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so I got back into stargate recently



picked up where I left off and now I'm almost through season 7


just watched "Heroes, Part 2" and I am so emotional right now why do shows feel the need to make me cry


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Man, I was so into Stargate when it was on Hulu... and then they pulled the series. :(


And then I found it on Netflix!


Except a week after that they pulled it. Annoyingly the last episode I watched was one of the mid-season cliffhangers. I really need to rent the DVD's from the library one of these days...

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Before the days of Hulu and Netflix, we were so big into SG-1 we bought all the DVDs. Ten seasons later, it still remains one of the highlights of our collection.


Yeah, Heroes was very emotional. I'm also very fond of the episode Ascension and a few other episodes from various seasons that I can't name off the top of my head.


Then there's always comedy to break up the tension. Urgo anyone?

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I'll be trying to get the DVDs soon myself. Great show. This was the first episode to really impact me like that though - while there have been many sad ones, they were always offset with something uplifting (like daniel's ascension; I also knew he'd be coming back.) But Fraiser was one of my favourite caracters and I was always hoping to get to see more of her and now, well... yeah.


also they're still on canadian netflix I believe... was watching them there for a while.

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It isn't on netflix? D= Wait, I knew that... still... T_T Maybe I need to marathon me some SG-1 when I'm home for the summer.

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