This isn't Bionicle or LEGO-related, but yesterday me and my car enthusiast friends got together to help a local boy's wish come true. Ryan, an 8 year old boy from my town suffering from a rare and aggressive form of brain cancer, had one wish this year, and that was to take a picture with a Lamborghini, his favorite type of car. Through the help of the car community, we made this happen, and put together an event that gathered tens of Lamborghinis and multiple other types of high end sports car
not many people get hands-on with two McLaren P1s in one day... I guess I'm lucky in a way Quite an opportunity to see such a magnificent car in person and I just happen to have a LEGO set of it in a similar color! This McLaren P1 is a one of one in this satin orange finish and is chassis number 005. MSRP is $1.34 million USD and is easily worth much more than that already. Owned by a 21 year old here in Virginia.
As most of you know, I do professional automotive photography as my job/hobby outside of the LEGO community. Turns out I do more car-related stuff than LEGO-related stuff nowadays though, but some people asked me about my work while I was at BrickFair New Jersey, and while I had just bought 10248 Ferrari F40, I decided to try combining my two hobbies. You can see my other work (of real cars, not LEGO) at This was the first time I've tried photog
Last blog I left off at the start of the public days of BrickFair. Nothing particularly special happened on either day. I did, however, get a delicious fish. Recapping on the weekend, I told myself not to spend any money at BrickFair this year because I have other priorities to spend my money on. I successfully did not spend any money on LEGO. However, taking into account the wings, taco bell trips, gas, and fish dinners, I spent over $100. Woops. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ At the LEGO Group Q&A at Brick
Guess I'll make a blog for once about my BrickFair adventures Day 1: Didn't really do anything at the con besides check in and help set up sound system Did not bring any MOCs. Bailed on the con to go take car pics (what else is new) and get free buffalo wings courtesy of my northern virginia friends Day 2: Did a seminar that I did not plan for ahead of time. Winged the whole thing and according to some audience members I nailed it. Starbucks "chill sesh" with Beyond the Brick and Kevin Hi
Hey guys so in my further ventures of cleaning out "old" stuff I've been accumulating over the years I've got some unopened LEGO sets that I was looking to see if anyone had any interest in. Please note I'm not selling any of these yet and might not any time soon. I'd just like to know what any of you would be willing to pay for these. All are brand new in their packaging. 40084 Accessory Pack (x2) - 2013 Exclusive Tahu Mask - 2014 1668 Special Offer Trial Size - 1992 9440 Venoma
Hey guys, I've been going through all my old clothes that are way too small for me anymore and a few of them happen to be LEGO or BZPower related so I figured I'd see if anyone would like to buy them before I send them to Goodwill. None of them are torn and they're all clean and well-laundered over the years. I'll probably just ask $10 for each (covers shipping which is usually around $5 for a package and allows me to make a small amount of money off of it) unless you don't live in the United St
I remembered I have a blog here. If you didn't know, yesterday was my birthday. Thankful it wasn't on Thanksgiving this year like it was last year. This came in the mail yesterday. It was super fun to build, especially since I was on the Creations For Charity 24 hour live stream while I built it. I'll be reviewing it on Brickipedia soon. The live stream was a lot of fun. I was in it for around 13 hours out of 24, with some sleep in the middle of it. A lot of fun people were on it too inclu
Anybody interested in playing tomorrow night? I might make it a regular thing on Sunday evenings. 9pm, feel free to come early or later. ^ there's the IP. There will be an invite thing to everyone in the BZPower Steam group. Is mvm_mannhattan and mvm_rottenburg good?
Who's up for a preplanned TF2 event on the BZPower server I'm hosting? How about Saturday evening/night EST? Server IP has been changed, for those who have to old IP saved: Hit me up on Steam if you're interested, as I'll have to make sure the server is set up and able to handle enough people. Give map suggestions in the comments, and let me know if you want to participate (or if a different time/date would work better for you.)
Title mostly self-explanatory. I'm considering hosting a BZPower TF2 server. Anyone interested? It'd be on the east coast (Washington DC area), so for those a significant distance from there, be mindful that you wouldn't have the best ping. Some things I need to know: First of all, who is interested? Should I leave it running 24/7? I have no problem with doing so, just want to know though. Should it be password protected? Should there be occasional scheduled "events" that would be planned a
I don't blog enough I've been really inactive on BZPower lately My birthday is this month 20 days until Doctor Who 50th anniversary I got a job at Brickset as a news editor and database administrator today I left my position as administrator at Brickipedia for a while for various reasons I need a new phone (Nexus 5 pweaaaseee) I found this really catchy song by We Came As Romans I still don't understand why boys like My Little Pony Halloween was boring this year by the way Is it Christ
Look the policy changed! So I can actually link to sites like Facebook without having to annoy Black Six on AIM now! Well yeah so LINKS: Facebook (mostly posts about my personal life, but some LEGO-related stuff too) Twitter (same as Facebook) Tumblr (mostly just bands and fandom stuff) Instagram (my boring self and pictures of where I go) Oh and I changed my blog name
As many of you may have noticed, Brickimedia has been down for almost 48 hours. The cause of this is that our host, RamNode, was attacked by a competitor webhost company. More info can be found at the two links below: RamNode had many backups of most of their servers, but, sadly, Brickimedia was not one of these. What this means is that all content has been lost from Brickimedia, al
So I spent all day playing the closed beta of Legends of Chima Online with some friends from Brickipedia. It's really fun and addicting and glitchy. Anyways, check this topic if you want beta access!
Well, as you can see, I'm mostly inactive here on BZP anymore. Aside from BioniLUG, I've barely read a single topic recently, nor have I posted much at all. I guess it's three main causes for that... First, I really do not care one bit about Bionicle anymore, and it seems that any time people get the chance, they get all dramatic with "I guess this is the end", "I will wait for its return", etc. When I see that, I try not to be rude, but all I wish to say is "Grow up and move on". I know it's
I'm proud to announce a new network for LEGO fans and sites (primarily wikis, which is all we host at the time, and plan to host): Brickimedia! Brickipedia, the popular LEGO wiki hosted on Wikia and several other LEGO Wikis have moved to Brickimedia by today, completing the current network of the sites. I did a lot of work with some people I just met when starting this project to set up the server and the wikis. If you're curious, the interface and experience may be similar to what you know on
As many of you have likely noticed, The Ninjago Wiki and The Chima Wiki are not accessible. The reason for this downtime is that we just bought a brand new server, with much more RAM, bandwidth, and space! The downtime wasn't planned to be this long, so I wanted to give you an update if you don't follow any of the sites' social network pages. When the sites come back up though, everything will be the same, and the site will be much faster than before.
First off, Happy Easter everyone! Go eat chocolate and watch bunnies even though that has nothing to do with the resurrection of Christ. Also, tomorrow is my 6th anniversary of joining BZPower! Why does it feel like it's been longer than 6 years?
So apparently my purchase of a membership isn't in the system, according to Black Six. Thank goodness I have the PayPal order receipt to prove I bought that. I'm not going to re-purchase something like this, let alone something I have to continuously pay for every year. I hope this gets resolved soon. Has anybody else had problems like this with the BZPower store?