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Bziii: Mata Nui's Military-Establishment



Question, how much of the Mata-Nuian forces have been established? We have spoken about relatively specialized squadrons in the Gukko Force, Guard, Sanctum, and Ussalry but what about the regular troops.


Establish forces here.








The Military of Mata Nui


Onu-Koro Ussalry












Le-Koro Gukko Force









Po-Koro Footmen










Ta-Koro Guard










Ga-Koro Guard











Ko-Koro Guard










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Nuju's comment

I agree that getting finicky over ranks is silly. The only thing that matters as far as ranks go is leader of a squadron and leader of the entire militia.


Not too fond of "Footmen" being the overall name of Po-Koro's guards, either, maybe we could change things up a bit and have "Legion" be the entire faction's name while Footmen becomes the infantry sub-group's name?


Well, you do need lieutenants for those leaders. As they've been treated as the Red Shirts of the game, guard forces are liable to have their higher-ranked members killed at any given moment ;P That's already proven useful during Sulov's exile...Who would've become Squadron Commander without a Ussaltenant in the form of Gavarm?


I totally agree otherwise, though. The spine of this militia system is minimal and without need of much logistics at all due to the small size of the forces.

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Well Ta-Koro has an Artillery Corps. Because I sort of stated Ril was part of it.


Ga-Koro probably has a mini navy, with Treize being a captain and stuff.

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I'd still like to imput thought here. Even though they're suppossed to be Militia groups, Militia have often had unorthodox strategies. I could see some of these ideas working.


Ko-Koro, a main guard positioned at important locations, called out to deal with problems. There could also be a radical group of sanctum guardsmen who travel out into the wastes to guard. Vigilant always I believe could be a Ko-Koroian trait, I could see some or the more conservative Matoran being uncompromising guards, following orders to the letter, and often cold-hearted as the mountain they come from.


Le-Koro, the standard Gukko-riders, and a group of volunteers who swing from trees to guard the jungle. I view the Le-Matoran as the least orthodox of any of the Militias, goofing off until a threat rises, where they respond immediately and directly, getting the fight over with. Then returning to their drinks and games. Little organization involved.


Po-Koro, the foot-soldiers, and some dikapi-riders I could see, as it would be comical/practical. Dipaki are strong enough to hold a Po-Matoran (to my knowledge), and can survive in the desert, since there isn't a good camel-type rahi that I know of. I think of the Po-Matoran as horsemen at best/worse, who often joke about. They could also be excellent as runners, and hard as a rock (get it?) in the face ofa rahi raid on their koro, or vital tunnels and ports to other wahi.


Onu-Koro, do I really need to explain? Fierce defenders, with a knack for being excellent siege-fighting.


Ga-Koro, The gaurdsmen, and a "Navy" a group of Ga-Matoran who range the oceans around Ga-Koro. The "navy" also could work with a smaller group of Ga-Matoran who know how to fight underwater Rahi. Somewhat flexible, like water, easy to respond to stranger threats (mark-bearers anyone?). I can easily imagine a Ga-Matoran having a complex plan to win skirmishes with Rahi, or raids, similar to Ko-Matoran.


Ta-Koro, Just gaurdsmen is all that I could see of Ta-Matoran. Superb ghi-men, proud in their masonry, nearly irremovable when they're behind their earth-and-stone-works. They're strict, loyal to the core. Imagine a mixture of medieval knights, and samurai here. (Like SiDrakkon), They follow the creedo of attacking fast-and-hard, dealing a death blow from the start. If not, then they put up a fierce defense, or a last-stand.


As this is all theory, you can interpet this as you wish, I'm just adding my thoughts to the mixture here. I tried to thing of each of the Koros having two types of citizens, the ones who are pacifists, more willing to work than fight, and the ones who think that the Koro should fight back. I tried to keep the thoughts down to say... twenty-twentyfive per main group, five-ten to the sub-groups. Interpret it as you will, I'm just adding my few remaining fragments of sanity and intelligence to the mix here.

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I just want them to be as they are in MNOLG, just forces guarding their villages, usually not in large military campaigns, using basic mata nui tech. anything more complex would be too hard to keep track of. the ta-koro guard should be the largest miliary infantry power, followed by the ussalry (cavalry) and gukko force (anything air related)


The others would be mostly for defending villages and not much else.


and the "Ko-koro guard" should be sanctum guard, the po-koro footmen should be po-koro guard, IMO

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That would work, if this was written by one person. The only reason you can't really have broad statements like yours is that each Militia is made out of many different squads. Each Squad has their own quirks. Like take Le-Koro for example. They had a squad led by my Le-Matoran Child. A squad for kids, which took things seriously. Then, there was a squad led by Ghosthands, which also took things very seriously. And then there was another one(not really sure who led it) that wasn't serious or silly, they were just soldiers that got called to help out. Each squad was so different, that you can't really say that there was one defining trait among the Gukko Force, because some were silly, some were serious, and then some are just neutral.



That's what we're doing, except fleshing out a bit of their pasts. They'll have Mata Nui Tech(Unless they recruit a Vortixx).


Hey, Po-Koro needs defending much more than Ta-Koro. :P So that means that it needs a bigger defense.


Ko-Koro Guard woks because it implies they help out people in Ko-Koro. The Sanctum Guard are people who... guard the Sanctum. :P

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Um Bio, My char is the sole survivor of that GH's Squad and they weren't serious. and then Kalama got them all killed.


The new Squad is a healthy mixture of serious and silly.

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@Bulik: I can see what you mean with regards to the Ussalry. Well, 100 years and living in the most advanced of all the villages changes things. That's why they've discarded the disk and gained crossbows, etc.




@Auron: The way I see it, even the more pacifistic ones can join up with the militia if needed. And occasionally some of them do. You can't just work and ignore the fighting-just look at Po-Koro. Its people have been ravaged by attacks...There aren't gonna be many true pacifists left pretty soon.

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*Why doesn't it show when new posts show up here?*


I see your point Francis, but (I should have stated that at the top >_<) I was making a generalized, unspecific statement that doesn't apply to everyone. Sure, there are those who don't fit the description, all the characters that we play as should be individuals, not run-of-the-mill grunts in some complex machine that they don't fully grasp.

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