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I AM SOOO BOOOOOOOOOORED. *headdesk*   This is the part of Spring Break where I wish I could just break something.   -Raia-



Auditions [shemustbecrazay].

I must be crazay, cuz I decided to audition to be in the Wind Ensemble (or in layman's terms, advanced band) next year. *zomg* Picked up the music today, after one of the percussionists was all ARE YOU AUDITIONING and I'm like UM...NO and he was like YOU SHOULD, THERE ARE A BUNCH OF SPOTS OPEN AND ME AND YOU AND SUCH AND SUCH PEOPLE COULD BE IN IT and I was like AWESOME.   ...auditions start next Friday.D: Live, for the director, but not in front of anyone else. Also my peace club sponsor w



Attack Of The Terrifying Username.

3 user(s) viewing0 guest(s) 3 member(s) 0 anonymous member(s) Raia Svit-kona, The Orb, In Bed w/ A Shark ...That's not disturbing at all... Also, I am not all that fond of pork chops. ... That is all. -Raia-



Arts 'n Crafts

So this is what I was did with that pineapple back in the 'mad scientist' entry:     Raia + boredom + pineapple + construction paper + tape + scissors + moar tape + frustration = WIN.   <3   -Raia-



Art, Woot.

Wheeeee   In colored pencil, my goodness.   Happy Halloween, everyone!<33   -Raia-




I remember back when my dad and I actually agreed on practically everything.   Weren't those the good old days?   *stalks off to break something*   -Raia-



And They Dance, Too

I've said this before, but this time I really mean it...I had like the craziest weekend eveeeerr. Unfortunately I'm bored of regaling the details, so I'll just say that it was two days of standardized testing, whacky percussionist mishaps, and illnesses.   Also we just replaced all the appliances in our kitchen...honestly I miss the old ones, they were so much more easy to use. But that's just my lazy side kicking in. On the plus side, they have really pretty LCD displays and the diswasher p



Adios, Amigos!

Well, I leave tomorrow. And I still haven't finished packing yet.xD   Hasta luego, mis amigos! Don't throw any fiestas while I'm gone, mkay?;D   -Raia-



Adieu For Now.

So yeah I leave for my band trip thing tomorra   I'll miss you guys *hug*   but yeah, Merry belated Christmas!x3 I had a blast eating too much, messing with my brother's shiny new Rockoh, Jetrax and Axalara (OMG lufff!) and amusing my uncle with my sarcastic and witty comments, and I hope you had a good time too.^^   I won't be back 'til after New Year's, so ya know, you may want to withold PM's and such. Or mayhaps you won't, in which case I'll be clearing out my inbox with ill grace.x3 T



Academia And Political Correctness

Firstly, I got my cursor back! But only because I'm no longer in Rich Text Editing. I guess that is my new buddy...   Secondly, I’m really happy because I’ve been fixing up some academic issues and things are looking relatively good. Unfortunately, due to some circumstances beyond my control, I’m now rather behind on our in-class research project in English. Alas. Hopefully the teacher’ll be flexible about some deadlines, especially cuz this whole thing is sorta her fault.>>   Third



Absence! 0:

For those very few of you who actually read all the random nonsense otherwise known as life issues that are troubling for me that I post here...you may have noticed I haven't been around for a while! Or, you may have not. Well, now you know unless you didn't read this, either.   [/minirant over]   So! It's a new year now, le gasp. 2010 is going to be HUGE, I can feel it! Already, my apparent stock of good Karma has granted me two snow days that would have been my first two days back to sc



Aaand Bzp Returns.

AND THE CRAZEH EMOTIONAL BLOGGER IS BAAAACK   ...   I missed Raia-ology. But really, I have mixed feelings about the forums being back up finally...so much stuff got deleted.:< Why does this kind of thing always seem to happen to BZPower?;;   -Raia-



A Small Bit Of Advice.

