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Garreg Mach

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Portal - #3





The third box art of the day is none other than the wonderlicious game Portal, with a very simple piece of art used that defines the game perfectly. The lines give it depth, making it seem as if this figure is falling into the portal below, and we have faded Aperture Science hazard warnings in the background. The one question I have about this is about why they made this figure male when the game stars a female, but it doesn't really matter.


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Yeah, stick figures are rather generally agreed to be gender neutral. You could give it a dress, but 1)that's archaic and 2)Chell never wears a dress. :P

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You all bring up good points, and have pretty much answered my question. Now the box art is just pretty sweet, and with a hint of creepy.

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Nonsense, looking at box art should make you feel warm and fuzzy. Never look for breaking news from Valve on this blog, because everyone else will hear it first.

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Exactly, instead of looking for news from one Blog, look for it from ALL of them, because it's inevitable for the wave of news to hit the blogosphere. =P

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