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Goblin Sharks







They're awesome!


Look them up. Cool.


But how is it possible these things aren't all over Shark Week and school textbooks and the like, unlike Hammerheads whose alien awesomeness is all over the place?


This must be corrected at once. :D




In Other News:


--Working half on taxes right now, and ten halves on writing the next Paracosmos story, The Perfect Cage. :P I almost have the theory that I write better when I'm supposed to be doing something else lol.


--Yeah, I know, I know. EM is being neglected. I'll get to it.


--Yeah, I know, I know, my RPG still needs uploaded / updated. I'll get to it. :P


--Everybody who's even slightly interested should enter the art contest. Even if you don't think you can do a good job. You might surprise yourself.


See below. ;)


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Wait, bonesiii is planning an RPG?

No, no -- my computer-game RPG from a while back. I finished the main plot but some threads still need tied up, and stuff. Paracosmos. :)


I made it back when "RPG" meant actual role-playing (computer) games, not the text things people usually mean nowadays. :P

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@Valenti: No problem, just pointing out. XP


I figured it was that RPG. Generally, people refer to those new-fangled text thingies as 'TBRPGs'.

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Ya know, why don't people just call those TBGs? Text-Based Games.


There ya go, solving the world's problems for it. Don't worry, the first one's free.

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It would be scary living in the deep sea. All the most bizarre animals in the world seem to like it down there. Although, some of them are more weird than flat out creepy - search for dumbo octopus and blobfish, and you'll understand what I mean.

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Oh man, I was just reading about these things on Tuesday. I wonder if we found out about them on the same site... :lol:


Oh, and I'm going to be the guy who is all literal-minded and say it.


It's not Irish. It's Japanese. Kissing it is still a bad idea though, regardless of its nationality. :P

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Wait, bonesiii is planning an RPG?
No, no -- my computer-game RPG from a while back. I finished the main plot but some threads still need tied up, and stuff. Paracosmos. :)I made it back when "RPG" meant actual role-playing (computer) games, not the text things people usually mean nowadays. :P

well to me it means both since they are both role-playing-games, it's just a different format of the game.

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