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({entry image, testing} \ {testing}) u {Halloween}

Taka Nuvia


blog-0643718001350643706.jpgNevermind the weird title. Too much of that math class... :lol:

Anyways, this is more or less a test whether entry images work now.


And while I'm at it, I thought I might as well point out that Halloween is drawing nearer and nearer, and that I'm absolutely looking forward to it. It might be a bit clichè, but I totally adore halloween season. Why? Skeletons! Ghosts! Bats! Pumpkins! =D


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(Vampires! Zombies! Witches! Fog (Sort of)!)


(It's pretty much the only time of the year people willingly celebrate these things. Well, not many people if you include everyone in my area. But I'm sure there are clumps of Halloween-ites here and there.)

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Eyeballs! Black Velvet! Cobwebs! =D


It's also one of those times where I find accessory much more easily than in the rest of the year. =P

Soo... ^^

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Buckets of fake blood! Brains! Werewolves! Ze adorable spiders with the deadly venom. <3


Oh my gosh, I need to think up a proper, goofy costume for BZP and off-BZP even though I probably won't be going out this year.


The thing is, I hate just buying a costume because it's just too unoriginal for me. I'd make my own, but I kinda suck at that. XD


I was the kid that went out with a bedsheet over his head. XP


Though, I did go to a Zombie Fest once. Oh my gosh, so many people dressed as zombies! It was awesome. 8D

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I love Halloween too, not that everything about my profile did not make that obvious enough. I live near Salem Mass. too, and it is pretty much Halloween everyday there, it is cool.

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Buckets of fake blood! Brains! Werewolves! Ze adorable spiders with the deadly venom. <3


Oh my gosh, I need to think up a proper, goofy costume for BZP and off-BZP even though I probably won't be going out this year.


The thing is, I hate just buying a costume because it's just too unoriginal for me. I'd make my own, but I kinda suck at that. XD


I was the kid that went out with a bedsheet over his head. XP


Though, I did go to a Zombie Fest once. Oh my gosh, so many people dressed as zombies! It was awesome. 8D


Huge spiders! Scary faces! Darkness! Gloom! Tim Burton!


I am already fairly sure what to dress up as. ^^


Putting together costumes is more fun than buying them, anyway. xD


Zombie Fest? *jeallous*


I love Halloween too, not that everything about my profile did not make that obvious enough. I live near Salem Mass. too, and it is pretty much Halloween everyday there, it is cool.


To be honest, I prefer Halloween over Christmas... it's niiiice. x3

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