask of Power Scream


Essentially the same as the Makuta/Kraata/Rahkshi power. Suggested by MechFizz.

Kanohi Ramos, the Mask of Puncturing


This mask allows the wearer to easily punch through tough materials with their body or a weapon. For example, a being that needed to quickly deactivate a metal-encased clockwork computer could cause a projectile to punch through the metal armor easily. However, the tougher the material the smaller the puncture will be - up to the point where a projectile can only go about an inch through the material until it is stopped.

Works by making objects able to hold their momentum longer as they hit objects by the power bending the target material away telekinetically. Suggested by Zarkan. Image by Taipu1.

Kanohi Mokra, the Mask of Amplification


Allows the wearer to amplify any sort of effect, whether it be a physical blow, mental assault, elemental attack, or some other phenomenon. However, the larger and longer the amplification, the more mental concentration it will take to keep it going. Maximum amplification is twice the original amount. Suggested by Zarkan, merged with a similar concept mask by bonesiii.

Kanohi Wodarus, the Mask of Weather Control

Works just like the masks of Rahi Control and Insect Control, in that it can only control preexisting weather phenomenon and not create new ones. Example of usage include: causing lightning strikes to center around a specific target, increasing the intensity of a blizzard, or making a tornado travel in a straight line. The size of the weather phenomenon is usually not an issue, but the largest storms require more concentration than smaller ones.

Used often in concert with the combo element of Storm, which can only make storms and not control them. Suggested by Zarkan.

Mask of Calculation




Allows the wearer to make complex mathematical calculations in moments. Suggested by Makuta of Xhini Nui. First image is the standard Great version, by MechaFizz, based on the second image; the original design by Taipu1. Third is a more feminine form by Click. Fourth is the Noble version by Click.

Mask of Symbiosis

Creates a link between two people. Allows them to share their powers. However, if one of them is injured or killed, the same thing will happen to the other. Suggested by Makuta of Xhini Nui.

Mask of Vulnerability

Basically the opposite of a Hau, just cast on another being. Considered immoral. Intensifies any weaknesses or vulnerabilities of someone. Suggested by Makuta of Xhini Nui.

Mask of Suffocation

Makes the victim unable to breathe, no matter what atmosphere they are in. Considered immoral. Suggested by Makuta of Xhini Nui.

Mask of Faux Death


Makes the user appear to be dead (not breathing, no heartlight, limp, etc.). Effects can last up to a day for Great, a few hours for Noble. However, if someone were to use the mask for a prolonged time, they can actually die. Suggested by Makuta of Xhini Nui. Image by MechaFizz.

Kanohi Zinak, the Mask of RageGives the user temporary super-strength and near invulnerability for ten to twenty seconds, but takes away the ability to think, and any damage taken is felt later. Suggested by Emile-A239.

Mask of Slowness

Projects a beam of energy that causes the target to move at a much slower rate, although their thought processes are unaffected. Suggested by lewathechickennugget.

Kanohi Cehau, the Mask of Mental Shielding


Protects the user from mental attacks, giving them the ability of a Ce-Matoran. Especially useful for fighting enemies like Makuta or Toa of psionics. Offers no protection from physical attacks. Suggested by Ohehlo. Image by Mechafizz, based on the original concept by Taipu1.

Kanohi Nizor, the Mask of Concentration

Allows a being to remain focused in dangerous situations, by reducing the toll emotional or physical stress has on the mind. This mask is always active as long as it is being worn, but it takes time for the affect to kick in. Thus, it won't be enough to overcome the affects of pure shock, although over a long period of time it can reduce the affects of that as well. Suggested by Zarkan.

Kanohi Vanor, the Mask of Morale

Allows the user to inspire hope in his comrades during even the most difficult of situations. This does not affect the physical or mental realms, but merely the emotional aspect of beings. Also, it can only be used effectively on beings the wearer knows well, as it works through personal knowledge of a being's fears, weaknesses, and other negative traits. Suggested by Zarkan.

Kanohi Olnoska, the Mask of Possible Futures

Allows the user to look several seconds into the future and see how variations of an action can have different affects. This is different from the mask of Alternate Futures, which shows futures based on possible actions of the past, as it shows what really could happen (as opposed to what could have happened). As with other powerful masks, this has a couple limits. The higher the user’s mental concentration, the more possible futures he/she can see. A novice would see only three or four, while a master could reach as many as fifty. Also requires a 15 minute period between uses, although that time is usually needed anyway to process what the user has seen. Suggest by Zarkan.

Kanohi Korruk, the Mask of Intimidation

Causes the wearer to seem much more powerful and fearsome than he/she actually is. The mask can always be active, but it takes some focus to maintain (not much.) Once someone suspects the use of the Korruk, its effect on them will be subconscious only, and they can fight it down. Suggested by Lewa‘01.

Mask of Entropy

Creates a chaotic situation from a seemingly inconsequential action, by causing a often unlikely chain reaction (for example, causing a person to slip, eventually leading to an all-out food fight). Of course, the user can't always specify what will happen; but he can be certain that there will be chaos in some way or another. It can also make machinery/weapons/assembled objects fall apart if they concentrate hard enough on it. Suggested by Kahi Govaki.

Mask of Perspective

Allows the wearer to move their senses of sight and hearing to anywhere within their sight range. Basically, you look at a point, use the mask, and you can see and hear from that point. You can still move, but unless you are "looking" at yourself, it would be hard to know where you're moving, plus it would still be difficult to coordinate your actions. Side effects include glazed over eyes and blindness and deafness with your actual eyes and ears while using the mask. Suggested by Justax-Kal.

Mask of Bioluminescence

When in use, secretes a chemical from the user's body that emits a dim glow that covers their entire body. Suggested by Makuta of Xhini Nui.

Mask of Disrepair

Causes machines and technology to cease working and fall apart. The user must concentrate on a single machine at a time, so the mask is practically useless against Agents. Suggested by Makuta of Xhini Nui.

Mask of Shockwaves

Whenever the user uses a physical attack, a series of pulses of the same kind of energy emit from where the attack landed. For example, if the wearer shoots a fireball, pulses of fire would emit in all directions. Suggested by Justax-Kal.

Kanohi Triniken, the Mask of Matter/Energy Conversion

Allows the user to change matter into a energy “ghost” that they have no control over (unless it is energy of their own element) and back. Most people call it the Mask of Object Ghosting. Suggested by Toa Nidhiki05.

Kanohi Skalan, the Mask of Phase-Alteration

Lets user make materials mimic a different phase, such as a solid acting like a liquid, and when they switch the power off, the object returns to normal. Using the mask on substances that do not normally exist in certain phases can have bizare affects, and often results in the matter's atoms simply scattering across the Multiverse. When this happens, the wearer suffers a severe mental backlash. Suggested by Zarkan.

