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Creepy Neighbors



I don't like some of our neighbors, for various reasons.


Some being, why one would walk their dog in our yard.. I dunno.


Maybe she wanted our Christmas decorations.


Hard to tell, but it's creepy.


One of them walks around without a shirt sometimes. Blah.




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Our neighbors mentally deification child road an ATV on our lawn, the parents watched and did nothing.



They made him get off our lawn when we threatened to call the cops. Now I have tons of grass to plant.



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Some being, why one would walk their dog in our yard.. I dunno.

It bugs me when people just stand by and watch other people do this. Do you call the cops?

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Is the one without a shirt fat, hairy or saggy?


As for dog-walking in your yard...see, we put nothing but rocks in our yard when we lived in a neighbourhood. No dogs pooped there. EVER.



Hairy/saggy. From what I can tell, at least.


We called the cops on them before, when they were screaming at each other (Six people in one house. We think they are two different families) at night.


Heck, the one that walked the dog even bent our mailbox.

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