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Nominations For Possible Future C. I. R. C. L. E. Matoran



Official Nomination Topic for the
Third Possible Expansion of the
Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics

Welcome to one and all.

This thread has been created so that each and every BZPower Member who wishes to do so, can take a moment to nominate fellow members for consideration of future inclusion in "The C.I.R.C.L.E.".

Initially all new memberships will be as "MATORAN", though later advancement within the group is certainly possible for committed members, particularly if and when the group decides upon yet another future expansion.

Now, although this is an open process, as was the case with the previous two rounds of nominations, there are still a few rules to nomination that must be followed:
  • First, the member being nominated should be an author of a current or recent Epic on BZPower
and the nomination must include a link to their work.

Second, anyone can nominate up to five authors, but no one can nominate themselves.

Third, to be ultimately considered for inclusion an author must be nominated by multiple other BZPers.

Fourth, the number of nominations that a certain author receives will have no direct correlation to any confirmation proceedings.

Fifth, at this time there is no firm timeline for when the actual confirmation process will take place.

Sixth, this nomination process will end abruptly sometime after Monday, May 17th, 2010.And with that being said, at this time I once again open up discussion for the purposes described above. :happydance:




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Straight to the business at hand, in no particular order:

  • I, Toa_Ausar hereby nominate fellow BZPer
Arkatox for consideration, with an example of his work being The Founding Of A Brotherhood & Prophecy Of Destruction.


I, Toa_Ausar hereby nominate fellow BZPer Vahkuax for consideration, with examples of his work being Mysteries of Terra Magna & Visions of Freedom.


I, Toa_Ausar hereby nominate fellow BZPer Neelh for consideration, with examples of her work being Bioncile of Rinu Nui & Heartbeats.


I, Toa_Ausar hereby second the nomination of fellow BZPer Wydrua for consideration, with an example of his work being Inequality.Anyway, good luck to all nominees and remember that an author requires at least two nominations in order to ultimately be considered.


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Straight to the business at hand, in no particular order:
  • I, Toa_Ausar hereby nominate fellow BZPer
Arkatox for consideration, with an example of his work being The Founding Of A Brotherhood & Prophecy Of Destruction.


I, Toa_Ausar hereby nominate fellow BZPer Vahkuax for consideration, with examples of his work being Mysteries of Terra Magna & Visions of Freedom.


I, Toa_Ausar hereby nominate fellow BZPer Neelh for consideration, with examples of her work being Bioncile of Rinu Nui & Heartbeats.


I, Toa_Ausar hereby second the nomination of fellow BZPer Wydrua for consideration, with an example of his work being Inequality.

Anyway, good luck to all nominees and remember that an author requires at least two nominations in order to ultimately be considered.


Well, having no one to nominate, I decided to give Arkatox and Vahkuax's epics a read and there quite good, didn't get a chance to review though but I would like to second Ausar's nominations.



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Well, I browsed through some of Repicheep - Toa of Irony's library, so...


I, BioGaia second Repicheep - Toa of Irony's nomination.


~ BioGaia

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Guest kopakanuva13


I second TT's nomination Toa Wydrua, Toa_Ausar's nomination of Vahkuax, and Makar's nomination of Inferna Firesword.


Wydrua and Inferna are both particularly good writers, and while I have yet to read much of Vahkuax's material at all, I know him somewhat from the CIRCLE Wiki and can tell that he would be a good writer.



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Oh, I've got somebody.


I will nominate Toa Wydrua for his epic, Inequality.






I second TT's nomination Toa Wydrua, Toa_Ausar's nomination of Vahkuax, and Makar's nomination of Inferna Firesword.


Wydrua and Inferna are both particularly good writers, and while I have yet to read much of Mata Nui's material at all, I know him somewhat from the CIRCLE Wiki and can tell that he would be a good writer.






Just saying, I had kind of abandoned Inequality due to the fact that I kinda lost interest in my author-character's story. But seeing this has really given me more reason to pick up the metaphorical pen once more. I'm being compared with Inferna? Seriously.



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I've been concentrating on my own work lately and havent read much in the epics forums; as such, I have no one to nominate at this time.

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While I am honored to be nominated for the C.I.R.C.L.E., for a second time no less, I'm afraid I must decline.


There are a number of aspects of my works that directly contradict various aspects of C.I.R.C.L.E continuity and canon continuity. I also would like to be able to develop my own world at my own pace, in my own time.


But, once again, I am honored that those who nominated me think highly enough of my work to do so.

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While I am honored to be nominated for the C.I.R.C.L.E., for a second time no less, I'm afraid I must decline.


There are a number of aspects of my works that directly contradict various aspects of C.I.R.C.L.E continuity and canon continuity. I also would like to be able to develop my own world at my own pace, in my own time.


But, once again, I am honored that those who nominated me think highly enough of my work to do so.

Ditto what Reep said for me. =)



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