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Why I don't like playing TBRPGs anymore

Inferna Firesword


(Something of a rant ahead, with personal, recent references. You've been warned.)


I think it's not a secret that I enjoy(ed) RPGs here -- I have an entire quote block here immortalizing quotations in various games I've been in, for crying out loud.


My problem now, though, is that times are changing and I'm not changing with them, for good or for bad.


Anyone else remember the days that when you joined an RPG, you were always given a chance to counter another player's post with your own, assuming it was within the rules of the game? Or when if someone godmodded, practically half the players active at the time would publicly call them out, not just one or two GMs who did so privately so they didn't seem like they were picking on the player in question?


... exactly.


Overall, Transformers: Alignment was initially good but ... I'm not gelling with it anymore. What I've cited above are common instances in said RPG. Even the fact Basilisk and I have basically thrown the entire Decepticon faction into civil war isn't making it easier to tolerate this stuff. Especially since he's thinking about leaving the game.


I'm thinking about that too.


Because really, if my playing style doesn't fit with the majority, I'd rather not keep trying to use a fence as a dam. I'd rather just walk away.


I'm not saying I'm resigning from my post as Staff in Alignment, but I'm not far from doing so, especially with college approaching for me.


Thanks for listening. :)


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Just reminds me how I haven't actually had a fight in a TBRPG in forever (unless arguments between characters romantically inclined count?). Although I don't really RP here that much anymore, so that might have something to do with that xD. (Although, elsewhere, I have a plot character in the works who may need to fight... though, all those fights will likely be pre-planned and done in order to further that story arc... plus I get to pick on my little vampire a fair bit =u=)


But eh, I never liked the shaming when godmodding occurred. Like, some people are just new and aren't so accustomed to playing TBRPG's and might need some help here or there, rather than half the playerbase ticked off at them. I do miss, though, when other players would go out of their way to help people who could use it.


I kinda stopped RPing here because my style changed a bit, I grew away from all the fighting and violence that is prevalent in every RP here (And the RTS/Tabletop-esque ones aren't my thing, personally). That, and now I'm used to writing posts around 500ish words (Word limit for the game I'm in is 100, although I've been in some that demanded 1000, ha) which most BZPers don't do, lol. *that and I like doing romance plots because... the fictional drama is fun and makes some characters adorable x3*

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It happens to the best of us. That's why I do very little RPing at all anymore and just focus on moderating such things.

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*Delayed Reaction*


Warning, my own little mini-rant incoming.


I agree on almost all of these points.


And it's not just new players anymore. I've seen players make the same mistakes over and over in different games when people have tried to correct the mistake in most, if not all, of them.


As for Alignment, I have no confidence in it's survival. Most of the player base (What little there was) is dead, the more active staff members have resigned, and the players that remain are almost entirely the inexperienced ones. The sole big plot remaining is the war-within-a-war mentioned above, and the players are all on one side, with me being the sole controller and player on the other side. Full of NPCs. Which pretty much means I RP it's defeat.


On the subject of RPGs in general, I think we're in what I like to call Quality Lull. Most of the good players from the past are growing up, and moving on, and the new ones aren't ready to replace them yet. There are some people in the middle, people who are bridging the gap. I hope that it will get better, that the new ones will yield new legendary players. I can hope.

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One question: if you are staff, do you not have the authority to correct them? Or am I confused about your position?


Anyways, I gotta feel for you; not getting a chance to reply is definitely irksome. However, I have not really seen it often, at least not in the RPGs I've been in; bionicle RPGs, that is.


I notice it gets like that by default if you have multiple players against one player.

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