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Forget the Swine Flu. Senioritis is spreading across Olathe Northwest High School like the common cold. Surely only Seniors should be getting Senioritis, you say; but no. It has SPREAD like a FUNGUS and even I have been CONTAMINATED.   *coughs on you >3*   Also, our mini-production of A Midsummer Night's Dream went...reasonably well, considering two of our five group members didn't show up to practice during first seminar. Alexx actually made a little like...loincloth of paper leaves to



Saturday Conundrum.

Saturday is really the only day of the week I can do anything, but it's also the day of the week when I don't feel like doing anything. At all. Period. End of story. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Also, today it's really gray and rainy and gloomy out. Usually I like the rain, but this rain is cold and unfriendly and feels like winter.   Meh.   -Raia-



S T O L E N.

So some complete imbecile decided to steal my backpack from the girl's locker room.   ;;   What's really weird is 1) they left my folders/spirals/books stacked on the floor 2) my backpack was in the very back of the locker room, in an incovenient place to take it 3) other people had small stuff stolen, but of course not THEIR backpacks, just MINE   But my Sansa mp3 player Old Faithful and my brand spanking new cameraphone are still in my backpack somewheres, along with my palm, which belon



Ren Fest Photos!

I actually did end up going to the Ren Fest!8D Of course, that was like, weeks ago, but I didn't get a chance to upload the pics and such until today. Huzzah! I did not, however, go with my school-friends as planned. They were being wishy-washy and so I just went with my dad, which is actually a good thing, I think.     After crossing the insanely huge and FULL parking lot (it was the last day the festival was open), we were greeted by this building! See the people on the second floor?




I need to do it.>>   BADLY. THIS BLOG IS SO...UNHAPPY. IT NEEDS TO BE HAPPY YES?   *maniacal laughter*   -Raia-




So today was State...and I got up eaaarly...and drove for 1.5 hours, played our piece 5 minutes while ROCKING THE RED TIE, drove back for 1.5 hours, ate a sandwich, lay lifelessly on the couch for a while, crawled up to bed and slept/lay dormant for...a while...and then I got up again.   I aRe a ZoMbIe. I EaT yOuR braaaaains.   *crawls off to eat LK's brain*   oh did I mention I leaped a fence last night, it was fun   -Raia-



Rattlesnakes And Other Adventures

Hola, people! HEY LOOK ANOTHER MONTH WENT BY. And of course, Raia here was lame and has been long absent from this site. Bah.   Anyhoo, my friends, I am in Santa Fe as I am typing this! My fam is on vacation here. Or really, it should be called "Annual Activity in Which We Force Ourselves to Have Fun (and try not to strangle each other)."xD Family vacations are always crazy, amirite?   Family drama and health issues aside (i.e. altitude sickness and car sickness and general lameness I al



Random Entry.

Is random.   I don't really have much to say, but I want to say something...it's like when I'm staring at a blank screen and want to write something, but I have no idea WHAT, precisely. Ever get that?   Or, when you think you hear someone call your name, but there's nobody around?   Maybe Raia just needs moar sreep. And less English homework. I have like three projects to do over the next couple of days. And it's Thanksgiving break, for Mata Nui's sake!><   Oh yeah, and good luck t



Raia Has A Blog? Oh Boy...

Well, I did it. Finally started a blog! Not that anyone cares, but meh, I could use one. Funny thing is, I'd been plotting to go premier for a while, and I finally sent the money in. Two days later, BZP turned 7, and everybody got premier features.   How incredibly...ironic. And of course I am old-fashioned and mailed my donation, so it hasn't even gotten there yet. IRONIC.   In other news, I have a songfic in the works! It's Taka-oriented, and features one of my favorite songs. Squee. Nearly



Progress!8 D

Oh. My. Goodness.   I know rsd is going to make fun of me for this entry ( ) but I feel compelled to tell you guys what's going on in my life. Anybody remember the entry where I angsted over that one hot bells/pic player?   Progress, my friends. Progress.   Sooo here's what happened.   Today was the band festival, yes? So we took a couple of buses across town to the stadium thing we were playing at. I sat at the back by a group of girls that I knew to be entertaining and talkative, with the




It's like doing drugs- you think it won't hurt to try it once, and then you start doing it all the time, and next thing you know, it's Sunday afternoon and you haven't started your Pre AP II English paper, which is due tomorrow, typed.   *Runs around in circles screaming*   -Raia-




