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Amazin' Spidah-Man Too



I almost cried like five times. I only actually cried like two or three times.



The movie was sooo gooood . And ugh the feeeels. I don't know which part makes my heart do the things more. Such a good movie aahhhh I can't talk about it because Spoilrz but yeah omg


Also there were so many wubs it was like Spidey was fighting the embodiment of Dubstep

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Yeah. It was a pretty awesome movie, much better than I expected it to be. Not quite as good as Captain America 2, but still pretty dang good.



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I really am not one for super hero movies because they never really appealed to me much, but I am kinda interested at the lighthearted prankster vibes this one is giving me.


Still, no plans to see it in the immediate future, I'm afraid.

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Nooo definitely see it, it's wonderful. There's definitely a lot of good humor in it, and one of Spidey's biggest shticks is his constant wisecracks even in the face of danger. The villains are like wow, actual motivation and personalities, which isn't that common nowadays. Lots of drama, suspense, all that. It's definitely better than the first movie, which was already really good. And it delivers some serious heartwretching stuff.

Here's an extended trailer, in case the normal short trailers didn't show you enough, if you're interested.

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Well, the trailer didn't sell me on the villain motivation. Still, it does look like a good film. I'll keep it in mind to see... eventually. (I am not much of a movie person normally, so it can take me a while to get caught up on stuff)

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I was gonna say that the trailer doesnt sell the villain thing very well :P But it's def there in the movie.

'Twas just a recommendation ^^ I'm a huge dork so I go see these things as soon as they come out

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this was a pretty great movie, yeah. Sister was bawling her eyes out. :P


I seem to be one of the few who thought the villain made total sense

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