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Another Technic Proposition

Pahrak Model ZX


I was thinking about making some of the more powerful items harder to get. Rather than just selling them at the shop, I could present them in an auction mode. Every so often, a new auction would be announced, and a rare/powerful item would be offered at a starting price with players able to place bids to decide who wins it. Still just a very rough idea--I'm not sure how often these auctions would take place, if they would have time limits, or even what specific items would be restricted to auctions (maybe items currently priced 15,000 or more?).


Any thoughts/suggestions?


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I think perhaps instead of doing that perhaps something like what voltex does in bionifight? Achievements persay?

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^Like giving them for winning a tournament? That could work, but isn't that what the 'one free item' does already?


Though Auctions would be a nice idea, it might devalue the more expensive items.

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Pahrak, I thought a little bit about Warzone, and here is what I thought about stats:


Instead of having Class A-up, only have Classes A-D. That way, there are only four classes, and one fighter can't ascend to the level where they are ten points ahead of the person behind them.

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Perhaps "one free item" could be changed to "one of the regular items for free OR one rare item (that can't otherwise be obtained)"? That would make Tournament prizes more unique, I suppose.


@Canis: Possibly. Still, going with a base total of 12, the upper limit of a Class D fighter would be 59, which still towers over fighters that are just starting. Although...maybe, when fighting an opponent of a lower Class, a fighter's stats would be reduced proportionally to put them in the same Class?

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One idea-this just occurred to me-is that perhaps as a fighter get better, the Classes can almost act as a way to show what sort of things you can do. As such, when fighting a lower class, you could only use the things from that class or below.

For example, for Breez,

When she's Class A, she can manipulate the winds to negate fall damages, she can knock someone back every once in a while, and she can create small tornadoes.

B, she can fly with wind powers, she can use wind-blasts every-so often, and she can make average tornadoes.

C, she can keep someone from flying due to her control over the wind, she can use wind-blasts to fling herself or others more often, and she can make small wind-storms.

D, she can fly and keep another from flying at the same time, she can rapid-fire wind-blasts, and she can make a literal sand-storm on the right arena without too much adverse effect to herself.


so yeah that's just an idea.


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Capping the class system could do wonders for the game, as it would keep fighters from getting absurdly strong and provide some motivation for players to take it slow. If you're still concerned about over-leveling, you could always revise the base stat totals for the classes. For example, if each class covered 3 points, the highest anyone could get would be 23 BST. Still difficult for a green-as-grass rookie, but generally manageable for classes B-D, especially if boosting items/beneficial arenas/creative strategies come into play. Naturally, you would need to iron out the trainer system to keep everyone from reaching class D within a month, but it might work with the right system.


As for Zakaro's idea...it could definitely have some benefits. It would make level advancement more gratifying and give players a general outline of what they can and can not do, rather than leaving them to discover by trial-and-error like in the old coliseum. However, I am a bit concerned that it might squash creativity. There's a chance that players would assume that the listed examples are the only things they can do, or they might not want to try anything new for fear of it might be "too advanced" for their class.

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*Sighs* I see this and it just makes me cringe.. It's like why did I make kopaka what he is today? Was it all for naught?


And wait Keizah, Motivation to take it slow? Are we not going slow enough in the current topic?


Gonna be nostaligc about this. Months from now I am going to be going 'I remember when (Makes reference to some fight*'

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@Vox Whoops, bad choice of words. I meant to say that there would be less of a rush to upgrade fighters, not a general lack of activity. It seemed like players tended to get caught up in boosting stats and ended up pretty exhausted.


In answer to your question, I assume you did it because you enjoyed it? I don't know why else anyone would play the game...

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@Vox Whoops, bad choice of words. I meant to say that there would be less of a rush to upgrade fighters, not a general lack of activity. It seemed like players tended to get caught up in boosting stats and ended up pretty exhausted.


In answer to your question, I assume you did it because you enjoyed it? I don't know why else anyone would play the game...

Ah ok yeah I can see what you mean by the rush to upgrade fighters..


And to be honest the only reason I kept upgrading kopaka is because for some odd reason i one day wanted to get him to class z.. a little personal goal. Yeah at the beginning i did it for fun but after the game strayed from the original goal to one about 'equality among fighters' It become less fun and more about just completing a goal.

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