Mask of Detonation:

Allows the user to turn any inorganic object into an explosive akin to a grenade. The magnitude of the resulting explosion would be roughly equivalent to the mass of the object used. The user must be in direct physical contact with said object to “charge” it. Once “charged,” the user has no control over the explosive nature of the object, so they cannot defuse it (unless they have some kind of separate power that can accomplish this). The user cannot set a time delay on the object. Once charged, the object will explode almost immediately (within a matter of seconds). So speaking strategically, you wouldn't want to use this in a confined/crowded space. Suggessted by Mechafizz

Mask of Smell

Amplifies the user's sense of smell, to the level that it would be comparable to a real world, well-trained police dog. Also increases their ability to identify smells.

Mask of Wallcrawling

Lets the user cling to solid surfaces with enough force to support his/her weight on a wall or ceiling. Similar to Spider-Man's power. While it does not actually change the way gravity is pulling them like Floortilting, it's easier to use. Also, it feels more like friction than the Mask of Adhesion would, and is easier to use for the purpose of climbing walls/ceilings. Suggested by Justax-Kal

Mask of Hibernation

Allows the user to go into a hibernation-like state where they heal and replenish energy much more quickly. Also sooths the mind, and can help with psychological trauma. Suggested by Tahu77

Mask of Vacuum Survival

Allows the user to breath in near or perfect vacuum, as well as survive the intense cold and lack of pressure.
Suggested by Tahu77

Mask of Absorption

Allows the user to absorb energy attacks thrown at the him/her and convert it into either elemental or physical energy. However if the user absorbs too much energy or too quickly, the user would be very physically hurt or damaged and have a mental backlash. The user must also be aware of the attack.
Suggested by Tahu77

Mask of Cord Light

Allows the user to create several bands of tangible light energy to be used like lassos or rope. Suggested by Tahu77

Mask of Trapping

Allows the user to create the perfect trap for an enemy like Avak's power. Limited to one trap at a time, (Noble only works on one enemy, Great on a few). The user has to retain mental concentration for the trap to hold. Suggested by Tahu77

Mask of Attraction

Allows the user to pull objects toward him (usually to his hands) by generating a inverted "shock wave", sort of like an inverted Crast. The user has no control of the object once it is in motion, and the object will travel a straight line to the user. The Great version automatically slows the object as it approaches, Noble just moves it slowly the whole way (and has shorter range). Suggested by Mr. Mayno.

The next six powers were suggested in part by Makuta of Xhini Nui, and in part by bonesiii:

Mask of Sublimation: Turns solids into gas.

Mask of Deposition: Turns gas into solid.

Mask of Melting: Turns solids into liquid.

Mask of Solidifying: Turns liquid into solid.

Mask of Vaporization: Turns liquid into gas.

Mask of Condensation: Turns gas into liquid.

Mask of Undetection

Prevents the user from being detected by any artificial means. This prevents the user from being able to be detected by an Elda, Arthron, Mask of Sonar or any other Kanohi, as well as by any mechanical object or use, such as Sonar or Radar. However, they are still perfectly detectable by smell/energy signature, sight, and thermal detection, provided they are not using a machine or Kanohi to do so.
The Great version can stay on for 30 minutes at a time; the Noble version for 5 minutes; both versions have a 30-second 'recharge' period afterwards. Suggested by Toa Nidhiki05.

Mask of Memory Blocking

The user can select memories in a target to hide from the target's mind, creating a psychological blockade around them. The effect can be undone by various means, especially by a Mask of Memory, and the target is usually capable of noticing the memory has been tampered with.

Mask of Dodging



Essentially the Rahkshi power; enables the user to easily dodge projectile attacks or similar attacks, as long as they are aware of the attack. Was originally created by bonesiii for his Paracosmos fanfics, but later rejected for those stories due to lack of time to feature it.

(1st image is Great version; 2nd is Noble.)

Mask of Interrogation

A featureless mask made of Element-resistant, darkened glass, which changes the user's color to the same dark-grayish color, and enables them to question someone in such a way as to elicit highly accurate answers with psychological methods. Suggested by tomdroidser.

Mask of Soundsight

When active, the user loses his/her sense of hearing, but gains the ability to observe sound in bursts of color. The color itself is quite bright; a rustle in the grass would be seen as an easily visible wave of light. As for the nature of the light, it would appear as something along the lines of a short-lived, miniature Aura Borealis. Suggested by Cyrix.

Mask of Wall Portals

Allows the user to create two portals (on solid surfaces). Entering one portal brings the user out the other, and vice-versa. The user can also bring objects and other beings through a portal. (If you can't tell, this is taken from the Valve game Portal and the weapon in said game) Suggested by Cyrix.

Mask of Pain Resistance

Greatly increases the user's threshold for pain. Does not actually make wounds less deadly, but it does allow the user to shrug off attacks that might otherwise leave him in horrible pain. The Great version allows resistance to both physical and mental pain; the Noble allows resistance against physical pain only. Suggested by Toa Nidhiki05.

Mask of Discomfort

Allows the user to induce uncomfortable feelings resembling nausea, sickness and/or vertigo in beings he/she touches. The mask does not actually induce sickness, but creates the illusion of nausea, sickness, or vertigo in beings the user is in physical contact with. The sensation ends almost immediately after the user breaks contact with the target. The Noble version gives a much weaker sensation in beings than the Great version. Considered immoral. Suggested by Toa Nidhiki05.

Mask of Mind Adaptation

Allows the user to temporarily think like another being, have their learned physical skills, and, in some cases, obtain their mental skills. When deactivated the user doesn’t recall anything that happened when the mask was active. Considered to be a semi-dangerous mask. Suggested by tomdroidser.

Mask of Wavelength Changing

This Kanohi allows the user to change the wavelength of nearby light. This can make visible light ultraviolet for an attack, deadly infared heat beams harmless visible light, etc. It is essentially useless if there is no available light, and does not change the intensity of the light. It can only lengthen/shorten the wavelengths. Suggested by Baron Von Nebula.

Mask of Scrying


As long as a being wearing this mask could recognize a place, thing, or person, they can "see" that thing in their mind, in its current state, and a blurry image of its current surroundings, enough that if they know the place they will recognize it. Useful for finding things. Suggested and drawn by Click.

Mask of Sense Throwing

Allows a being to project an external eye, ear, nose, mouth, or finger, which is visible to only users of the Elda or Rode. Usually used for spying. Suggested by Click.

Mask of Strength Distribution

Reroutes unused muscle power to help in the places with most strain, like for example, transfers strength to legs for running, or arms for melee combat.

Suggested by Click.

Mask of Slingshielding

Causes projectiles thrown at user to orbit around them and can be released all at once at will. Suggested by Click.

