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Wow, I haven't updated 'round here for a while. *Dusts blog profile*   So. If you read the title, then you may know what's coming. If you are weird and didn't, then read it, silly goose.   I've been depressed off and on since the end of last year. I've been having mood swings lately and I just can't stand to be around people, but I can't stand the fact that I really don't have any steady friends that I can hang with. I don't think I'm going to be on too much for a while until I can get a hand




The power of music. That's all we need, folks. Besides love, though per say, music is an expression of human emotion. Including love. So therefore, music=love.   I was listening to Old Faithful, my Sansa mp3, and this song came on while I was reading this comment.   I almost cried. It was just so moving.;;   Iris -The Goo Goo Dolls   And I'd give up forever to touch you Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't want to go home ri



Out Of The Circle

I've been feeling for a while now that I'm out of sync.   Not just physically, but socially. I have a little group of girls to hang with, but I don't feel as if I'm really part of them- just an onlooker, able to observe and know but not to be a part of the world.   It sucks.   It's like I'm not even there! I'll make a comment, try to jump in on a conversation, but half the time I feel as if they aren't really listening. I know they're good people...I know I'm a good person...aren't I?   Or a




So my mom kept going on about how hot it is outside, and not to go out for no good reason, blahblahblah. So I was going to get the mail, cuz I needed to mail a letter anyway. So I go down the street to the mailbox. So then I realized...   ..I forgot the key.   Faaaaaail.   I think I need to get my brain checked...>.>;   -Raia-



One Day.

One day left.   [OMG, IT'S SINGULAR, NOT PLURAL *flails around excitedly*]   Actually, I feel...torn about this. Emptying out my band locker brought back a lot of memories. And now I have a bunch of binders, a stick bag, and assorted junk sitting around...everywhere...on top of the huge messes of papers, wires, pencils, rulers, books, etc, that I have left all over the house.xD   -Raia-



The Snow Melted.

='(   It's just my luck, of course...as soon as I get out of school and actually have TIME to go sledding or somefink, Kansas goes and rains on my parade, quite literally; it got warm and rained and made most of the snow go away.   )'=   -Raia-




I remember back when my dad and I actually agreed on practically everything.   Weren't those the good old days?   *stalks off to break something*   -Raia-




Trying to sleep in tires me out.   *yawns*   -Raia-



Do You Know What Time It Is?!

I'll tell ya. The district marching festival is tonight. Thus, it is BAND TIME.   Our school band is an interesting bunch. We have a chant that we yell as we leave the band room for all our home game performances and whatnot. This kid Charlie, the most fun, spirited guy I've ever met, leads, and everybody echoes him. 'Tis fun. Keep in mind that we have the biggest band in the district, which totals around 150 crazy teenagers. Yup.   Charlie: Hey band! What time is it?!   Band: BAND



Just Dance.

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder You get your fill to eat But always keep that hunger May you never take one single breath for granted God forbid love ever leave you empty handed I hope you still feel small When you stand by the ocean Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance   And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance I hope you dance I hope you dance   I hope you never fear those mountains in the




Well, at least one good thing seems to be coming out of '09...   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Brown, or tan, really, returns.  <33333   In other news, I got a lot accomplished over the weekend...at least, art-wise. I got a jump start on my Halloween art, and I finally inked "Quick Kopaka, to the LEWAMOBILE" in preparation for coloring.   Homework-wise, not so much.>> Oh Mata Nui...I have a typed rough draft for my big essay due Wednesday, and an outside reading



Neeew Draaaw

He's not that big, but he took waaaaay longer to draw than Kirop did...oh well...click the lovable Av-Matoran to review him.^^   As for my life, well, not too much interesting. I got a random nosebleed on the way back home from the state capital, but that's about it. Not that any of you really wanted to know that I had a nosebleed.xD   Oh, and I SHOULD be doing my English homework right now. But you only live once...   -Raia-




So I was taking the ACTPlan the other day. I could almost hear the lady in charge of the test saying, "Thinking is not permitted until I instruct you to do so."   Just another day living the all-American way.   Oh God I'm sooo glad I have today off.;;   -Raia-