Seriously! 8D   Yay for the SSCC! I propose an immediate and spontaneous SSCC party. Whatcha think, rsd?   -Raia-




So like, Raia is a crazy, head-over-heels Komas fangirl, but she also ships TachixKomas obsessively.   ...   PARADOX MUCHO? Or, should I say...PLOT TWIST?=O   On a side note, does anyone know what's up with this UR-86 person? I got this random PM from him that appeared to have a removed image in it...and it sounds as if other people have experienced this too.   Edit: FIRST MARCH ENTRY WHOO! Partay!   -Raia-



Paint.net <3

Raia discovered Paint.NET.   Raia LOVES Paint.NET.   After an unknown number of hours, Raia came up with her first CG art EVER! Is one of my Original Characters from a story I'm writing. Non-Bionicle, so you won't see it on BZP. Especially since it's my pet project, and someday, as in years and years from now, I hope to publish it. So yeah. Just a fun little practice-thing. I hope it turned out okay...   Wheeeee!   -Raia-    




Trying to sleep in tires me out.   *yawns*   -Raia-




Urgh my stomach...too much cake.   Urgh my brain...too much English homework.   Urgh my body...too much sleep-deprived-ness.   Urgh my life...too much CRAZY AWESOME GOING ON WHOOOOO 8D   * * *   Did I mention that my percussion ensemble is going to ooooown the competition at State? [/enthusiasm] And furthermore, it's amazing how talking to people is just this extraordinary tonic; it reminds you why we keep on going every day. Motivation is important, right?   * * *   Lol, we bought my d



Out Of The Circle

I've been feeling for a while now that I'm out of sync.   Not just physically, but socially. I have a little group of girls to hang with, but I don't feel as if I'm really part of them- just an onlooker, able to observe and know but not to be a part of the world.   It sucks.   It's like I'm not even there! I'll make a comment, try to jump in on a conversation, but half the time I feel as if they aren't really listening. I know they're good people...I know I'm a good person...aren't I?   Or a




I totally forgot about posting this art here...bad Raia! Bad, BAD Raia.   Linketh   Tachi fanart (YES, IT'S HB, for Mata Nui's sake!), and was also LK's birfday present.=3 Shall I post my first art topic since before the BZPocalypse? And if I do, will anyone post in it? All comments, cookies, hugs, etc are appreciated.;D   And for those I KNOW WILL ASK...'twas sketched in pencil, then scanned and colored in Paint.NET.   -Raia-



Onua Mata And The Library

LK and Veef have heard most of this story already and that's about half of the people who read this blog buuut...Karzahni, why not.   So I was at the public library this Saturday to help with this kid's program that they have on certain days, and this little preschool-aged boy comes up to me, shoves aside the little sign that said "Sign up" for the program, plunked a Toa Mata canister on the table, and smiled at me expectantly. My reaction was basically "OMIGOSH A REAL-LIVE TOA MATA," except w



One More 'ting

My dad's birthday is in three days.   So, WHAT SHOULD I DRAW FOR HIM? Besides like, mountainzz. I did that last year. He liked my painting, buut...it now lives in his closet.._. He likes astronomy, nature, literature, classical music, science, and um...stuff. Stuff like that. Yeah. Or should I just stick with finding a rake, because of that one joke...hm. *ponders*   Also just as a side note, on that ENORMOUS rant thing two entries back, I just needed to vent cuz I haven't been able t



One Day.

One day left.   [OMG, IT'S SINGULAR, NOT PLURAL *flails around excitedly*]   Actually, I feel...torn about this. Emptying out my band locker brought back a lot of memories. And now I have a bunch of binders, a stick bag, and assorted junk sitting around...everywhere...on top of the huge messes of papers, wires, pencils, rulers, books, etc, that I have left all over the house.xD   -Raia-



On Optimism And Inspiration.

For those of you wondering about my random change in theme...an explanation of sorts! Ah, loverly.   I've noticed lately that I'm at a point in my life where the world is starting to open up. The observations I make every day make the world a little more exciting. The choices I make every day make the world a little different. I'll get my driver's license soon. I'll start getting together material for college applications soon. I'll have to try to decide on a major, at least to start out



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