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Evil Blog Master's gotta have an evil place to put his feet up, ya dig?

Entries in this blog

Epic Medic 0

Took the screenshots and did the necessary 'shopping on the one image some time ago. I only today got around to adding the text and resizing the frames. I'll worry about doing them in "page" format when I find out if this is actually going to turn into something.   Also, Soldier's left arm refused to move they way I wanted to. So I just stuck it behind him and then mirrored his right arm to be used on the other side instead.           «TN»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Epic Decisions!

YOU are a ROBOT. You ACTIVATE to find yourself ABANDONED in the middle of a CITY STREET. You have no memory of WHO you are or HOW you got here.   SOUNDS like the BEGINNING of an EPIC JOURNEY. An EPIC JOURNEY filled with EPIC DECISIONS to make.   WHAT should you do FIRST?   1) Enter the nearby grocery store 2) Jump in the dumpster in the alley 3) Pester the homeless bum sitting on the sidewalk   «TN»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Epic Decisions 2!

You decide to JUMP IN THE DUMPSTER.   What a SURPRISE. It was not an ORDINARY dumpster. It appears the dumpster was merely a SECRET ENTRACE to an UNDERGROUND GAMBLING JOINT beneath the GROCERY STORE.   Should you   1) Report this to the proper authorities 2) Try your luck at making some money for yourself 3) Try to win money for the homeless bum outside   «TN»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Enough Sopa Nonsense

I've been working long, hard hours, so this may come off as me being crabby, but I'm beginning to get a bit frustrated here, guys. It's as though some invisible staffy lifted the "no discussing politics" rule while I wasn't looking and people started jumping all over it.   This had better be the last SOPA-related entry I see.   What is SOPA? For those of you who don't know, it stands for the "Stop Online Piracy Act". There is also the closely related PIPA (Protect IP Act). If you want to know mo

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Eating Me Inside. It's Burning Me Alive.

I would have done an "obligatory" entry, since I love the word so much, but it's already taken.  So, the Bionicle sets are coming to an end. I have mixed feelings about this. Sure, I was buying close to no sets, but that's simply because I would build them and then just leave them sit on a shelf for display. I've done close to no building with them and I'm running out of space to display sets. If I had lots of room, I'd probably have been buying more sets. Not to mention I always just liked loo

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva


Easter eggs, that is.   For those of you who keep up with the Clone Wars tv show (I just watch 'em online) but don't get the Starwars.com newsletter, I'd like to share you some tidbits from Homing Beacon #257. In "Ambush," the aurebesh legend at the bottom of Thire's macrobinocular viewplate reads "infrared mode". The top reads "regular mode." In "Rising Malevolence," the second escape pod, Pod 1977, is named after the release year of the original Star Wars. In "Shadow of Malevolence," the "C

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Easiest Quiz Ever

Wow, a second entry and it rakes in two approvals! I still can't believe I fell for that April Fool's Day joke. And then I went and started spreading it!   Since this is the first entry of many that I'll be posting which you'll actually have to think for, I decided to make it an easy one. All you have to do is answer the list of random questions below correctly! To make it even easier, you only need to get four questions right to pass!   1) How long did the Hundred Years' War last?   2) Whi

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Easiest $50 I Ever Made

First, I can't link directly to the page because it, in turn, links to forums. Second, "MiBI" is short for "Madballs in... Babo: Invasion". MiBI is an indie video game that is definitely towards the top of my list. It's not above Audiosurf, or course, but it's REAL good. Just wish the online multiplayer community was a bit larger.   Anyways, here's a quote from the developer's blog: So... should I blow it all on something(s) or save it up?   «TN»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva


Seriously, why is it that I can't just boot up some Team Fortress 2 and start smacking people with my frying pan anymore without somebody saying "DOOD I WILL TRADEZ U FOR DOZ EARBUDS I HAZ LOTSA PAINTS AN HATS AN WEPUNS".   I mean, really? Just run down to Best Buy and they've got all kinds of 'em for less hassle and probably cheaper.   Kids on the internet these days...   «TN»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Drive-By Update

