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You either love it or you don't

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


You know that thing that you really get into that you're really excited about?


Well there are people out there that don't like it.


It could be because they hate everything popular, or maybe it's just not their thing or who knows.


And most of them probably don't really care and don't waste their energy fighting over trivialities. You know, the ones that are mature.


Well, some of those guys are rude and essentially give off a vibe that says "that is terrible, why do you even like that? You should stop having fun because I said so."


I am guilty of this myself because I can be smug. Ask anyone in my family that thinks Glee is a good show (it so isn't), and they will verify this.


However! It is important to chill and not take everything so seriously. It is fine to not like things, but if you are a grump that constantly takes pleasure in pointing out extensive flaws in something right in front of the fans just to watch them squirm in discomfort, then you are just being mean. (Note I said "in front of the fans," because when it's so bad it's good, I will laugh and pick it apart. Viciously. In private or with friends)


Also, opinions, despite how popular they may be, are not facts. I don't care how extensively some guy I never heard of before wrote about why he thought story x had bland characters and ripped of popular story z. I still like it and it's all about the eye of the beholder.


tl;dr - Don't be a grump.


This wasn't really based off of anything that happened here, just a bunch of random things I've seen before at various points in my life. It baffles me how much people can go out of their way just to be unhappy about something trivial.




~Tekulo <3


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Haha, that is where I am at a loss. I never got into it, so I have not seen season one (as my family got into it well after the first season had aired).


Though, from what I have seen from the show, I can tell that it just isn't for me. Like at all. Ever. =P

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I've been guilty of doing this probably more often than I should admit. I'd go so far as to say it was a bad habit. I think I'm doing better, though, and now when I criticize something I try to either point out the good in it, or mention how it's just not for me.

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I remember wheb (edit: wheb is totally fetch and is in no way a typo) Twilight came out, I did this a lot. I was in highschool then, and what highschool student isn't the littlest bit smug? (If anyone reading this is in highschool, I am so sorry. The views expressed in my blag are not always true)


Still, making fun of stuff is something I still do, but I won't make fun of the fans for liking it or anything. Unless, you know, they're good friends and I bust on them here or there.

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Some people on the internet are crazy enough to send death threats to people who don't hold their opinion on a TV show, and that is horrifying.

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