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A Glorious Existance, Truely.

So yeah, I just finished the main quest of the Shivering Isles expansion pack for Oblivion. It was actually pretty dang fun. The enviroments ruled so much, though they did give me MAD Morrowind flashbacks. Mushroom trees. So many mushroom trees it was hilarious. And then there's a certain part where things start looking exactly like the Ashlands. EXACTLY like the Ashlands. Only with more explosions.

Bands I Deny Liking

I do not like any of these bands. They've got a right to exist, however, I don't care about their existance, since I'm too busy listening to Cambodian Funk Yodeling, avant-garde jazz, vintage advertising jingles, nerdcore, New Weird America freak-folk, post-rock symphonies, stuff that would be glam rock if the singers would shave their beards and wear something other than polo shirts and sweaters and lots and lots and lots of indie pop. REAL indie pop. By REAL independant artists on ACTUALLY ind

More Things About Me Than You Needed To Know

I'm gonna just repost something I've done on another blog o' mine. It involves 100 things that are about me. More than you needed to know. Why? Because. I can.     1. I am a JEDI DANGIT.   2. I hate talking on the phone. A lot. Phones are the pawns of Satan.   3. I'm fond of slightly out of date philosophies that went "out of date" without ever having their time. Seeing as I'm a deist and an anarchist in the not-at-all punk rawk way, but in the more Industrial Revolution way.   4. I


There is simply NOT enough shipping out there. And more like it, there is simply NOT enough crack-shipping. Shipping, for those unfamilier with the term, means the supporting of a relationship between fictional characters, whether canon or not. For instance, you may appriciate the relationship between Nokama and Matau. You think that they ought to get together in a romantic way, and that they are, more or less, perfect for each other. And if not perfect, then completely awesome together.


Opening Credits Artist: Wesley Willis Song: Feel The Power of Rock & Roll Album:     Waking Up Song: The Space Race Album: City of Daughters Amidst the subtle traces, whether particle or bone. We detect a weakness, yes. The senses we have honed don't work anymore than they used to work!   Ah! The obligatory "WAKE UP!" thing that every single RPG that I've ever played starts with! Well, most of them at least. Knights of the Old Republic I and I

Soundtrack To My Life: Destroyer

A while back Hahli Husky posted a shuffle quiz about what the soundtrack to your life would be, and I got some incredibly bizzaire, occasionally grossly inappropriate and shockingly accurate list.               Regretting Song: Looters' Follies Album: Destroyer's Rubies A body aching, fragile, and pale: dark valleys house its trail. Why can't you see that a life in art and a life of mimicry - it's the same thing!?!               Death Song: Crossover Album: Streethaw


I love obscure music so much. Part of it is that I love finding things that no one else knows about. It's kind of a discovery, a sense of adventure. There's something magical about finding a band that has only five Google hits, or listening to something that you know that no one in this country listens to. But not only that, the most obscure stuff is almost always the best stuff EVER. The mainstream-mainstream can only accept a very few of what gets made, and often those are the ones deemed th

Ratings? Huh.

WHAT THE DEVIL. I AM NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE THE HIGHEST RATED BLOG.   Seriously. Where are you rage downvoters? Where are you? What are you doing making my blog have 5 stars out of six votes? All six of you who comment CONSTANTLY. What the devil. My blog is the only one I find with a perfect 5 out of 5 rating. What the devil. What the devil devil devil.   This is what I get for

Henceforth Outrage.

Since I am incredibly tired, and since I can't seem to do anything for either the FF100 project or for this one profile to this one RP character I'm making, I shall now search for everything that I can involving OUTRAGES on BZPower.   First thing I find is an OUTRAGE near and dear to my heart, the OUTRAGE that is censoring on library computers. "It's an outrage, please read" by Galikat Now, I never use the computers in my library. Ever. Nothing except the catalog, which is I go to m

Sell Your Fan Fic

All right. I'm in the mood for some Bionicle fan fic. Tell me why I should read what you've written. I don't care whether it's a   Things I like: 1. Good world building. I want to see a really really cool new world.   2. Really really new things. I haven't read enough Bionicle fan fiction to know what's rediculously old in the fandom. However, I can spot creativity when I see it.   3. Women. Blatantly ignore what has been said. There are female Matoran in places other than Ga-Whatever.

