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I bought overwatch. RIP Computer   Also name change, I like snipers.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon


*See posts about people loving Overwatch*   *Remember I can't get it because I use a toaster for a computer*  

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Urban Legends and things: Polybius

I'm a fan of urban legends, something about them is just really appealing can't explain why. I just find that stuff really cool. Now that doesn't mean I believe them 100% but I still find them fascinating. I did briefly talk about my interest in number stations so I'm gonna talk about a gaymin legend.   Polybius or the Cursed game   BRIEF OVERVIEW: Polybius was a supposed arcade game made in the 1980s that was quite popular. Except it had some...adverse affects on players like causing headaches

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I don't get this

This concern over whether the fan base is happy/positive or not. I never understood this. Maybe I'm just not deeply involved fandoms but I don't see why I should care. Why does it really matter if a fan base is happy or not?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Six years

Been here six years, quite an achievement. Let's ask the esteemed Dr. Pavel what my contributions have amounted to on BZP:       Oh...

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Nobody cares

Got me hands on skullgirls today, really disappointed at the lack of cute skeleton girls. For shame. Though I don't think anyone will care about that.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I've come to my senses

I've denied it for too long, but after some enlightenment from a fellow BZPer I understand the truth now. I want to make a formal apology. You know who you are fellow BZPer. I used to think negatively of you. I thought you were a passive aggressive jerk. I used to believe you were so full of it. You always talked about how much more civilized you were compared to others how you "matured" as you said. I believed you were wrong, so very wrong but kept silent. But now I understand why. Knowing this

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon


Gonna give this anime a recommendation. It's pretty good plus it's made by Bones. Fun show about Gods and spirits. Check out.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Think I'm sick

Not like I needed sleep anyway, walking to and from the bathroom in the middle of the night is fine by me! Thanks stomach!     Also go watch Little Witch Academia. Good movie/anime

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

My Super Sekrit interest

Number stations. I love reading about those things. Now I ain't one of those conspiracy nuts that thinks they're contacting aliens (everyone knows aliens use email). But there is something rather appealing about them. The whole what is their purpose, who is operating them, where are they, etc. stuff really intrigues me. Unfortunately knowing our luck the answers to those questions will be pretty mundane but hey it's fun to imagine things. So I like number stations.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I got a problem

And that problem is overthinking things. Overthinking little things that you really shouldn't overthink. I need help y'all.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

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