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A new deadly weapon at an inconvenient time in history, built by and for a most inconvenient of peoples...


123456789Folder (when public)This is my baby. I built this for a story I'm currently working on - a Steampunk story - but unfortunately this MOC is no longer assembled. =[so it's got a minigun and a high-powered rifle on the right hand, a Gauss cannon on the left hand, and a laser on the head. Yes, it was built off of who you think it looks like. No, I'm not ashamed. The wheels on the feet are there for next to nothing. I think they just look cool and Steampunk-ish.Personally my only complaint on this one is the ankles - I was never able to fill them in good, even in the earlier version (seen here). It was a ton of fun to build, though - and if I could recommend to you guys one thing at all to build, just take your already existing sets and Steampunk them.

Edited by Tom Mc. Israel
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