I got sick twice over winter break and the second time around I wound up binge-watching several shows. Namely, I watched every Ninjago episode available on Netflix and finished watching the last three and a half seasons of Merlin.   I have ALL the new bonkles.   The Bionicle RPG is at 82 pages. With little more than power rules and some character/creature stat sheets left, it is almost ready for "beta testing".   Podcasting is still fun.   Got on the President's Honor Roll again last semester. T

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Don't Buy Me Gifts

I can't believe I live in a world where I'm actually writing this blog entry.   I'd like to preface this by expressing my deepest gratitude for the wonderful, generous people who have showered me with gifts over the past few years, especially during various holiday Steam Sales.   That said, I have an important request to make:   Don't do it anymore.   Why would I ever turn down free stuff? Well, for a number of reasons. First of all, I still have a backlog of games I need to work through and I d

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Do You Like...

Lame jokes? Terrible acting? Movies made with LEGO minifigures? And all of it done by somebody who is awesome now but wasn't necessarily at the time of making these?   If so, then, "The Adventures of Count Dooku and Mr. Bones" is for YOU.     Clarification:[/HK-47]   Starting a couple/few years back, when my older sister got her new video camera, my sister "one-down" (I have 5 sisters) and I started goofing around with it. The result of this blissful foolishness was a series of mini-movi

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Didn't See That Coming...

Yeah, you're probably wondering just why I disappeared for a number of days. Even moreso why the caption contest hasn't been updated.   Last Friday/Saturday night I fell ill. It wasn't so bad at first, but by the time I finished working I couldn't think straight or anything. It was all I could do just to drive the short distance home. After that, it got a lot worse. I'm not sure if it was the flu or something else, but it is/was nasty. I spent all of Sunday sitting in the same recliner. I didn'

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Did I Forget To Mention...

...that Audiosurf is only two-and-a-half bucks on Steam until January 3rd?  GO GET IT!   (Dylan Fitterer should TOTALLY be paying me for all this advertising. )   Oh, and Merry Christmas Eve to y'all.   <End Track>

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Deus Ex

Picked the game up during Steam's mad sale a couple weeks ago. Despite the headaches I was getting from the early-2000s graphics, the game was simply mind-blowing. Of course, this is probably old news to a lot of people.   I particularly liked the whole bit about conpiracies and such. The fact that it mixes my two favorite genres (FPS and RPG) also made it awesome.   I'll never look at the world the same way again.   What a shame.   «TN»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Decisions Decisions...

So, as I was going about putting together a bio for the staff page, I was met with a dilemma.   The picture. I could go one of three ways. I could simply put a photo of myself like some had, take a picture of myself and edit it to make me look really cool, or...   I could simply throw something together to make myself look incredibly nerdy and ridiculous.   Also, thanks to ChocolateFrogs for finally getting around to putting it up.   «TN»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Death/EP/Unity Duty Destiny

So, you people don't like the ending to Bibble then, eh?   Perhaps you want to hear another snippit about the RPG, eh?   I think I've a decent idea of how I'm going to work the elemental powers and death mechanics.   After a character reaches 0 hp, they have to worry about unconsciousness and injury. To remain conscious, the character has to pass a Toughness Roll each round -10 times Injury Level. If they fail they pass out for some amount of time. Injury level is tracked as the amount of damage

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Death Mechanic/Elemental Fatigue?

Two of the hardest things for me to pin down right now are dealing with the expending of elemental energy and death.   First, I'd like to know people's opinion on death within a Table-top RPG. With the current system I'm using for a lot of my inspiration, after the max hitpoints threshold has been reached the character starts taking "critical damage" which means they start bleeding out/losing limbs/losing their mind/dying. The two big caveats with using this system are, first, I'm trying to keep

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

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