Mask of Solar Charge

Allows the user to replenish their energy from solar or other strong light (in the EM this includes Cargo Star light). Suggested by Click.

Mask of Electric Charge


Allows the user to replenish their energy from electric sources, channeling electricity into them and transforming it safely. Suggested and drawn by Click.

Mask of Stress Detection


Allows user to locate points of the greatest stress, similar to Bridge Builder games. Suggested and drawn by Click.

Mask of Transcription

Not very useful for combat, but invaluable of secretaries, spies, and the like; The user can turn "on" the mask, which will telekinetically carve whatever the user thinks "loudly" onto a tablet in the user's hands. The Great version allows the user to transcribe anything that he hears without having to think about it. Suggested by TLhikan.

Mask of Friction

Allows the user to increase the friction between two surfaces. This Kanohi cannot decrease the friction below the natural levels present. Suggested by TLhikan.

Mask of Air Resistance

Allows the user to decrease or increase the level that air restricts their movement. The Great version allows the user to do this without restricting their own breathing, meaning that the wearer can move as if in total vacuum or hold himself in solid air while breathing normally. Suggested by TLhikan.

Mask of Technoform

Turns wearer to computer data that can move between the Aethion Multiverse and its Cyberverse counterpart. Can be used near information terminals, machines, or robots. If possessing robot, then wearer can override robot's AI, if any, and take over. Wearer is prone to Cyberverse viruses and data manipulation when mask is active. Suggested by tomdroidser.

Mask of Mentalform

Turns wearer into pure mental energy. Wearer needs physical contact with target unless wearer has a psionic connection with target. Mentalform is prone to target's thoughts, ideas, dreams, etc. Mentalform can cloak or reveal their occupation of targets mind. Suggested by tomdroidser.

Mask of Elasticity



Allows user's body to become fully flexible and stretchable, especially to stretch out their limbs, as if made of rubber. Distinct from the Mask of Ductility, which does not allow significant stretching but can affect targets as well as the user. Suggested by Zyke the destroyer and MechaFizz. Images by MechaFizz.

Kanohi Kualet - Mask of Gifted Travel



The user of the mask is able to teleport a living target in their field of vision to the targets chosen destination. If the target is unwilling to teleport, the mask will do nothing. The further away the chosen destination, the less precise the power is. Teleportation cannot penetrate the bluespace ceiling.

If the target is just being teleported from one side of a wall to another, that's pretty simple and will be done precisely. If the target is being teleported from BZ-Koro to Wiki-Nui, they couldn't be anymore accurate than a kio as to where they end up, and these longer distances are therefore inadvisable. Mask and Images by Taipu1. First is Great, second is Noble.

Mask of Wings

Allows user to grow wings. Gaining wings also slightly increases strength. Wings vary from person to person. Can be used for offensive and defensive purposes. Wings are made with enough metal to be used as an effective shield, but organic enough to feel slight pain. A pure mechanical being will gain full metal wings, and the same concept applies to a pure organic being. Submitted by tomdroidser.

Mask of Creativity

Allows the user to improvise materials for a object from local surroundings. Materials are sensed by a form of extra-sensory perception. Once gathered, the mask basically takes over the user's body for a moment to create a crude but effective version of imagined object. Can't be used to create powerful objects, living beings, or perfect copies of a pre-existing perfected object. Basically a watered down version of the Mask of Creation minus conjuring materials. Suggested by tomdroidser.

Mask of Shared Life

Allows the user to give half their life force to one or more dead beings. All of the beings will only have half (or another fraction depending on the number of beings used) of the life force they normally would. They would both have the natural powers and the personality of the being that used the mask. If one of the beings is killed while this mask is in use, the user's entire life force and spirit will automatically go to whichever one is still alive, or equally divided between all of them that are still alive. Because both beings have the same personality, a self important being who uses this mask may be killed by one of his secondary bodies. Using this mask to split your life force more than five times would knock out all of the beings (thus six total bodies at once, including your own, is the maximum). Limited to recently dead beings, thus not too decayed to carry the user's identity. This mask is considered immoral. Suggested by Toa_Zorak.
Mask of Elemental Access

Allows the user to access more of their pre-existing elemental energy reserves than they normally are able to, as well as have greater and more precise control over pre-existing elemental samples. The mask does not grant the user special abilities that the user does not already possess, and does not increase the user's elemental energy reserves or the recharge period if they run out of elemental energy.

The Great version of the mask allows the user to create and control their element with the approximate power of a Toa Nuva, and the Noble version allows the user to create and control their element with the approximate power of a standard Toa. The mask is always on at a low level. Suggested by Toa Nidhiki05.

Mask of Split Duplication

This mask allows the user to manipulate reality in order to split their physical form into several copies - essentially the opposite of a Mask of Fusion in effect. The split beings can maintain a limited hive-mind, and require no focus to remain split. However, if one being loses their mask, they will be unable to re-join with their original form unless the mask is replaced within a short time.

Each split duplicate has a fraction of the Elemental Energy, willpower, and physical stamina that the user had when they split - this amount decreases when more duplicates are created. If within a small area (approximately two Bio), any two split beings can re-form at any time, however, only duplicates within the radius of the merging will actually merge. However, any duplicates killed will be permanently unable to re-form, leaving the user crippled, and the mental backlash may have permanent effects. The Noble form of this mask only allows three split forms to be created at once, whereas the Great form allows six. Suggested by Meta-Mind.

Kanohi Robus, Mask of Resistance

By using this mask, the user has the ability to make any targeted object tougher and better-reinforced. This can be used on a being's armor, though it will have a hampering effect on movement. The radius for this mask's effect varies with type: the Noble form can reach objects approximately two and a half Bio away, whereas the Great version can reach and affect objects up to five Bio away. This can also prevent objects from rusting, corroding, or (within a limit) melting. The Noble version, however, cannot actively stop objects from melting, decaying, or vaporizing.

The effects of the mask will cease when the user stops focusing on the target, though the target will still have a very slight increase to durability after the mask's effect wears off. This mask is less effective on naturally tougher substances, such as Protosteel. Suggested by Meta-Mind.

Kanohi Nahtalai, Mask of Shared Pain

This mask allows a user to evenly distribute the sense of pain between themselves and up to five other beings they are touching. If the sense of pain is too severe, however, the user may be killed by using this mask on a being with a higher threshold for pain such as a Mask of Pain Resistance user, or multiple targets. Can also work for "mental pain," such as depression. Suggested by Click.

Mask of Moral Separation

Allows the wearer to separate into a Light being and a Shadow being. Each being will have access to the original's elemental power and skill, basic appearance, and have an almost untraceable mental connection. Common versions of the mask gives a maximum time limit of one week. Common differences are:

Light half: access to Light powers, wears a defensive Kanohi, armor suited for defensive combat, and produces brighter Elemental power.

