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Self Moc In Progress

I mad this a while ago, so i's already been tweaked a bit (more trans green, more armor and bulk) but I could use some more people's comments on this Folder (don't worry it's public)   I'm working on a whole team (well three more), here's the back story so far:   The air member of a four Toa team(the one shown, if I write a story it will be told from his prespective) (Earth, Ice, Fire, Air I'll make the rest later) the team's duty was to defeat a BoM member oppressing some island (whatever



Recent "news"

For all those reading this tiny two post blog, I'm sure none of you are thinking "gee ouch, I wish I could decide what new Lego sets to buy!" well I can (kinda) help. Here are my recommendations on some of my more recent sets: Tie Crawler: Pros: Rare tread pieces New minifigs Cons: $50.00 USD Few new pieces It's mostly blue, when really Tie crawlers are light gray   I recommend it if you really want the treads or can't live without shadow stormtroopers   Dwarven mi



First Entry

Welcome to my blog and such, you all (should) know the Bzp rules...keep them in mind check back every so often for (hopefully) humorous updates so to add some humor to this first update I'll tell you a story from my physics teacher:   "I was taking a lecture hall class in college, and in the middle of class, one of my friends jumped out the window, he walked back in five minutes later and sat back down, the professor didn't notice"     I have a new goal in life



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