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Creepy Girl

In my time on the Internet, I've come to accept that dynamically generated banner ads that come up on each page. But lately, there's been one that's shaken me to my very foundation.   I'm speaking of a specific ad for something called "Chemistry." Now, I always thought these dynamically generated ads came based on the various content of the page their loading on (and I will most likely summon forth another one just by mentioning it in this post. Perhaps it was the mix of Video Game and Bionic



Cream And Fruit-filled Pastries

In the comments for yesterday's entry, I recieved an unusual suggestion from one Pohatu: Toa Of Electronics. Being the kind of guy I am, I decided I'd follow this advice for today's entry.   Personally, I can't stand sour cream...or mayo for that matter...there's something about the texture that just doesn't sit with me when I'm trying to enjoy my food. This is probably also caused by the fact that no restaurant is able to include this type of condiment without lathering it on as though it we



Copy/pasting "host" Over And Over And Over...

So at some point, Maj went "away" and became "Majhost". Unfortunately I never really was able to go back and update all my image links. Well, that's what I'm doing now. Or at least, what I'm doing until I bore myself to death.   Also, SKOL VIKES!



Christmas Hauls

First off, a friendly reminder that I'm now on Twitter. So stop by and say hey! I tend to update that more often these days since I'm able to post to it on the go. Can't promise it'll always be interesting, but I figure once I get more followers I'll be able to use it more for sharing ideas than the current brain dump it is.   That said..it's the post-Holiday season, a time of exchanges, returns, and assessing the damage to your pocketbook. In the meantime, here's the pile of goodies that I



Christmas Comes Early

Was out at Wal-Mart this morning to do some last minute shopping, stopped by the LEGO section out of habit and was surprised to see a small selection of Phantoka sets. I'm waiting till after the New Years to do any serious shopping, so I settled for Toa Ignika.   It's a pretty cool set. The Toa looks good, though I'd rather he (it?) had a more colorful Kanohi (first Matoro and Nuparu get Silver Kanohi, and now Ignika...) The jet board is probably my second favorite out of the four extra-Toa



Changing Of The Gard

T-Hybrid is busy today finalizing the paper work that will sign over the Haven to its new owners. In his absence, he has requested his new guest writer fill in. Good day to you ladies and gentlemen of BZPower. My name is RhodoKnightmon, and I have been asked by Mr. Hybrid to serve as protector of the Rose Garden while he is away on business. As such, it will be my duty to submit entires when he is unable to do so himself. Yesterday's annoucement must have come as a bit of a shock to tho



Cat's Outta The Bag Now

Warning. The following content discusses the '08 sets. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Okay, I didn't know what we're allowed to say and what we can't without using spoiler warnings, so this whole entry today is one big spoiler tag. Hope it's not too annoying.  But anyway, now that the 08 sets have been revealed through "legal" means, we at BZP are free to discuss what we think of them. And personally, I'm on the fence. I find Pohatu's design...confusing. But Kopaka and



Can't Talk. Arting.

So after not having had motivation to put pencil to paper for almost two full years...something has inspired me to start drawing again. I have no idea why, nor do I have any idea what exactly it is I'm going to be doing with them. So bear with me as I start dumping my artings.   Here's the first: a guitarist. He kinda looks like me, but he's really not supposed to be me. I cheated on the face and draw sunglasses (I'm still learning eyes). I like how the feet turned out (I've never really g



Can You Help Me Find This Movie?

So I'm going crazy trying to find a movie that came out a loooong time ago. It's called Sidekicks and it stars none other than the legendary Chuck Norris. I know somebody that is a huge fan of his, and I'm pretty sure they've never actually seen this, so I want to get it for them as a joke gift of sorts. The only problem is I can't find a Region 1 DVD of it, anywhere.   If anybody knows a reliable place that might have copies of this, that would be awesome. Best Buy and Amazon have been bus




T-Hybrid is busy working his tail off this week to make up for textbook costs. He has once again turned to his guest writer to fill in.   First things first, you may notice a few changes in the appearance. Mostly Kouki's new button and my own upgrade. Things are changing at the Haven and us two are sure signs of it. After about a month of toying around with various elements, T's been able to come up with a way to give us both upgrades to our Ultimate stage so that we better fit the theme ar



Brief Tuesday Wrap-up

Looking back at the calendar, I haven't been updating or writing much lately. Things have been a bit hectic at work, with a release going out to customers this past weekend. I'm well into my next set of projects, and am getting caught up a bit, so I'm mentally exhausted as well as physically these days when I get home (working out is tough...but it's gotten a bit easier thanks to having some music to listen to rather than nothing).   Couple of updates though since I have a chance. One is tha



Brian Setzer Is Out To Get Me

"Rock This Town" once again proved to be my downfall. But for an official event held in the Rotunda of the MoA, the GHII Tourney on Saturday sure seemed pretty unprofessional. Since my one and only performance was at 12:15, I was left with quite a bit of time to discuss the merits of the contest with those around me.   For starters, the field was open to over 200 competitors...however, the limited time constraints for the tourney left them able to only take the top 10 scores. 10 out of 200.