Shadow half: access to Shadow powers, wears an offensive Kanohi, armor suited for heavy or berserker combat, and produces darker Elemental power.

Suggested by tomdroidser.
Kanohi Kenalgi, Mask of Mass Reduction




This mask allows a being to either borrow mass from their surroundings or store excess mass in a personal pocket dimension, raising or lowering mass and weight respectively, while also decreasing the mental strain such as a user of a Miru or Garai (if it worked on the user), being a one-time use mask. A user can then increase or decrease their mass to a factor of 10, or to the point they would either become intangible or collapse into a black hole. Is often paired (using an Inakko) with masks such as the Matatu, allowing much more Shapeshifting capabilities, the Pehkui or Mask of Growth, allowing for a user to change mass with proportion to size, but can also be used to alter density to float or sink in liquids or to counter gravitational energy.

First picture is Great version, second is an Inakko combination with a Matatu, and third is the Noble, allowing a mass change by a factor of 2.
Suggested by Click.
Mask of Correction

This mask allows a user to instantaneously correct small errors in things such as programming, writing, or machinery if they can understand the error and how it should be fixed at a period of 30 seconds after the error was originally made. Suggested by Click.
Mask of Learning

Enables a user to near instantaneously "download" all information contained in a written work to any extent, however, if the there is too much information to be comprehended by the user, they risk insanity and/or death. If the user is aware of their limits, they can mentally shut the process down, but this usually requires much mental discipline. Great allows minor mind reading powers with contact and a simplified shutting down process, while Noble can be hard to control, but has a slower "download" speed, around ten times the Great version's. Suggested by Click.
Mask of Voidheart

Creates a small aura around the user that saps environmental energy, usually in the form of heat, static electricity, and light. The user will regenerate Elemental Energy and stamina at a slightly faster rate than their usual whenever the mask is active. Skilled users of this mask can intensify the aura to physically harmful levels, freezing opponents solid and deactivating most electronics with a touch. More talented users can also drain a type of energy through any substance capable of channeling it. (In the rare case that there is a Matoran or Toa with this power, they are referred to as "Toa/Matoran of the Void".) Suggested by Meta-Mind.
Note: It does not sap much energy from plants, as that is unique to the Mask of Environmental Absorption.
Mask of Sealing

Allows user to create encasing stone to seal doors and trap objects/beings inside an object, usually a stone tablet/figurine. Only a Mask of Sealing can undo the effects caused by a Mask of Sealing. Considered immoral. Suggested by Tomdroidser.
Mask of Constructs

Allows user to create any object they understand the workings of out of solid energy. The simpler the object and the smaller the mass, the easier it is to create and maintain. It is possible to create more than one object, but requires more concentration. Only limits are the wearer's knowledge, willpower and, in some cases, physical endurance from energy exertion. Suggested by Astris Janus.

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)


In addition to all the canon sapient species, there are several new species in Aethion:

Nurops -- NOO-rahps

Eyebrain species. Shaped like metal versions of Koosh balls (521 thin arms) with a single large biological eye. Extremely talented at making predictions and calculations based on what they see. Rare. Color: Metallics only, but eyes come in any color. Have no elemental association. Known Nurops include Kuusha, a female taxi driver on Promathus, and Ekinodus, an eccentric inventor on Alarist and Kuusha's uncle.

Dendrokan -- DEHN-droh-kahn
Tall and lanky species, tend to be pastel colors. Wear helmets. Weight of an Agori but height of a Glatorian. Lightbulb-shaped heads. Excellent climbers. Fairly common. They have rough elemental associations, with some modifications. They usually live high in trees, steep hilltops, cliff-face caves, or other locations that require climbing to reach; this is their natural defense against predatory Rahi or thieves, etc. Known Dendrokan include Akapaavuk, a lavender slave in the northwest Tyrant territory.

Colors, assocations, and physical/mental specialties:

Mint (Wind association, understand wind well)

Pale Blue (Water, female, good swimmers, slightly webbed feet and hands)

Pink (Heat, female, less vulnerable to temperature elevation changes)

Cream Orange (Earth, longer, strong fingers and toe grip earthen walls and hillsides well, less risk of creating avalanchesl)

Cyan (Cold, understand ice and snow well, rarely fall when climbing it)

Yellow (Light, eyes shine brighter, work like flashlights)

Lavender (Shadow, see subtle tone changes, for example can see footholds in rock walls well)

Light Gray (Rock, understand rock well, rarely try to grip loose chunks when climbing)

Tan (Sand, wide feet with long toes, grip sand well, climb steep dunes easily)

Tortugon -- tohr-TOO-gahn

Bipedal turtle titans. They are fairly slow walkers, but by tradition usually wield tools or something else to give them powers to compensate. Come in a wide variety of colors. They can totally retreat within their shells, which are very strong. Have no innate powers. Known Tortugon include Teknos, the jovial CEO of Phantoka Motors on Promathus.

Troak -- TROH-ahk

Bulky, Toa-height beings with spiky decorations on the shoulders and legs, all have minor elemental powers, but ones with big OOMPH, like Cyclone. Wear and use masks. Troak come in all main canon and EM elements. They're most common on Izumal but live in various places. Known Troak include the Cyclone-weilding Izumal Agent nicknamed Brute.


Le: Cyclone -- summon and control tornados
Ga: Cloudburst -- make clouds turn into deluges
Ta: Fire rain -- make the sky rain fire bolts
Ko: Hailstorm -- summon & control ice from sky
Po: Sandstone -- control sand & cement it
Onu: Earthwaves -- make sea-style waves in soil
Av: Aurora -- obscure a place with wavy lights
Kra: Eclipse -- fill an area with darkness
Fe: Corrosion -- rust proto-iron, etc.
De: Subthunder -- rattle an area with subsonic booms
Ba: Crushslow -- intense gravity, slows time down slightly except for user
Io: Sunflare -- create microstars that shoot solar flares
Neh: Wildpoles -- scramble compasses and slightly move metals
Vi: Forestsurge -- summon a new forest to rapidly grow
Et: Strikezone -- summon rapid lightning striking same area
Ce: Nightmare -- telepathic wave of chaotic imagery & telekinesis
Vo: Sandstorm -- summon a sandstorm
Kru: Spikecoat -- grow crystal layer on everything in an area
Hy: Sizzlemarsh -- make land filled with puddles of acid
Ig: Volcano -- summon a small volcanic eruption from underground
Nu: Chaos -- speed things up randomly in an areaFos: Poisoncloud -- sulfuric vapor cloud, can stun and corrode
Au: Pyrite -- make clumpy gold crystals grow all over an area
Ag: Psiocage -- silver mind-resonant lattice webs or cages that disrupt powers
Gi: Lakewalker -- give water mercury properties, user can walk on it
Spo: Sporebomb -- giant mushrooms grow and explode into clouds of spores, which grow to normal 'shrooms
Res: Quagmire -- turn part of the ground into a large pit of tar
Ka: Ghostdream -- force an out-of-body experience onto a target; body sleeps for a while
Cha: Plague -- release a highly contagious stunning virus, ceases to function after several generations; about a day
Em: Anomalysense -- the only passive power; user senses Olmak Effect

Draco sapiens

A centaur-like species with four legs and two arms, as well as two small wings. All have a slight levitation power, that requires most of their concentration to use. Each elemental type has a slight amount of elemental control, which they can channel through Toa-tool-style weapons.

