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Eastward Bound



Going back to school tomorrow, as well as moving into the house I'll be staying in for the school year. Man, year three already? And I'm a junior or something? Wow. We're leaving at 7 AM (blahhhhhh), and I realized that in all of the stuff regarding the house, my two roommates and I never figured out anything in regards to getting internet service there. Right now, I'm not entirely sure when I'll have consistent internet next beyond using the wi-fi on campus to check up on things, and we'll see how it goes from there.


Anyways, here are a few photos I took when my brother and I took our dog Shep over to my mom's fourth grade class. For a while, she was able to bring Shep into her classroom every day, but it unfortunately can't happen in the room she's in now (and mind you, this dog is nearly fourteen years old, so the extent of what he can do is generally limited to sleeping, licking the floor, eating, and looking mildly bored), so her kids end up being told all these stories about Shep, and they get super excited to meet him. I think this is one of my favourites I took, just because you could tell Shep was so happy with all of these kids clamoring to pet him and hug him.




Then he was being an old frump and refusing to show the kids how he could give my mom a high five.



He kept trying to escape the playground, so the kids would go barreling over to block the exit.



Shep's been in every single class photo in my mom's eight years of teaching, and a lot of her students hear about or see images of Shep from their older siblings who've been in her class before. It was super cute to see how much they cared for a dog they'd only seen a few pictures of and heard stories about, and how excited they were to just sit there and hug him or follow him as he wandered around.


And yeah. That's our dog.


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Puppy! (Kitties are better. :P )


If you can get Verizon FiOS, go for it! I don't know if you have Comcast out there, but if you do, stay way, way away.


Most importantly though, have fun!

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I love love love the composition of the second photo, with not only all the attention being paid to Shep, but even all the lines in the picture go straight to Shep. It's so well-shot, and I know you didn't even think about that when you framed it, and that makes it even better.

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Nukaya! I haven't talked to you in, like, forever. ;__;


Most major cell phone carriers have a program where you can get an Internet connection through them via a specialized router. maybe it'd be worth it for you and your roomies to pitch in together and invest in such a system?


Have fun back thee in El Grande. Woo! Junior! Go smack them classes hard like I know ya will. :)



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