NEVER remove a staticky coat while listening to your mp3 player/iPod/whatever. You get shocked through the earbuds and the music goes KKKZZCCCHHT!   -Raia-



A Massive Update

...wait, what? So the forums are back now?O_o That was...unexpected.xD   HAI GUYS. So like, it's time for a massive update, ya know? YIPPEE-KII-YAAY!   Raia is: -17 as of last Thursday -A Junior in High School as of last Friday -Braces-less as of...um...well, I got my braces off during the downtime. Whatever.>> -Busy as heck -Pit Captain...technically. But I didn't get an official Captain t-shirt. Boo. -Finally taking an art class <3 -Too busy loving on her new t



5, 4, 3, 2, 1...blastoff?

3 finals down, 4 to go   Also 1 name down!   The biggest fishy is officially Kingsley Shacklebolt.<3 It just sort of stuck. Also, my mom discovered that there are in fact actually 4 little fish and 1 bigger one, not 3 teeny ones and 1 larger like we previously thought, which brings the total baby count up to 5.   ...speaking of which, according to one site we found via Google, platies can have up to 80 babies.0.o Ya know, I think I'll wait on the rest of the names until the littler gu




Well, at least one good thing seems to be coming out of '09...   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Brown, or tan, really, returns.  <33333   In other news, I got a lot accomplished over the weekend...at least, art-wise. I got a jump start on my Halloween art, and I finally inked "Quick Kopaka, to the LEWAMOBILE" in preparation for coloring.   Homework-wise, not so much.>> Oh Mata Nui...I have a typed rough draft for my big essay due Wednesday, and an outside reading




Raia fell for a fad, gasp!   Link, because the board is being stupid and won't let me put the pic in directly. Who CARES if it's freaking www.domain.com/picture.one.gif instead o' www.domain.com/picture.gif?!?!   Anyway...I don't hate anybody!=3 I HUG THE WORLD.   <333   Except that one crazy girl in my gym class who loathes me for no apparent reason. I threw my hairbrush at her once and completely missed.>< And terrorists. And politicians. And-   Yeah. You're right. I've been dep




I just love how exactly zero people replied to my "I'm back!" entry   and that only Novu, Lady K and Dok seem to realize that I'm back, or are at least the only ones to acknowledge it-- and I talk to Lady K and Novu mostly off of BZP anyway, so they don't really count in this particular instance.   DO YOU NOT LOVE ME ANYMORE.   WELL?   ...no, wait, I dunno if I want that answered honestly. I think the trouble may be that only a few people read my blog...or at least only a few people, like



* Whoosh *

Sweet 16 parties are fun!8D   So yeah, got back from an overnight at the Great Wolf Lodge at like 1 o'clock-ish and almost immediately had to go to a doctor's appointment, though I squeezed a shower in between, thank Mata Nui.   Basically, GWL is a waterpark condensed into a hotel. Spent the afternoon romping around water slides with three of my friends, ate some cake while watching HP5 on TV, then wandered around the arcade. We ended up pooling together about 400 tickets, and my friends insis



" I Need The Chicken Shucked! "

...I asked my mom what help she needed making dinner yesterday, and that's what she said. I responded with a deadpan: "You mean corn."   "Yes, that."   So I was sent to the front porch with three ears of corn and an old Hallmark bag for the husks, complaining about the heat. Actually, it was kind of relaxing to sit out front and watch the bumblebees busy in the flowers out front. When I go outside, I get all philosophical. I started thinking about the old days, when people had to shuck their p



'nother Thought

Life is a delicacy that is best chewed slowly for maximum enjoyment.   -Raia-



. . .

I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!   It's 87 degrees and sunny, there's ice cream and movies aplenty, finals are finished, my backpack bag is in my room, soon to be emptied of all binders, books, and folders, and the most strenuous thing I have to do tomorrow is volunteer at the library. Also I actually managed to get on top of it enough to give my mom a great birthday, aaaand I only had to go back to the school once to get s




I just noticed something. This blog has 4.3 stars, which is .1 stars more than, for example, Smeag has.   Thanks a bunch guys!   But, I have hardly any comments. I wonder how that happened...?0.o Which reminds me, I forgot about my art topic.^^; It died a loooong time ago. It makes me sad. I'm going to wait until I have some new stuff, and post a new, revamped Easel, complete with Paint.NET-produced graphics. Furthermore, this blog needs more decor. Like, a theme, and all that. A new



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