Different elements have different size wings and legs, although there can be variety within each element too. Ta-Draco sapiens (or Ta-Dracos for short) have small wings and powerful legs, as do most elemental types. They cannot fly, but their wings can flap open as a fright-defense by instinct. To an extent, these small wings can also help most Draco types run faster.

Le-Dracos have large wings and small legs, so they can fly easily. Ba-Dracos are similar; their wings are smaller so they have trouble staying aloft by wings alone, but their levitation power is also much easier to use, so they can hover up, then use their wings to move forward, or glide short distances. Psionics Dracos have only medium wings useful for faster running or very short gliding, but they can levitate other objects along with themselves, and levitating themselves alone is fairly easy. Kinetics Dracos also have big wings similar to Le-Dracos, and can fly very fast.

There is a Barrawahi Clan made up mostly of Dracos, called the Draconic Clan. Known Dracos include the Draconic Clan leader, a standoffish Psionics flier named Khlamados, and the Ta-Draco Champion of the same clan, Galafractus.


A brawny mole-like species that associates with the “foundational elements” (Stone, Earth, Iron, etc.). They have very strong senses of smell. It is a myth among non-Teralpids that their vision is bad. Their vision is really more like an extreme version of Onu-Matoran vision; they see well in extreme darkness, but very poorly in full daylight. They can also "eat" soil, rock, and clay, absorbing nutrients from them. All have tusks and claws of various sizes and styles.

The known elements of Teralpids are Stone, Earth, Ice (very rare, have slightly better day-vision and live deep underneath the ice layers on Ko-Clysmax, far from the influence of the Ice King), Iron, Plant Life (rare, live among root-entwined caves, on Atohune especially), Sand, Crystal (somewhat rare), Lava (rare, can't actually live in lava itself), Sulfur, and Silver. There are also rumored Gold Teralpids that are supposedly very rich, rich enough to build deep cave fortresses that they can keep secret, but if so, they don't associate with outsiders.

An example of a Teralpid is Vonuk, a miner on Onu-Clysmax. Vonuk is a good reference for average shape and size, but with tusks of the smaller variety. Teralpid feet may or may not have claws. Colors pretty much vary with their elements like most other beings. Average height ranges from around 6-8 feet tall – so they can stand from just shorter to just taller than the average Toa. Brawny does not necessarily mean bulky, depending on the individual. Females tend to be leaner and somewhat shorter, with smaller tusks.
On Barrawahi, many Teralpids practice the consumption of their fallen enemies’ weapons, believing they will gain some of their adversaries’ strength. Even those that don’t believe in this myth will engage in this practice as a symbolic show of strength.


A rare species that's almost never seen, known for their ability to move incredibly fast -- even faster than a Toa wearing a Kakama -- but also being physically very weak. Levoctus are almost totally mechanical, except for vital organs.

Apparently each Levoctus has its own unique minor power in addition to being able to move fast. Not much else is known about them, because they are so rare. An example of one is Atrumnis, a white and blacn mercenary on Barrawahi; he has never been seen using his minor power so it's unknown at this time.


In an alternate universe, Agori eventually used Matoran powers to upgrade themselves; giving them the ability to shoot light bursts from their hands and feet, activate a hidden light power when connected to another such Agori, and have a uniquely shielded mind. This enabled them to survive the return of the Dreaming Plague beast, which devastated the rest of the sapient life of Spherus-Magna. These Avagori eventually replaced their ancestors, though the reproduced in much the same way. To prevent them from making the mistakes of the past, these Avagori are outfitted with three artificial instincts, or laws.

1. They must protect their nation and Spherus-Magna life at all costs.
2. They must protect all life, but not if this breaks the first law.
3. They can not harm a fellow Avagori, unless this would break the first and second laws.

This race was copied into the Expanded Multiverse, and mostly ended up on Shattered. There they serve in the military and defense of the non ice affiliated shards, protecting life as best they can. They tend to be very intelligent, though have trouble being creative. This helps them improve old technology, but keeps them from developing unique solutions. They are pretty good at thinking on their feet though. They tend to have a distrust of beings with mental powers, based on what they hear of their home reality. Avagori also have jet packs built into their backs, allowing them to fly. They also have retractable claws, a remnant of the Jungle Agori genetics in their bodies. Avagori also have thick legs, and heart lights. Despite their organic features, some call them robo-Agori because of their three laws.


A large hulking race of rock like beings with one red eye. They are found typically in Industrial, at least the ones that last long. Bom-Kra require a toxic chemical to survive, which must be constantly pumped into their bodies. Otherwise their insides would dry up, reducing them to statues. In return for this liquid, Bom-Kra act as either security guards or heavy lifters. Their massive stone bodies allow them to carry large objects with ease. If they have enough of the chemical, an individual is predicted to be able to live for one millions years. With their extremely long lifespan they have adapted into very slow minded. They take ages to make new ideas, or to make discoveries, as they have ages to do so. The chemical they need is a common pollutant of Industrial, allowing a large population.
They are considered to be inferior to most beings, as they have trouble adapting to abrupt change.

Power Mutants

Sometimes a Matoran, Toa, or similar being comes into being with a Power association instead of an Element association. This is very rare, and they tend to have just few common powers, though exceptions do exist. Prefixes have been established for the most common ones. Elementally-associated beings can also switch their associations to these by use of Power Keys.

Sta-Matoran, or Rebuff

These strange, exclusive beings are usually colored White and Red, and can be either gender. Instead of having an elemental power, their abilities are with bodies. Matoran have a kind of natural, yet weakened version of the Mask of Healing, while close contact with Toa can increase beings natural Endurance, Strength, Speed, and Mental stimulus, depending on what the Toa decide to use. They can also focus a single trait over long distances to a single being. A Nova Blast would actually have a positive effect, releasing all of these effects to a large area. Due to their nature, these beings are highly sought after as warrior's and leader's assistants, especially on Warzone. On Tribal, they are revered as leaders with godlike powers.