Music You Should Hear: Final Fantasy

I'm considering having something where every week, I tell you about a band that you need to check out right away. I don't think I'll be able to keep it up, but it's certainly worth a try. I enjoy blabbering on about music I enjoy, and if I get just one person to give just one of my favorite bands a chance, it'll be all worth it. These are almost universally obscure, so they need the listeners and they need the money.   What shall I begin with today? I think I'll start with Final Fantasy.  

I Was Meant For The Stage

Currently Listening To - Such A Beautiful Girl Like You by Pizzicato Five   Saw some other people with higher numbers of posts than I have that aren't Premier Members. And I've a feeling that I'm kinda behind everyone else due to the fact that I haven't been here for about three-four days or something and I'm too lazy to check dates. Whateva. I'll just aspire to the highest word count. This is basically me being given free reign to rant as much as I want without carrying about there being a

It Was A Good Year, It Was A Very Good Year

So apparently my Premier Membership'll probably end up ending on May 5th, if I got a one year one, instead of a lifetime one, which I kinda doubt. So yeah, for my last day, I will publish each and every one of my eight hundred million draft posts, whether they are coherent or not. You will now see in this blog what Janus sees every single day of his life. You will understand. YOU WILL UNDERSTAND.

A Query And The Nerd Rage.

What follows is an exchange on IM betwixt myself and a friend of mine.       So. Should I take his advice and go see the Iron Man movie? Keep in mind that yes, indeed, nearly all movies based on comic books fill me with intense rage. The only ones that I have seen and have not hated are Ghost World, American Splendor, Men In Blac.k (LOL IT'S CENSORED WHEN I MEAN THE MOVIE), 300 and um, Akira, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Persopolis, Osamu Tezuka's Metropolis, um . . . Yeah. That's kin


Y'know what I like? How, despite the eight hundred million billion pages on the Currently Listening To thread, when you search for the artists that I actually listen to, you will find me. And only me. Seriously. Search for Joanna Newsom, Devendra Banhart, would be Destroyer if not for the fact that there are people talking about destroyer things that are not Destroyer, the New Pornographers, non-Tubthumper Chumbawamba, etc. etc. etc. Just go down the list that I have down there. Yeah. Heck, ev

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

In Regards To My Conscience.

Does it make me a dork that instead of having a shoulder Angel and a shoulder Devil, I've got a shoulder Slaad, a shoulder Rogue Modron, a shoulder Eladrin and a shoulder Yugoloth? Currently the major battles are between the Slaad and the Eladrin. Slaad wins about 4 times out of 7, but the Eladrin wins on the more important things. And every so often I'll take Rogue Modrons advice and start seeing the truth! Seeing the truth! 011010101011010 Yugoloth's there for the token Evil. He manipulate

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

You In White, And Me In Gray Go Well Tonight

Yep. I renamed this blog for MOAR DESTROYER REFERENCES. Exceptionally obscure ones. Like, references to songs on albums that haven't come out yet.   *shifty eyes*   Anyway. Yeah. So that's that. It seemed like a good name, especially since this blog runs for a year, since I don't know if I'll be able to renew my PMship. Just before it runs out, I'll probably just publish every single one of my drafts all at once, whether or not they make any sense.   THE MAN can see them? Why can't you? Tha

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

Something Else I Realized

It's long past the Winter Solstice. Therefore, the days should've been going back to being longer again.   Then tell me. Why did it get dark today at like, 6:20-ish when yesterday it got dark at 7? My suspicions are that it's because of the creepy creepy snow that we've got blocking out the sun similar to fallout or ash. That would explain why it looks so dang apocalyptic outside right now, minus, like the ruined buildings and zombies and leatherclad barbarians on motorcycles and the like.

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

La Da Da Da Da Da Dum

So I need a new avatar and sig. Because, um, I do. So post with a picture and a quote. Third picture becomes my avatar. Fifth quote becomes my sig. These will remain in my avatar and sig until . . . some point. When I decide to change them. I guess.     Annnnd go.

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka


I still live.       In other, less important news than RIPPING AND TEARING, and BEING A MAN AND A HALF, new blog entry coming At Some Point. Since I'm Insane Busy right now. And have been for the past, um, six months. Or so. And I completely lost track of the Bionicle storyline ENTIRELY, because I've spent all my Fandom Time on Knights of the Old Republic and recently, back to the Elder Scrolls. And Pheonix Wright, sort of. And all these Important Things that usually have to do with me havi

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

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