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It's Been A Pretty Good Month



First month of 2012 is on it's way out. Dunno about the rest of you, but for me it was pretty good for a couple different reasons.


On the gaming side of things, we got so much Ace Attorney news this month that I could jump for joy. The live-action movie got good reviews and is slated for international release at some point; Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney has a very high-quality studio doing its animation; and of course Ace Attorney 5 was finally announced. I remember the leadup to Apollo Justice 5 years ago, and I can't wait to see what's in store for AA5. Now if only they'd get around to localizing Ace Attorney Investigations 2...


Television-wise, we were treated to a wonderful second season of Sherlock. All of the episodes were excellent, but "The Reichenbach Fall" was some of the best television in a long while. Oh, that last twenty minutes. Everything about it was just pitch-perfect. I just wish the fangirls of the internet would stop insisting John and Sherlock are gay for each other. (Obligatory disclaimer: I don't mind gay relationships, I just don't see John and Sherlock as gay. Extremely close friends, practically family? Yes. Lovers? No.)


More grounded in reality, my fourth semester's off to a good start. Busy, but good. My classes are all interesting (if time-consuming), and the programming team I'm on is making good progress. The big thing is a job interview I've got in a couple weeks; I'll need to buckle down and prep for that, because it would make my year if I got it. At least it's a second-round interview, so I know I must have done something they liked.


Finally, I'd like to plug a friend's story to those of you still reading Bionicle fics. It's called "Frustration", over on that big fanfiction site which shall not be named, by a guy called C-Unknown. It's a Tahu/Gali story, but it's pretty decently written and, in my opinion, feels decently realistic in its handling of their relationship. For some reason he doesn't want to post it on BZP (he tells me he used to be a member here but left some time ago; I didn't pry), but I figure he'd appreciate the extra readers, even if he doesn't like the site they're from.


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As for Sherlock, there've been a lot of complaints about the last twenty minutes, but I liked them. I really liked The Reichenbach Fall; I watched it five times. I agree on the comment about Moriarty and Sherlock (Funny how we still refer to Moriarty by his last name, but we now refer to Sherlock by his first name)


Perhaps the writer was banned from BZP?

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