Te-Matoran, or Electronics

The typical color scheme of a being of electronics is varying shades of blue, including translucents, with silver armor, and can be either male or female. The Matoran are usually extremely technically gifted, being able to create any existing invention from a single look, as well as operate it. The Toa can control electronics at a distance. As a Nova Blast, they would release an effect similar to an Earth EMP device.


Associated with the power of Shielding, typically colored Gold and Red, always male unless a Power Key is used to become this. Hau-Matoran's armor is able to become much stronger if they know an attack is coming. Hau-Toa have a power similar to Tahu's Hau Nuva; they can project shields over any target in range, and depending on the energy used they can increase the resistance even to unexpected attacks. A Nova Blast would charge up an incredibly strong and/or huge shield that would be virtually impenetrable regardless of surprise attacks or not, around a target such as a building or even a city; anyone inside can strengthen it further against expected attacks by keeping their eyes looking through it in the direction an attack is coming from.

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)


[content to be added later]


Kings and Dukes of Tyrant planet:

King Taa (TAH-ah)Totem: Industrial

 The King of Tyrant. and ruler of Blackstone City. He is of the same species as all Tyrants, but heavily modified in secret ways. Never allows anyone to see him or know what he looks like, or what powers he may have. He loves flying "Deathwing" aircraft bombers and attacking escaped slave communities or even slave quarters of his own inhabitants.

Duke Choruul (Choh-ROO-uhl)Totem: Warzone

Ruler of Lavaport Town. A fairly normal Tyrant, engages in commerce with Warzone clan Red Skull often.
Duke Kle (KLEH)Totem: Tribal

Ruler of Thornfence Town. A somewhat strange Tyrant, he enjoys feasting on the most exotic, hot-to-the-point-of-pain Tribal spices and food, and hunting Rahi for sport and for food, rather than flying his Deathwing, but occasionally flies it when he's bored.

Duke Mboko (mm-BOH-koh)Totem: Shattered

Ruler of White Ridge Town. He is a cold, impassive, efficient ruler that does not so much engage in personal enjoyment, but does what he believes is most efficient towards the goal of preserving Tyrant rule on the planet and in his own town and region. Thus, he keeps a watchful eye on the water collecting and other slave industries, punishing mercilessly the slightest subversive act, sometimes even going beyond the normal bounds of Tyrant law and punishing those merely suspected. He also flies his Deathwing, not so much for fun, but to attack suspected tactical targets of suspected refugee boat communities or land camps, and also in the towns to help remind everybody who's the boss.

Duke Mokuun (Moh-KOO-uhn )Totem:Central

Ruler of Northtown. Slaves consider this insane Duke the worst master, but also the best chance of escape as he does a lousy job of guarding his totem. It is said he was driven insane because he was the Duke stuck with such a valuable object as an Olmak Totem, yet one that has nothing but worthless good guys on the other end of it. Many slaves have escaped this way, but at random times he beefs up the security on a whim, so this is definitely not guaranteed.

At other random times he sends all his guards out to randomly whip slaves, just for fun or for paranoid emphasis. His slaves are usually whipped just for walking or working slowly, so this town is one of the most productive in terms of product manufacturing. He also believes that King Taa wants him dead, which has contributed to his paranoid insanity -- and ironically if slaves start escaping more than they do or if the town becomes less productive due to his insanity, Taa just might off him.

Duke Tor'turahk (TOR-too-RAHK)Totem: Enlightened (Allegedly never used)

Ruler of Scorched Bone Colony, the largest penal colony. The cruelest Duke, he personally tortures the "slave criminals" in psychological, indirect, and direct physical ways. He is often walking around with a whip more than the actual overseers. Tor'turahk claims the Totem to Enlightened is never used, but popular slave tradition holds that Tor'turahk is secretly planning a coup with Enlightened help. This is unlikely, but then Enlightened's motives and goals are unknown; it's possible.

Lesser Tyrants:

Steward of Mokuun

Highest ranking Tyrant in Northtown besides the Duke himself, although the Lords of other towns in Mokuun's territory are technically higher ranking. Personal servant to Mokuun, in charge of carrying out and delegating Mokuun's orders -- no small task considering his orders are often contradictory and nonsensical.

Lady Sulmiris

Leader of a small town in Duke Mokuun's northwest territory. Very ambitious, clever, deceptively pleasant personality. Loves hunting dangerous Rahi, capturing and taming some of them. Willing to do anything to gain greater respect among other Tyrants. Rumor has it she hopes to become Duchess Sulmiris, unseating the insane Duke Mokuun, but if so, she never speaks of it in the hearing of other Tyrants.


Ice Fragment:
First King Iuksho
He is dead now, but when he was alive he looked like a Toa of Ice with white and ice-blue armour like Matoro Inika. Mysteriously, he had powers very similar to ice elementals like becoming ice and snow. Was imperial, fearsome, but willing to have peace as long as all other regions/Fragments served Ice.

Second King
Current King of Ice Fragment. [Name and appearance are not yet established.] He is more violent and evil than his predecessor.

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)





Known Tribes:


Tribe Echostone -- Turaga Xata


M'konglii's tribe, territory bordered by mysterious head statues that echo sounds. Fertile farmland, along a stream that is a tributary of a major river in the northwest of the continent. Xata and M'konglii keep many secrets, including M'konglii's method of making his farm crops grow quickly. Xata often sends M'konglii on mysterious missions, using coded phrases to communicate about their secrets. They both also know that the Totems are not Spirits, unlike the vast majority of other Tribal inhabitants.


Xata owns many Orbs from M'konglii's offworld trades, and even owns a Gadget, though he usually keeps it hidden far from camp. The tribe was formed about 300 years ago; previously the Echostones had been believed to guard a cursed land none set foot in, but no evidence of such a curse has ever struck the brave Matoran, Agori, and others who dared to join Xata's new tribe.


The tribe is on the western side of the stream. The land immediately across the stream is still uninhabited. To the west stands a supertree easily visible from Echostone's territory, but outside it.


Twinfall Canyon


A poor tribe neighboring Tribe Echostone to the southeast, who live among the rocks at the base of a double waterfall in a huge canyon. There is a felled Supertree that acts as a massive natural bridge over the chasm, and the approach to the tribe requires a rite of passage of dropping an item off this bridge... and then jumping off yourself. A giant feathered bird is trained to catch both you and your item, and deliver you to the rocks. They are friendly with Echostone and many surrounding tribes. Their greatest asset is their Gadget, which they allow visitors to use. Xata often comes to socialize and use their Gadget, despite having his own Gadget.


Because two sizeable streams coming from the east and southeast merge to form a west-headed river that reaches the western coast, and because this is so close to Echostone's north-heading stream that joins up to the north-heading river, the general area of Twinfall Canyon is a major hub of travel on the western side of Atohune's continent. There are also well-worn dirt paths to Twinfall's bridge and between these waterways for this reason.


