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Weekly Update - 10/28

Black Six



It's unfortunately not going to to be a long entry this week. I think I might need to move these away from Friday so I have more time to write things up. Thoughts?



The wikiers (wikiteers?) over at HS01 got some cool Merrick Fortis 3.0 art straight from the original comic artist. It's a very nice piece for a character that never made it to a set.


Bionicle Raptor still has some BrickFair shirts available for purchase. Supplies are running low, but they're really cool shirts that you should definitely consider picking up.


Don't forget that we have a Short Stories Contest kicking off Get those imagination caps on and get writing!


We're looking to update BZPower's software to fix some of the issues people have been having. I had hoped that would happen this week, but no luck so far. When it does happen though, we're going to likely lose some of the customizations we've added (Proto, spinnies, etc). Our goal is to minimize downtime this round, so we'll add them back as we get to them and not keep things offline. It should be pretty easy to get them back in.



No questions this week.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Alright, I have to hit the road shortly for some weekend fun. Everyone have a good time and a happy Halloween! See you all next week!


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Is the downtime going to be a few weeks, or is it something that should only take a few hours?

I'm hoping a day at most. Fingers crossed.

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