IT SNOWED OVERNIGHT.   Today is Christmas Eve.   I'm getting a white Christmas for the first time since...uh...since I got a white Christmas. Which was not recently. Um, yeah.   Not only that, but I finally finished all those Christmas arts and put 'em up on my dA last night.   <333333   -Raia-



" I Need The Chicken Shucked! "

...I asked my mom what help she needed making dinner yesterday, and that's what she said. I responded with a deadpan: "You mean corn."   "Yes, that."   So I was sent to the front porch with three ears of corn and an old Hallmark bag for the husks, complaining about the heat. Actually, it was kind of relaxing to sit out front and watch the bumblebees busy in the flowers out front. When I go outside, I get all philosophical. I started thinking about the old days, when people had to shuck their p




Loves it, Raia does.   Here's the story: Tuesday we were assigned an outside reading book. I didn't get the one I wanted, and nobody had that book, so I thought, hey, I'll ask the teach if I can switch. So I did yesterday. She said yes. So after school we called the half-price bookstore to see if they had it. They didn't, so we went to Borders.   Guess what I found at Borders.   INKDEATH!!!!!!   8DDD   That's karma right there for ya.   Even weirder, the color scheme for Inkdeath's c



First Day Blues

So today I started high school.     Why the sad face? Because nothing went right. Nuffink. Well, that's not completely true...band was fun. But I am a band geek.   The BAND=<3. <3 is the BAND.   Mm yes. Other than that though, major bleh-ness. I am afraid of the diabolical torture that is Trig. Also, all the teachers are either boring or insane. And when I say insane, I mean they sing goofy songs, call themselves wizards, or similar. Yeah. I kept running into people, mostly my neigh



Raia Has A Blog? Oh Boy...

Well, I did it. Finally started a blog! Not that anyone cares, but meh, I could use one. Funny thing is, I'd been plotting to go premier for a while, and I finally sent the money in. Two days later, BZP turned 7, and everybody got premier features.   How incredibly...ironic. And of course I am old-fashioned and mailed my donation, so it hasn't even gotten there yet. IRONIC.   In other news, I have a songfic in the works! It's Taka-oriented, and features one of my favorite songs. Squee. Nearly



Na No Wri Mo!

Yes, I am one of many BZPers participating this year! And it's off to a good start. So far I've been able to keep up with the daily goals, despite a hectic schedule/sleep-deprived-ness. Speaking of sleep-deprived-ness, apparently one of the tests I'm going to have to take to try and figure out what is causing my health issues will take three hours, and I'll have to purposely sleep-deprive myself beforehand. Urgh. Why can't there be some magical machine that automatically figures out what's



Art, Woot.

Wheeeee   In colored pencil, my goodness.   Happy Halloween, everyone!<33   -Raia-



I Shall Call Him Fluffy!

On a lighter note, I drew a raccoon in Photography! The teacher said, and I quote, "If you're done with your test, draw on the back of your answer key!"   So I did.   ...What?   -Raia-



High School Concerts: Now In Surround Sound!

So last night was the final concert of the year for band and it was both epic and fail on several counts. But the coolest thing that happened was definitely the first song the other band did.* It was based off a battle in the Korean War and it was WIN. They had all these nifty percussion parts where they made it sound like the ocean, and then there were parts where some of their percussionists went to the back of the auditorium and whacked these old drum heads so it sounded exactly as if ther



Rattlesnakes And Other Adventures

Hola, people! HEY LOOK ANOTHER MONTH WENT BY. And of course, Raia here was lame and has been long absent from this site. Bah.   Anyhoo, my friends, I am in Santa Fe as I am typing this! My fam is on vacation here. Or really, it should be called "Annual Activity in Which We Force Ourselves to Have Fun (and try not to strangle each other)."xD Family vacations are always crazy, amirite?   Family drama and health issues aside (i.e. altitude sickness and car sickness and general lameness I al



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