Deep Lake Spears


A tribe at a crucial juncture of the northern river and its tributaries, including the stream that Echostone lies along, which has a reputation of being warlike due to their name and some famous past incidents. But in truth they are peaceful spear-fishers who have not engaged in any serious disputes in a hundred years. Xata uses their name in one of his and M'konglii's most important code phrases, of unknown meaning.




A far northern tribe along the river that Echostone's stream feeds into, specializing in the farming of the popular sparkspice, which M'konglii often traids grain for. Sparkspice is made from the crushed husks of the fruit of the Spark Fern, whose rock-hard lumpy wooden bases actually produces sparks when struck with metal. This trait has caused some jungle fires in the past when machetes are used to try to hack through ground foliage in the area. As such, Firefern now fences off their sparkspice crops and weeds all of it out that they find elsewhere in their territory, and they have wooden version of fire trucks on hand in case of emergency.


Firefern also uses the spice to create a powder used in projectiles. When it makes contact with the eyes, it stings and makes it hard to see. They tend to be warlike to anybody who does not trade regularly with them nearby. They are the major holdup on any canoe trip downriver towards the ocean; do not attempt to pass without something to trade, preferably wheat, the main staple of Atohune tribes. As long as you do have tribute goods, they trade fairly, however.


Cloud Leaf


A tribe that lives in the branches of the supertree to Echostone's west. They tend to be interested in trade but have strict expectations and are easily offended. They guard their territory effectively with arrow and catapulted or thrown rocks, launched from the tree's branches high above their land, but are less effective in border wars where they don't have that advantage. They have warred against Echostone over cultural disputes but have no desire for Echostone's supposedly cursed land, and Echostone does not try to capture land beyond the border statues.


Rapid Spirits -- Turaga Zereldar


A friendly tribe just north (downstream) of Tribe Echostone. Have had border disputes and other issues with Cloud Leaf. They are so-named because most of the stream is rapids in their territory, except for one calm part where the stream is usually forded. They believe that the river is controlled by dangerous spirits. Their territory is equally placed on both sides of the stream, but their village is on the west, the same side that Echostone's territory is on and closer to Cloud Leaf so they can defend against any incursions from that "high-and-mighty" tribe.


Turaga Zereldar is female and of the Silver element. She is good friends with Turaga Xata. Usually she is adorned with decorative objects of powered protodermis, encased in silver, and she also wears a layer of silver armor over her normal armor. This allows her to channel several powers from the objects, through her armor, and out her hands, making her formidable at defense despite being an elder.


The region of Tribe Echostone, Rapid Spirits, Twinfall Canyon, and Cloud Leaf was once believed to be under a curse, especially the territory within the circle of the Echostone statues themselves. For a long time, only Cloud Leaf lived in the area. Turaga Xata chose the circle of Echostones for his tribe, spurning the myth of the curse, and later Rapid Spirits and Twinfall Canyon moved in. To this day, the surrounding areas are mostly unclaimed, unlike most other populated areas of the continent where all land is in somebody's territory. To this day, no evidence of such a curse has arisen.





Industrial Companies:


These four companies are the major companies of Industrial, and each has 1 Olmak Totem.


Experimental Industries

Specialties: Bluespace-tapping technology, Cargo Stars, Element Keys, Blue Grime.


They go for strange but very useful tech primarily, and when such ideas work, they manufacture the results. They also contract experimental projects for the other companies.


Original Slogan: "We ARE Industrial." In recent years they have released a series of perhaps-ill-advised slogans such as "We ARE Perfection," and "We ARE Awesome," which were followed by ad campaigns from competing companies such as "They ARE overrated."


Totem: Tyrant


CEO: Xalako (ZAHL-ah-koh )


It's believed he was once a male Vortixx, but has undergone so many transformations and been involved in so many experimental accidents, he is no longer recognizable as a particular species. He resembles the official Karzahni's patched-together mask; different parts of his body look radically different. In general he is bulky, with his right eye being a huge blue crystal sphere, five arms on his left side, one massive arm on his right, with short, thick legs and big bootlike feet, and wears a black cape. Colors are mainly black and small amounts of other dark colors like navy, forest green, brown, and dark red. His name is inspired by the Arabic word for mix.


Weapons Science

Specialty: Xian-style weapons. They are ahead of the other two companies in getting the results of contracted experiments with Experimental Industries, due to their being owned by them.


Slogan: "Boom. Maskshot."


Totem: Warzone


CEO: Zayna (ZAY-nuh)


A female Vortixx, colored brown and gunmetal. She spends half her waking time inventing new weapons and reviewing proposals from other inventors, and the other half testing them in special testing zones in the WS HQ. Her name is the Aramaic word for weapon.


Phantoka Motors


Specialties: Spacecraft (especially robotic) and Hovercraft mainly; also Boats, Walkcraft, Wheelcraft, etc.


Original slogan: "The spirits of travel." They have had many slogans since, such as "Point A --> Phantoka Motors--> Point B", "Who needs Gukko?", "We eat Gukko for breakfast", "Save the Gukko!", "WHOOOOOOOSH!","Space Travel for the Common Matoran", and "A bazillion Ussalpower". The spacecraft company Lake Aerospace from Shattered has run a competing ad campaign, "Remember the Pokawi? Avoid Phantoka Motors", after an infamous spacecraft called the Pokawi failed every flight attempt.


Totem: Shattered


CEO: Teknos (TEHK-nohs)


A member of a Multiverse titan species that resembles a bipedal turtle (as in mutant ninja), called Tortugons. He is normally slow when walking, but his shell is modified with PM hovering and jet technology, enabling him to fly fast. Has a strong sense of humor. His name is Hungarian for turtle.


Miscellaneous Enterprises


Specialties: Various machinery, appliances, tools, etc, especially Gadgets.


Slogan: "We make what they don't."


Totem: Central


CEO: Okotenga (OH-koh-TEHNG-guh)


A professional Onu-Matoran inventor whose Kanohi is shaped like a mask of Conjuring. Hobby is to collect various obscure trinkets, plant and animal specimens, and artifacts from all the planets to display in the HQ. His name is totally random.


Industrial Unions:These two unions are the main unions of Industrial, and each has 1 Olmak Totem.

The GuildSome nickname it "the G." Their tactics tend to be more rough and border on revolutionary.


Totem: Enlightened (brings zero business).


Union Boss: Makuta Anaana (ah-NAH-ah-nuh)A female Makuta with white armor who claims to be a Makuta of Light. The Guild's HQ is guarded by Rahkshi. Her name is the Maori word for bright or polish.


United Promathus WorkersUsually called by its acronym, the UPW. Their tactics tend to be more contract-legality-based.