Brawl Won't Know What Hit It

Nintendo stole the thunder from my Fantasy Draft a few weeks back when they annouced King Dedede out from underneathe me. I promised that I wouldn't let it happen again, and today I keep that promise.   T-Hybrid Franchise: Create-a-Character First Appearance: Dynasty Warriors 4 (as Torhu Xi) Why?: This is purely an ego move. And after all, it is a Fantasy Draft. So why not have some fun and think about what it would be like to have my own character in Smash Bros. Could I take on Mar



Brawl Tourney: Recap

What a night. I showed up at the store at 8, and it was a good thing I did. There was already about 15 people wandering around the store waiting for registration. By about 8:30 there were 30+, so they lined us up and did the signup early. At that point, I learned that the nearby Best Buy had put a demo out. So I jumped in the car and cruised over there.   But that's all side stuff. The real fun stared once they lined us up outside and started calling names for the tourney. It's a smaller



Brawl Is Made Of Win

I was going to talk about how I picked up the Mahri over the course of the past week, but then the following news broke regarding Smash Bros. Brawl on the Wii. There's going to be a new character.   Yes, you see that right. Instead of adding just one Pokemon, Nintendo has introduced a full-on Trainer into the SSB series. Using Charizad, Squirtle, and Ivysaur...the Pokemon Trainer will stand in the background and let the Pokemon do the fighting. Only one on screen at a time, and they can a



Bouncer, Fighter, Gamer

T-Hybrid is currently taking care of his benefits package, and other growed-up things. In his place, he has again requested the assistance of his guest writer.   Good evening boys and girls, VGM here bringing you the latest updates from the world of Bouncin'. I have to say that it's been a bit frantic this week, with T-Boss gettin his submissions organized in the Master of Bionicle 2 contest (he tried askin me for help but I wouldn't give it, he's on his own!). I do like his ideas so far, on



Bouncer Blog

T-Hybrid is currently getting situated in his new apartment. Due to this delay, today's blog entry is brought to you by a special guest writer.   Hey everybody. HybridGreymon here. The boss said he wasn't going to make it today so he asked me to fill in. I don't know what he expects me to write about, seeing as how I was only created like a few days ago. But he pays the bills, so here I am.   I hope y'all understand any typos or anything. After all I'm a 7 story dinosaur with a revovler



Blogging: Because I Have To Ramble Somewhere

I haven't been surfing BZP nearly as often as I used to, but when I saw the front page and heard this place had started supporting blogs, I figure why the heck not right?   I've only started blogging recently, mostly because of the reason I gave in the title. I have a blog of sorts on my webpage, but that's not even close to Bionicle related (not that I know if this blog has to be anyway). So I decided, hey...it'd be cool.   So now I've got my blog on BZP, and who knows how often it'll get u



Black Friday (aka I Should've Planned This Better)

For the first time in quite a while, I came away from Black Fridy without having bought anything for myself. However, due to poor research...I currently have three copies of Breaking Dawn sitting on the shelf. This is mostly because stores don't allow returns on Black Friday, and I found progressively less expensive copies of it as I went along. And no, this isn't for me. It's for somebody else.   I've never really had bad experiences on Black Friday. Best Buy and Target always do a great




23 now. Can't really tell the difference between 23 and 22. I was alotted a new monitor at work a while back, and of all days it arrived today. Had forgotten about it. Best of all, they let me keep the old one. So I'm running dual-monitors now. The one is huge. Perfect for coding on.   I also got my flu shot. Hooray? I can't remember the last one I got, I figured I'd get one this year since I'm going to be in a busy environment with a lot of different people, so it'd probably be good.




I was going to write an entry today, pondering the meaning of life and assessing my own path through these last 22 years...   But then I decided it'd be more entertaining to eat cake.   *eats cake*



Best. Name. Ever.

With Nintendo dropping this bombshell, I decided it'd be time to get back to my own "Fantasy Brawl Draft"...   Poo Franchise: Mother First Appearance: Mother 2 aka Earthbound (SNES) Why?: I'll point to the title of this entry and leave it at that. Though I will say add that with Lucas now added to the mix (and starting to look like a Ness clone), it's quite possible the Mother series will still only have one representative in Brawl. I never played Earthbound, so I'm not familiar enoug



Best. Gift. Ever.

I don't remember if I wrote this earlier in the year, but my Grandad passed away in June. This Christmas, my Grandma gave me his watch.   ...I don't think I'm ever going to take this off. It makes a Hauls Thread seem inappropriate and petty. So none this year. It was a fun Christmas though!



Barakki Recommendations?

I picked up three Piraka (mostly because I wanted the Irnakk set). I wasn't too pleased. The Barakki though appear to be the second coming of the Rahkshi (w/ more uniqueness)...and I'm kinda interested. I went to a different Target today and they had the blue and red ones (I'll learn their names someday). A trip to a nearby TRU presented me with the black, white, and "brown" ones (Mantax, Pridak, Kalmah?)   I'm started to get very interested in picking up a few of these (if not eventually a



Bandmates Wanted: Apply Within

Rock Band 2 drops on the 360 in about a week or so. One of the biggest new features is the ability to take the original Band World Tour online. So now I won't need to rock the Voxtar (Single player using guitar and mic at the same time) to get through it on my own.   But I need a few good men (or women) to help fill out the band. I'm not sure of the details, so I dunno if this can work with more than four...but one thing I know is that now band members will be able to switch between instrume



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