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This Whole "ḶΕĠΟ Minecraft" Business



I don't care one way or another about a potential line/sets of this nature, but what I really don't get is why some members are so dead-set against the notion.


If you don't like a line, don't complain about it to other people who can't/won't do anything about it - just don't purchase those sets.


Yes. It's really that simple.


I have not seen such backlash against a line since BIONICLE's sets got axed, and while it's on a considerably smaller scale, I don't understand it.


Let's be realistic, folks. It was never a rule of Cuusoo to automatically put an idea into production if said idea got 10,000 supporters. Ten thousand is a heck of a lot of people, but even if they bought two of every set they supported, where would that leave LEGO? In the red. You see, Cuusoo is just a way to judge popularity. If it's popular, then LEGO reviews it, then puts it into production. The review step is one that seems to get lost in translation. It seems to me that a lot of members who didn't like the notion saw "LEGO Minecraft" on the front page and immediately turned the bash knob up to eleven. But even then, a lot of people don't like it - who know that there is a review process to go through (not to mention licensing issues in this case) - end up getting deathly afraid that LEGO Minecraft sets might happen. Gasp, shock, horror.


This is not a rant against the haters of a potential line, nor is it an endorsement for the seeming minority who support its inception. I really just don't get why people are getting worked into a tizzy over it, because in my mind, it's really not that big of a deal.


So, I ask you, supporters or haters of LEGO Minecraft:


Why do you, or do you not, like it?


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I don't really care about it. Sure, interesting and all, but not a supporter or a hater of it. Kind of an in-betweener person. =/

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...If you're serious, Bambi... I have no response. That's one of the worst arguments possible.


I really, honestly wish how somebody could explain how building with virtual blocks does not translate to building with physical blocks - ignoring that gravity only half exists in Minecraft. That's what every hater says, and it makes no sense. None.

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I find it interesting that it got so much support so quickly. It would be cool to see more fan-inspired (or something like that) sets out, so I will be viewing this Minecraft thing with interest, even though I've never actually played the game.



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I'm a huge fan of Minecraft, but I am slightly more skeptical of it than other MC fans on here. Yes, MC is about building, but lego is infinitely better at that. The thing that makes MC shine is that you have to find the resources to build with, and upgrade your technology. I'm not against it however, and I certainly would like to have a creeper or enderman minifig, but that's about all it will be to me.


And it's easy to see why it has so many supporters. As soon as Notch or the Yogscast point a finger, the rabid fans will flock. I've seen it happen before with disastrous results.

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As long as we still get other important (or fairly important) sets I honestly won't care what brands LEGO goes into. Although, Minecraft actually sounds like an interesting idea, it would be silly for LEGO not to think about exploiting it's popularity.

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I don't like it because it's preventing Bionicles return. >:(

How on Earth would the introduction of a new system line prevent BIONICLE's return (which probably won't be coming for some time)?

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I'm indifferent about it. I'm not a fan of Minecraft myself, so I wouldn't buy a LEGO minecraft set. At the same time, I think it's a great idea, and I think if a set like this were produced in a limited production run it could easily be at least as popular as the previous LEGO Cuusoo set, the Shinkai 6500. And seeing as Cuusoo was expanded to be international after that set, I think we can assume that the Shinkai 6500 set was a success.


I'm personally more curious about the details of how this set will be done. That includes what kind of LEGO Minecraft product will be produced, but also additional details such as how it will be distributed. Will it be direct-to-consumer, and thus only in LEGO stores, catalogs, and the LEGO Shop website? Will it be available in mainstream toy stores like Toys 'R' Us?


These sorts of questions are as of yet unanswered, which is part of the reason Cuusoo is still in beta. The whole thing is a grand experiment, and so far the first milestone has been passed (a project has reached the threshold for consideration as a set). The actual release of the set will be the next step. If it proves successful, then that will at least suggest that the Cuusoo platform holds true potential for TLG.

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