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Deadliest Warrior Tournament: Introduction



Vaguely inspired by Kraggh's Vs entry, I've decided to pull up my own as a tournament.


However, unlike he, this will not be the progression of "XvY, X wins, XvZ." No.


This is a single-elimination, tournament of 64 heroes and villains to see who would come out on top.


We start with the pool of 64. Each round, you will be given two characters. Vote for who you feel would win, and the survivor moves onto the pool of 32, and so on until we reach the Quarter-Finals. At this point, the four remaining will all be put in together, and you vote who would win in the ensuing free-for-all.


All contestants operate on the rules of their universe. Magic works exactly how it would in their world, guns operate as they use them in their universe, et cetera.


Any ridiculous abilities the character has, like invincibility, are annulled according to me. I will post any qualifiers with each character in their round.



1. Rick Deckard (Blade Runner)

2. Joe (Looper)

3. John Rambo (Rambo)

4. The Predator

5. The Thing

6. Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games)

7. John McClane (Die Hard)

8. Indiana Jones

9. Gordon Freeman (Half Life)


11. Scott Pilgrim

12. Mario

13. Sonic

14. Harry Potter

15. Matoro Mahri

16. Preston Stormer (Breakout)

17. Mal Reynolds (Firefly)

18. Han Solo

19. Samus Aran

20. The Terminator

21. Commander Shepard (Mass Effect) (Soldier)

22. Protoman (Megaman)

23. Batman

24. Wolverine

25. Deadpool

26. Anung Un Rama (Better-known name isn't allowed on BZP. You're gonna have to look him up. :c)

27. Samurai Jack

28. Ezio Auditore (Assassin’s Creed)

29. Hawkeye

30. Legolas

31. Wikus Van Der Merwe (District 9)

32. John Egbert (Homestuck)

33. Sneaky Peeky Mahiki (BZPower)

34. Van Helsing

35. Dracula

36. The Werewolf

37. Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde

38. Inigo Montoya

39. Jake Sully (Avatar)

40. River Song (Dr. Who)

41. Worf (Star Trek)

42. Corvo Atano (Dishonored)

43. Adam Jensen (Deus Ex)

44. Pyro (TF2)

45. Gandalf the Grey

46. Captain Nemo

47. King Arthur

48. Dovahkiin (Skyrim)

49. James Bond

50. Ashley Williams (Evil dead)

51. Shaun (Shaun of the Dead)

52. Ripley (Alien)

53. Donatello (TMNT)

54. Master Chief

55. The Road Warrior

56. Dr. McNinja

57. Axe Cop

58. Darth Vader

59. Joker

60. Doc Ock

61. Pyramid Head

62. Jason Voorhees

63. Freddy Krueger

64. Michael Myers


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