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Art, science, card games, and whatever else I find interesting :)

Entries in this blog

and suddenly it was 12 days later

tbh I have absolutely -no- clue where the time went. It feels like that last entry was only a day or two ago... and my birthday's already coming up mext week, it's unbelieveable   However! My thesis is almost finished. Should be done by the end of the weekend, the latest. 60 pages of "it didn't work and I'm not sure why" xD But I learned a lot, and it was a cool experience. Even the writing part, tbh. After all I decided that I want to write it in English (second language! but practise is supe

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

I Guess You've Seen My New Avvie...

I'm so glad my mum allowed me to download some long hair for male sims they now look so freakingly cute...'specially when they go to sleep in their coffins xD   Pictures of random sims: "I'mma gonna - oh LOOK, NEWSPAPERS!!!" Some unhappy sim Lil' Merillia had such an evil look on her face before playing a trick on her brother...   I'll add some more soon

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Lorian And Kehiro

Just a little sketch from today... I'm pretty happy how Lorian turned out... and no, this is not cleaned up yet. Yes, it's messy.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Suddenly, Nostalgia

... and why? Because I finally got around writing some longer reviews in GA. I should really do this more often. Why don't you try it, too?

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

New Year's Resolutions

It's never too late! Do something with my eyebrows I fear they're far too prominent in my face... but somehow I'm afraid of plucking them because I'm sure I'll choose the wrong shape ;_; Play the guitar again I need so much more practise... Finish school Only 1/2 a year left! D= University! *scared* (Physics) Practise w. liquid eyeliner Paint more Mostly with watercolours and acrylics... I so wnt to be able to get it right No more disappearing without a notice Seriously, I feel bad about

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Takarion [Art] (And A Few Thoughts On Automimesis)

< as always, clicking the thumbnail takes you to the full drawing.   Okay, so actually I've been drawing this over the past few months, with huuuuge gaps in between, and it's still not finished. But I love having this drawing lying around; it kind of reminds me that there is still something I have to do. x3     "Ogni pittore dipinge sé" (Every painter paints himself)   There is something that I've been thinking about quite a lot lately, and that is the phenomenon of so-called "Automimesis", d

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

"Test" tomorrow.

myergh, I'm quite scared of it - I mean, I did prepare, but the last test I 'prepared' for was the one I -just- passed, with 12 out of 20 points. :/ Okay, it's Analysis II, not Mathematical Methods of Physics, but still... I'm quite scared.   And as if things couldn't be better, I also kinda screwed up presenting one of the problems in front of the course, which means I may or may not lose some points. And I hate that. Everything was so much easier back when... I kinda miss the easiness about sc

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

New blog everything.

what has changed?   New name not sure whether I'll keep it or change it again, but the old one was already kind of boring.   New 'theme' Simply because all the old images were so... old D:   New approval. because the old one wasn't as pretty anymore.     yeah, original. And awesome font. I know ._.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

I'm Bored With My Display Name

However, I don't know what to change it to...   Taka Nuvia the strange Taka Nuvia scribbles away The Taka Nuvia   ... whatever I coem up with sounds weird.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Greetings From Evilsyde

Okay... today I found out that we had the album "Magica" by Dio, and listened to all the songs and the story behind (you can read it here). Well, I used the album cover to create some makeup for my Sims, along with a few band shirts (sadly I haven't got any good fotos of them so far, so here's only the makeup).   Pictures:   It only covers half of the face it's also usable for children and young adults   ~~~~~   Hope this is not too scary or disgusting, but if so, please let me know!

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Some Random Facts

this is going to be a very random entry I used to think there has to be something special about AFOLs. Then suddenly, I was one. (wait what how did this happen) I can't believe my comic topic is still alive text markers are great for sketching so are sticky notes Never underestimate the power of random scribbles excessive studying can cause headaches Ducks I love telling stories. But writing them down... is harder. This blog has both a 'nonsense' and a 'stuff' category. I wonder why I d

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Electronic music...

Some types just make me think "Needle Printer", although they don't even really sound like one. Maybe it's the kind of noise, I don't know.   And no, this does not mean I don't like it. It's just sometimes a bit... odd, because I'm not that used to it since I mostly listen to stuff like Dio, Hammerfall, etc. Also, I know that I am generalizing again, sorry. Electronic music is a wide range of genres, I'm fully aware of that.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Sorry For Not Really Being Around Today

But my headache was so bad that I felt like my headache was having a headache.   Now it's better, though... and tomorrow will hopefully be a better day, too.   Anyways, just a quick update so you know where I've been.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Today's doodle

*ahem* I know I made a blog entry complaining about having little time earlier this day. And now that. Well. Let's just put it like this: sometimes the more mathematical lectures just won't pass. ^^" Yet, the breaks in between taking notes are only long enough for small doodles like above... oh well.   Highlight the following for a quick explanation: That's a wizard, complete with pointy hat and staff, telling an evil demonic clock that it shall not pass. LOTR, anyone? I've actually never seen t

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Possible Name Ideas

Sooo, the results of a first brainstorming compiled in a little commented list...   Demonic jester or Vampiric Jester ... I like these. But I fear I'm the only one.   Whispering Shadows Seems familiar? Yes, I used that name once.   The Walking Skull Monster Although this isn't as much what I'm going for... and too long?   I know it's not much D=   ~

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

The Omnomnomnibus!

It's art! =D (Click to view in higher Resolution!)   Something I quickly made somewhen in July... finally got arounf uploading it. ^^

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Never Hug Da Real Taka!

Eeh. Long story.   I was walking from the bus station towards school and afternoon art class, when I suddenly saw someone who had been in my class last year. (The one with the dark blue eyes I wrote about a handfull of entries ago...) He saw me too, and... I dunno, he went all like "Squee!" ran up to me and hugged me. O.o   Second time this week when I was all like "O.O". Erm.   Feel amused.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

({entry image, testing} \ {testing}) u {Halloween}

Nevermind the weird title. Too much of that math class... Anyways, this is more or less a test whether entry images work now.   And while I'm at it, I thought I might as well point out that Halloween is drawing nearer and nearer, and that I'm absolutely looking forward to it. It might be a bit clichè, but I totally adore halloween season. Why? Skeletons! Ghosts! Bats! Pumpkins! =D

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


I hate hate hate being ill. HATE. HATE!!!   Not being able to go to a concert you wanted to see... sucks. Gah. ><

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Wizard [Art]

Original sketch     Colouring attempt   Okay, so, today I wanted to do something different for a change. And, having spent the entire day listening to Uriah Heep, I thought "Why not draw a wizard". So I did. It's quite scary how much the facial expression changed...   Anyways, for colouring I actually scanned the sketch and printed a 'lighter' version, on top of which I used coloured pencils. Thankfully no harm was done to the original. I can only recommend this approach if you're not

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

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