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they didn't give me the job training for this.

Entries in this blog

Requesting DSi Tech Help

My DSi can recognize WiFi signals, and lets me know they're there, but it won't let me get through on any, regardless of security. This means I can't accept User's Terms & Conditions on the WiFi, so I can't actually connect and use the wifi.   Any insight would be appreciated. I can give a specific error number if need be.



Election 2012

Despite my worst fears, the United States is going to keep moving forward.



Tentatively angling for White's Elite Four!

Current team is Serperior, Ferrothorn, Darmanitan, Throh, Pawniard, and Tirtouga. This is probably a terrible team, so I need someone to yell at me for using one or another and tell me what to do instead.



Friendly Reminder!

Just because you buy a company, doesn't mean they are completely absorbed into you, you take over everything with your existing staff, and run the franchise into the ground! That only happens if you're EA. Disney's really good about pretty much everything they do, so keep your shirts on, everyone.   Besides. Judging a product before you have ANY definite details about it is a terrible idea. That's what led to such awful debacles as Daikatana and Duke Nukem Forever. People expected too much.



Hurricane Cassandra

I died. I am so dead right now. You guys will never believe how hard that hurricane killed me.



Deadliest Warrior Tournament: Introduction

Vaguely inspired by Kraggh's Vs entry, I've decided to pull up my own as a tournament.   However, unlike he, this will not be the progression of "XvY, X wins, XvZ." No.   This is a single-elimination, tournament of 64 heroes and villains to see who would come out on top.   We start with the pool of 64. Each round, you will be given two characters. Vote for who you feel would win, and the survivor moves onto the pool of 32, and so on until we reach the Quarter-Finals. At this point, the four rema



Deadliest Warrior Tournament: Round One: Jake Sully vs. Michael Myers

In one corner, we have Jake Sully in his Na'vi avatar. In the other, we have the man of the "Halloween" movies, Michael Myers. Can the crippled marine beat the psychopath, or will the man in the mask prove there's more than one way to skin a blue cat person?   Voting starts now.   (I will answer any questions about either contestant to the best of my ability.)



Things to figure out

Whammy Bar for The Artist Formerly Known As Jimi Stringer's guitar Time Management Work Schedule Fencing How to not be terrible at Dishonored Relationships



Black and White

So, bought White yesterday. Figured I enjoyed SoulSilver enough to warrant getting a Gen V game, too.   Also Chandelure. Needed Chandelure.



The Brick Knight Rises

Starring:   Kanohi Zatth as Zatthman/Pablo Wayne Black Six as Commissioner Black Six Xaeraz as Xane Architect as Officer Architect Brick Avohkah Tamer as Ponyman/A.T. Kyle Aho-Chan as Corey Tate Ballom as Ballom Fox Brickeens as Birks Pennyworth Meeko as Meeky Apollo Mahri as Dr. Apollo Mahri Takuma Nuva as Tak's Al Ghul Orino Ryuujin as Dr. Orino Crane   And other, various, uncredited extra members.   Coming eventually to a blog near you!



My final goals on BZP

Defeat Black Six in a dramatic duel atop the RPG forum during an ominous thunderstorm. Break out of Comedies without alerting the guards. Steal the Mona Lisa from Artwork I. Scale the west face of CoT. Win a debate against Bonesiii from the harder side of the conflict to argue. Make a hot topic that breaks all the rules at once. Be as swift as a coursing river. Have all the force of a great typhoon. Be as strong as a raging fire. And, above all, be as mysterious as the dark sid



Novelmber Notes Day #1: Society (Classes and Cities)

SO. In preparation for novel month, I'm going to write up some notes about the universe, plot, characters, and such every time I have any. Today we deal with the society of cities and class. HUGE rich/poor gap. We're talking mansions vs capsule apartments here. Rich people don't live in the city. They don't live next to the city. If you're rich enough, you live in the middle of nowhere. Cops are entitled to use deadly force at all times, for any crimes. Civil services (fire dpt./police/medic



One last thing before I sleep

I'm pretty much always asocial or angry, so if I wind up snapping at you, only take it personally if I've made vague blog posts about you elsewhere on the internet, and they specify wanting to turn any part of you into a pulp.



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