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Rattlesnakes And Other Adventures

Hola, people! HEY LOOK ANOTHER MONTH WENT BY. And of course, Raia here was lame and has been long absent from this site. Bah.   Anyhoo, my friends, I am in Santa Fe as I am typing this! My fam is on vacation here. Or really, it should be called "Annual Activity in Which We Force Ourselves to Have Fun (and try not to strangle each other)."xD Family vacations are always crazy, amirite?   Family drama and health issues aside (i.e. altitude sickness and car sickness and general lameness I al



My Fish Had Babies!=o

They did.   They're orangish...and teeny...I don't know what they will look like for a while. They're platies (sp?). The parents are Mickey and Plato (or Twitchy, I can't keep those two straight); just for reference, Mickey is white with an orange tail and a Mickey Mouse-ears-shaped marking on the tail, and Plato (or Twitchy?) is a loverly reddish-orange with a black tail and markings.   So. Anybody want to get the honor of naming one of the kiddies?xD   -Raia-



Best Raia-ology Quote.

I needed something to blog about.*shrug* And it is an awesome quote. I tried putting it in my sig but the box was all stretched out and it annoyed me, it looked so...unprofessional.=P So I put it here instead.     Someone should tell the people at my high school that...also, I need a new inspirational quote for my siggy. I'm really tired of the Tolkien one, and it looks so empty without something down there. Thoughts?   -Raia-



. . .

I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!   It's 87 degrees and sunny, there's ice cream and movies aplenty, finals are finished, my backpack bag is in my room, soon to be emptied of all binders, books, and folders, and the most strenuous thing I have to do tomorrow is volunteer at the library. Also I actually managed to get on top of it enough to give my mom a great birthday, aaaand I only had to go back to the school once to get s



S T O L E N.

So some complete imbecile decided to steal my backpack from the girl's locker room.   ;;   What's really weird is 1) they left my folders/spirals/books stacked on the floor 2) my backpack was in the very back of the locker room, in an incovenient place to take it 3) other people had small stuff stolen, but of course not THEIR backpacks, just MINE   But my Sansa mp3 player Old Faithful and my brand spanking new cameraphone are still in my backpack somewheres, along with my palm, which belon




So today was State...and I got up eaaarly...and drove for 1.5 hours, played our piece 5 minutes while ROCKING THE RED TIE, drove back for 1.5 hours, ate a sandwich, lay lifelessly on the couch for a while, crawled up to bed and slept/lay dormant for...a while...and then I got up again.   I aRe a ZoMbIe. I EaT yOuR braaaaains.   *crawls off to eat LK's brain*   oh did I mention I leaped a fence last night, it was fun   -Raia-




So my mom kept going on about how hot it is outside, and not to go out for no good reason, blahblahblah. So I was going to get the mail, cuz I needed to mail a letter anyway. So I go down the street to the mailbox. So then I realized...   ..I forgot the key.   Faaaaaail.   I think I need to get my brain checked...>.>;   -Raia-



Blasphemy! D:

*dusts off blog* Oh, hey guys.^^ Sorry I haven't been blogging rabidly as per usual...just nothing interesting going on in my life right now. Just some breakdowns and unreturned phone calls and a lot of boredom/angst. Also doodling.   ...so anyway, I went and hung around Borders yesterday evening.   They now carry Edward Cullen dolls.   -.-;   -Raia-



Five Ridiculously Fun Ways To Annoy People.

1) Shopping carts. 'Nuff said.8D   2) Something shiny/reflective, like a mirror or the face of my old mp3 player, Squirt, that you can use to make a little light zoom across the roof of your mom's minivan while waiting for her in the Walmart parking lot. It's...shiiiiiiiiiny   3) A rubber ball, preferably just the right size for your hand, tossed up...and down...and up...and down...and then suddenly you pretend to THROW IT AT YOUR SIBLING'S FACE HAHA, MADE YA BLINK   4) Graphing calculators



Yes, I'm Still Alive.

Woah, I haven't updated in a while. Tried to blog yesterday but BZP ate my entry and then it died on me.D= This song. It is awesome. Especially when a teacher randomly sings it for you while playing guitar and harmonica at the SAME TIME. Talk about multi-talented. How many roads must a man walk down Before you call him a man? Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand? Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly Before they're forever banned? Th



T-shirt Sayings.

I've decided that I need a t-shirt that says "I was a hippie BEFORE it was cool." It's just so true, and it would just make my weirdness so much more awesome and quote-worthy.   ...and yes, I am sort of a hippie...a bit...I'm a hippie/band geek/nerd/eccentric artist/loner freak mix.   That explains a lot, doesn't it.   -Raia-



Auditions [shemustbecrazay].

