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Oh right I have a blog



Well, as you can see, I'm mostly inactive here on BZP anymore. :( Aside from BioniLUG, I've barely read a single topic recently, nor have I posted much at all. I guess it's three main causes for that...


First, I really do not care one bit about Bionicle anymore, and it seems that any time people get the chance, they get all dramatic with "I guess this is the end", "I will wait for its return", etc. When I see that, I try not to be rude, but all I wish to say is "Grow up and move on". I know it's okay to have a strong passion and to have a love for a certain fandom, and I often vouch for others who feel that way, but all this has been carried on waaaay too long in my opinion. There are plenty of other good LEGO themes, and if you only liked LEGO for Bionicle, then deal with the fact that it's over, move on, and find something else to do...


The second reason, and probably the main reason I've been inactive here is the lack of general LEGO discussion. Like I said, I really don't care for Bionicle anymore. There are other LEGO themes and topics I like to discuss. I've been more active on other forums and websites recently, and I really wish BZPower had a better community to discuss what I am interested in.


Third, a lot of my time has been pre-occupied with other things. First of all, school has sucked this year (academics-wise; I've made a ton of awesome friends). I also got involved with the Brickimedia Network after they recognized me for my development and server administration skills. It's definitely been a fun experience, just because of how successful it's been, and I absolutely love engaging in their community. I've also been working with Swert on server and other backend work for BS01 and HS01, such as a new skin for HS01.


I am still trying to keep up with BioniLUG, since that does seem to be the one thing holding me on BZPower, but at this point my attachment to the site is dwindling, and I'm starting to feel bad about it. I've always loved BZPower, but I don't find much to do here anymore. :( I'll see how I feel at BrickFair VA this year...


Thank you for listening to my rant. Feel free to reply. :/


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We already have a Lego discussion section, it's just that people aren't posting in it.


Well, not as much as some other places.

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