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Six Years on the Staff



I kinda forgot that yesterday was my six-year anniversary of being on the staff, of which more than five were on the Forum Mentor team. Not gonna lie to you, that was quite awful in the end. Not only was I a bit tired of doing the same staff job for five years, it was mostly that there was basically nothing left to do because of the decreased activity and the end of New Members needing ten posts approved before gaining full member privileges. So I was quite glad when Black Six offered me a job as a Reporter last year and I think I actually like that job more. I figure IF BIONICLE came back, that would make the job even more interesting but it's already quite cool as it is. ^_^ Anyway, just wanted to shout that out there. I've been on the staff double the time I was just a normal member and if I weren't a staff member, who knows if I would be still here. Anyway, cheers, here's to some more. ^_^


-Gata signoff.png

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It's been loving having you (both of you), thanks for all the dedication and hard work and all that ^^

Here's hoping your job does get more interesting :D

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Thank you, it's nice to hear that. :) My brother doesn't really check the BZPower forums anymore, though, that's just me. And if it weren't for being a staff member, I may not even be here anymore since unfortunately I don't really talk to anyone here anymore somehow. I've become a lone wanderer somewhat. :P No, really, it's also that university is terribly demanding. Still, it's amazing that since I've been active here, very few days have passed where I haven't checked BZPower if only for a very short moment. ^_^


-Gata signoff.png

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Oh yeah, punk?  Well I have been a staff member for a grand total of zero years and I am still here.


That's one less question I have to ask myself, and one more answer I have in my life that you do not. 


You wanna go?!


(Seriously, though, congratzles!  [do you like my new word?  It is a mix of congrazzles and congrats.  {between you and me I don't think it's going to stick} I know, it's {awful} brilliant] Six is a lot of years to contribute to a site.  Thanks for everything!)

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Six years already. Time flies, huh?


Congrats on the tenure, Gatanui! I'm glad you're really liking what you're doing now. 

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Thanks guys. ^_^ Congratzles is a funny word. :P And Sumiki, not sure about that, but I know the web would be more boring without BZPower for me. :P


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