I must be crazay, cuz I decided to audition to be in the Wind Ensemble (or in layman's terms, advanced band) next year. *zomg* Picked up the music today, after one of the percussionists was all ARE YOU AUDITIONING and I'm like UM...NO and he was like YOU SHOULD, THERE ARE A BUNCH OF SPOTS OPEN AND ME AND YOU AND SUCH AND SUCH PEOPLE COULD BE IN IT and I was like AWESOME.   ...auditions start next Friday.D: Live, for the director, but not in front of anyone else. Also my peace club sponsor w



Here Comes The Sun.

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, and I say it's all right Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here Here comes the sun, here comes the sun and I say it's all right Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here Here comes the sun, here comes the sun and I say it's all right Sun, sun, sun, here it comes... Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...



Six Days.

Six days left.   I can no longer walk or even sit in certain ways without experiencing pain. Mitzi is dead, and until I get my replacement (thank goodness she was still under warranty), I'm stuck with my ancient mp3 player Squirt, which has awful sound quality and inadequate memory. I've procrastinated to the last second on my Spanish project. I'm dehydrated.   BUT, I'M STILL HAPPY!   Now get on IM, Lady K, kthx   -Raia-



Final Poll Woe

I couldn't find a very good picture of Eeyore.D=   Thanks for noticin'...   Aw, come on, support poor ole Raia, wontcha? WONTCHA?   ...high school makes me all pessimistic like Eeyore. To cheer me up, CLICK THE LINK, in the name of Mata Nui! It's all a popularity contest! Is not fair...okay, so the Exosep is win, and the Nihu-Motara is all right, but come on! None of them are colormous! And the Exosep isn't even a weapon, it's a mechanical arm.>< So yeah, support the Thunder St



This Is Seriously Not Cool.

I cannot talk, eat, laugh, or even just swallow without experiencing a sensation as if I'm swallowing a Thornax whole. It's not funny. I need my voice. I need to be able to communicate with people. Especially in Spanish class. The whole point of that class is to speak Spanish. More importantly, it hurts to laugh, which really sucks cuz I laugh a lot.   My mom even let me out of going to basketball band tonight, which is serious cuz she hasn't let me before and tonight's the playoffs. Or one of




"MUHAHAHAHAHA!"   "Uh...Raia? What are you doing with that pineapple?"   ">3"   "Hey Raia, could you distract these two so I can play my DS--"   "Noo, I'm too busy being a mad scientist. Where's the tape??"   "I rearranged. You have to keep up!"   "Nobody rearranges the laboratory without the mad scientist's permission!"   "..."   * * *   IS THIS A PLOT TWIST?! ONLY TIME WILL TELL. Or really, Raia-ology will tell.   Oh yeah, I figured out something to do.^.^   -Raia-



Way To Go, Mom.

Oh hey guyz.   so guess what my mom did now? She made me an appointment with a doctor at Children's Mercy Hospital tomorrow in the time I would normally have PE and Chemistry. And she only told me she made this appointment just now, after dinner. My first thought was "Why didn't you tell me this earlier...?" and the second was "Why do I have an appointment at a HOSPITAL? Am I DYING or something?!"   Apparently, she decided I need to "get help" for these dizzy spells that keep popping up on



Attack Of The Terrifying Username.

3 user(s) viewing0 guest(s) 3 member(s) 0 anonymous member(s) Raia Svit-kona, The Orb, In Bed w/ A Shark ...That's not disturbing at all... Also, I am not all that fond of pork chops. ... That is all. -Raia-




To me.=P   So I just got a letter in the mail from Creative Communications, a publishing company, saying that the poem I sent in for their contest has been selected to be published.     Another writing scheme successful!   -Raia-




I must spend about half of my life doing them.   SRSLY.@@   -Raia-




[[bEGIN TRANSMISSION. The ants have returned in full force, their numbers greater than ever before. Our men (er...women...my mom >.>) have fought valiantly to push them back, but they are relentless. The kitchen counter may be lost. There are too many of them. OMGSENDHELPPLZ! AAAAAAAH ... END TRANSMISSION.]]     -Raia-



Eight Days.

Eight days left.   And yes, there will be an entry every day counting down the remaining days of school. :wakeup2:   -Raia-



October Breeze

It's the first of October, and in honor of the occasion, here is a poem that I will write here, in this entry, a spontaneous poem.   Numb toes, Running nose, Running late again...   Flush of pink across the sky I wait to see if the clouds will cry Maybe then I won't be late again...   Summertime has gone To say I'm sad would be half-wrong; I embrace the October breeze again.   -Raia-



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