Totem: Tribal (brings a moderate amount of business).


Union Boss: Ikyuma (ihk-YOO-muh) A stoic Toa of Iron "superlawyer" who wears a mask of Sensory Aptitude. His name and variations of it mean Iron in various languages.


Barrawahi Clans


Barrawahi has no central government; instead, it is ruled by Clans. Clans usually have a single leader, who is overthrown or changed by whatever the Clan deems as honorable. There are 6 major clans, which each own an Olmak Totem. There are also around 300 minor clans, who generally ally with a major clan, and are generally unstable. Allegiance swapping between clans is not seen as dishonorable most of the time, unless it involves switching to or out of Hand of Faith.


Red Skull


Olmak Totem: Tyrant


Status: Evil


Red Skull is very cruel in their tactics, and they believe in a version of Clan Honor in which overthrowing of leaders within the clan is perfectly acceptable and even encouraged, but it must happen only at tactically convenient times in formal fight-to-the-death gladiator fights.


The clan as a whole decides by voice vote when those times are, which is usually mostly an honest decision for honor reasons, but an extremely unpopular challenger may never get voted the right to challenge. Anyone who assassinates a leader is condemned to death by the entire clan, and whether the assassin is caught or not, a gladiator fight determines the replacement.


Red Skull frequently uses their Totem to trade with Lavaport Town.


Hand of FaithOlmak Totem: Central


Status: Good


Hand of Faith is the only good major clan; they believe in the virtues of Unity, Duty, and Destiny. Their version of Clan Honor requires each member to selflessly do whatever is best for every other Clan individual. Leaders are changed by popular vote at any time, and are not killed unless they betray the code of honor by trying to hold onto power.


Shadow Honor


Olmak Totem: Enlightened


Status: Evil


Shadow Honor's version of Clan Honor is very simple. Fight for the tribe, and the worst, most powerful warrior, who fights his way to the top and fights to stay there at any time, is leader. This can be a disadvantage at strategic times, but the sheer ferocity of the warriors makes up for it.


They are often thought of even by the other evil tribes as the most evil, if only because they are so hard to beat in battle. They tend to be less cruel than Red Skull, however, and prefer to go for the fastest kill.Their philosophy of Honor is called the Shadow Heart; anybody who is purely devoted to the shadow inside them is seen by other Shadow Heart devotees as essentially a good guy.


This loyalty can give them an almost ethical attitude that can see past failures and value principles such as persistence and learning from mistakes, even forgiveness, as long as the people in question are either devoted to the Shadow Heart or are allied with the Clan. In Cipher Chronicles Episode #4: Sticks and Stones, Shadow Honor allied with the good Team Cipher for the Olmak Merging Plan, and the characters learned that the philosophy even allowed a regional leader to establish a local peace treaty with Rockfoot.


From this perspective, the simple perception outsiders have of Shadow Honor as "the most evil" may seem erroneous, but there is no contradiction from clan members' perspective. For example, if you fight a leader and use dirty tricks to overthrow them, then you must have been more devoted to the Shadow Heart. But if by doing so you would rob the clan of a leader who's really more talented than you, or will gain experience despite past failures (indeed, from them), then the Shadow Heart is less served. In essence, the Shadow Heart can work both ways, and both can happen depending on the opinions of the specific local people or the top leaders.


Their philosophy's resemblance to good guy ethics on some points does not make them in any way a half-good, half-evil clan; they are in a sense so evil they do not believe it is evil, and recognize the practical benefits of such principles as loyalty and forgiveness of mistakes.




Olmak Totem: Tribal


Status: Evil


Rockfoot is the only major clan that is agrarian focused. When they hold an area, they heavily farm what little soil is there, and trade for spices and other foods on Tribal.


The highest honor of leadership in this tribe usually goes to whoever trades for the best and most spices and food. As a result they are the best fed of all the armies on Warzone. Of the five evil tribes, they are the least evil, and tend to think more in terms of Manifest Destiny than cruelty or love of battle.


But they hold expansion as a major point of honor, so they are not to be underestimated as warriors. When they farm a place to the fullest, they war to move to new soil.

They also regularly trade who is assigned to where, so that everybody becomes accustomed to every spot of their territory and eventually "everybody knows everybody", and nobody becomes stuck in the rut of local familiarity. This way if a region becomes unfarmable, or if they conquer new land, they can easily move to a new place.


Iron HawkOlmak


Totem: Shattered (connecting to the evil Ice fragment)


Status: Evil


Iron Hawk clan focuses on flying weaponry in their tactics for the most part, especially simple rockets made of mined metal and explosives, and similar tech from Industrial. They also tend to use forcefields more than other clans, bought from the Shattered Ice Fragment.


They fly bomber aircraft they built from parts Ice sells them, but these are more for show than anything as their accuracy is lousy; they aren't very good at rebuilding targeting systems. Their leaders tend to rule for life, being replaced only if they die in battle or at the hands of usurpers. Their battle tactics are severely lacking, but the advanced technology they employ makes up for it most times.




Olmak Totem: Industrial


Status: Evil


Brethren is the only clan that has no official leaders. Every member of the tribe is an expert warrior who spends his free time studying strategy, and they do what seems best in real time.


If a particular warrior has a good plan, he tells it to the others nearby and they generally agree and work as a team. They refuse to accept the leadership of some distant general, and such impromptu leadership roles are understood to be just for that fight. This makes them formidable warriors on the battlefield; they make excellent decisions in real time. But on the larger war scale, they are disorganized, weakening them overall.

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Plants & Similar Life[content to be added later]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Animals[content to be added later]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Materials & Substances[content to be added later]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Buildings, Structures, & Landmarks[content to be added later]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Transportation Networks[content to be added later]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Vehicles[content to be added later]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Weapons[content to be added later]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Other Objects[content to be added later]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Sports[content to be added later]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

[extra post in case of future expansion]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

[extra post in case of future expansion]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)


[extra post in case of future expansion]

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

Posted (edited)

Frequently Asked Questions


[content to be added later]

Edited by bonesiii

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

  • 4 years later...

I was interested in getting involved with expanded Multiverse, but every one of the episodes except 5 are link unavailable.  Could you repost them?

I was interested in getting involved with expanded multiverse, but all but the 5th episode is not available (I.E. link is dead).  Can you perhaps repost them so that I can read them?

  • 4 weeks later...

May I recommend a mask?

Sorry I can't get the image up

I present

the mask of glitter, it allows the wearer to create and control glitter and is considered immoral by Toa and Makuta alike, due to it getting everywhere.


The mask of geography, it allows the wearer to always know where they are.


and finally, the mask of apathy, slowly makes a target not care about their goal/ objective.

My Epic: Ahkmou's Return and My story collection: Takanuva's Travels are my stories so far, look 'em up.

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