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Scout Bait.

I like to use Scouts as bait.   If I have the Intel and know a Sniper is watching one of the two exit doors, I'll let a team mate Scout go first, get killed and quickly escape as the Sniper reloads.  



Blog Change.

This blog is now dedicated to my life as a Hat collecting Engineer.  




When I was younger, Crayola crayons went into their 100th year.   Because of this, they sold special Gold Boxes with 100 of their colors.   The other day my grandmother gave me one of these boxes that she found in a closet. It was mine, and since I was horrible at coloring I never really used them.   Looking on the back of the box, I saw there was a contest going on during their 100th year.   "We're bringing in four new colors, but to do so we need to get rid of four classic colors! You pick whi



The Yard Is A Mess.

My yard, everyone's yard is full of leaves.   Everywhere.   Wet, brownish leaves all over the yards.   Such is the issue with living in a heavily wooded area. Though, it sort of looks.. pretty. Aside from barely seeing any grass.



It's One Of Those Days

Where I realize I still need to re-make the blog.   And that I'm very hungry. Even after dinner.   Time for some soup.



Blog Changes, Comics, Stuff

Big accident outside the parkway. Dumpster truck overturned.   Big mess, chah.   Anyway, I'll try changing up my blog at some point this week.   I love working on comics, yet the ironic thing is I miss not /doing/ them during the break. Odd how that works out.   Augh, I'm so tired at the moment that I'm making typing mistakes as I type. Yet correcting them. What the.



Blog Layout

I'm considering changing the look of this blog. Maybe.   I'm not sure, exactly. I don't /want/ to change the name. Red Hot Muffins is my favorite name for a blog.   I know one thing, a change to some layout would be nice. I guess.   Maybe some links, I dunno. What do you fellows think?



Gavla's Views On The New Hf Sets

Breez has heels. At least I'm assuming they are meant to be that in some way. I actually like that little detail. Phantom really really makes me think of a fusion between Fire and ol' Neb. Like really. Evo's helmet looking somewhat like his first is a very nice touch. Furno doesn't seem to suck as much as he used to. I like the propellers added to him. Jawblade is a shark. That's awesome in my opinion. I really like the Rocka set. The gold coming back as gold is nice, but all those extra f




..Was there an earthquake on the Eastern side of the states?   At all? I swear I felt one a few minutes ago. Or at least something with a strong enough shake to move my chair and desk.   Just asking.




I like hashbrowns.   Or hash browns.   Whatever the correct term is, I like them.



Let's Talk More About Break. Such As The Weather.

Hello chaps.   Another interesting bit that went on during the forum downtime was all that craaaaazzzy weather!   If you live on the East Cost, you know just what I mean.   A certain earthquake, and then a certain storm.   I've lived here, in my state. All my life.   Raised by my grandparents, you see. So I've seen a lot. Such as storms.   But I never felt an earthquake before, and to be honest when that one happened? Not impressed. I honestly thought a tree fell in my backyard. (We have a lot o



So It's Back, Life Has A New Part Again And I'm Still A Muffin.

So the forums are back, that's good. Now I have motivation to continue my comics again.   Though, I did enjoy the few month break. I played games, did stuff. Ya know, just stuff to keep my time filled.   My day isn't really interesting, it's bland and slow.   So I guess I'll go over some of the stuff that did happen.   I went to Tucson.   I played games a lot more to pass the time.   I got a lot of rest.   I bought some of the new LEGO sets.   I made word docs to help me re-post my comics when t



Happy Birthday

To me, Happy birthday to me.     COME, SING WITH ME.         -Anyway, yes it's that day of the year again. I'd ask for someone to make me a cake, but as I now know..     It's a lie. That darn, yummy cake.



Money In The Bank

I'm still fairly new to keeping money from stuff in the bank, investments and such.   To the point I need to learn to not confuse the monthly invested cash(or whatever) for the total amount.   Case in point, I thought I had 14 bucks left when really, 14 bucks were added in.   To which I get worried and think "Oh no someone got my money".   So yeah.



A Busy End Of March

Ugh, hello!   My grandmom had surgery on her right eye on Tuesday, so I've been busy helping out after that.   She gets her left eye done next week, on Tuesday again. Then she's all better.   March leads into April, you know.   Which means my birthday is after next week. Should be interesting.     So how is everyone?




You know, a long time ago when I was a bit younger I went fishing with my grandfather and uncle.   It.. it was really fun, one of the highlights of one of the summers. I miss fishing, I should do that again.   Do you chaps have any good memories of things you'd want to try again?




Our water heater broke the other day.   Our living room carpet smells, the whole room does.   It hurts my nose.



Name Change?

I've thought for some time on changing the blogs name.   But let's be honest here, chaps.   Red Hot Muffins is simply the best name there is for my blog.   As for screen name, there is no way I'm switching from "Gavla" to something else.   It makes for the perfect gag.    




So bread.   Whats your favorite type of bread?   In fact, what do YOU like to put on/how do you eat your bread?   For me, I like potato bread.   I like to make sandwiches out of bread.   Maybe toast it, add some butter or Nutella.



A New Year

It's a new year, everyone. Second day of it, in fact.   Mm.. smell that?   It's rain. We over here near the sea get welcomed in.. with rain. Plus snow still on the ground but whatever.   Ya know, to be honest the only real problems for me this past year.. was the weather. Horrible heat in the summer (Plus add broken air conditioners ) and bitter cold in winter..   With broken heaters.   Seems all my problems were mechanical.



Creepy Neighbors

I don't like some of our neighbors, for various reasons.   Some being, why one would walk their dog in our yard.. I dunno.   Maybe she wanted our Christmas decorations.   Hard to tell, but it's creepy.   One of them walks around without a shirt sometimes. Blah.    




No one came.   At all.   No one but air.   More candy for us, it seems.    



Stormy Return

I'm back! From Texas!   It was so sunny there, the sky so blue.. so clear..   But I was sick going there. Blah. Happens on the extra long trips. Chicago was beautiful, you all should see the (I think it's the main) main street. Flowers.. so lovely.   So many things. I took a few pictures, might post them here later.   I'm all better now, but my foot from that fall the past week still bugs me.




Well tomorrow I go. Leaving for Texas by train. Going out west, as they say. Or.. something like that. When I went to New Mexico, I saw a lot of cows on the way. I hope I see more of those fine creatures. Moo.   Anyway, yeah. Going by train.   8:30, NJ-Transit   Near noon is the train to Washington DC. Then the train to Chicago.   Tuesday, train from Chicago to Texas. Get in on Wednesday.   Only for a week, I shall be gone. Yet still here. Chaha.



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