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Lincoln Review

One does not simply walk in the shoes of Lincoln. He is not a role like Luke Skywalker, who was an original creation that one could cast anyone before because we had no idea what a Luke Skywalker was. No, this is the man whose face we literally see every day on the faces of five doller bills and pennies. Many actors have come and gone playing him, but the part of Lincoln has, as far as I can recall, always been a supporting character in civil war movies, someone whose presence was limited bec

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

2nd Most Beautiful Female Character

Chloe Sullivan   This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who knows me. I absolutely love this character. She's the absolute of beauty on television, with her only competition being Allison Mack (who, by the way, has an awesome name). There's so much to love about her that I don't know where to start, so I might as well just chronicle my entire experience with the character.   The first I saw of her was in Season 2 of Smallville and in a couple of early Season 3 episodes, back when

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Stuffy Bilbo Baggins

Stuffy Bilbo Baggins lived in the Shire And frolicked in his ign'rant bliss of Smaug's hot burning fire Wise old wizard Gandalf loved that hobbit fluff And brought him Sting and daring acts to make his life real tough Stuffy Bilbo Baggins lived in the Shire And frolicked in his ign'rant bliss of a land most very dire Stuffy Bilbo Baggins lived in Bag End And frolicked in his ign'rant bliss of Gandalf's other friends Together they would travel on a very scenic tr

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

3rd Most Beautiful Female Character

3 - Ellie Sattler   When I watched Jurassic Park for the first time in a very long time, I was struck by the people they cast. The kids were perfect, Grant was perfect, John Hammond was perfect, and Ian Malcolm was perfect. But the most perfect of them all was Ellie Sattler. Everyone had the perfect fairytale look that fit their archetype perfectly: this is a kid, this is a well-intentioned billionaire playing God; this is a sarcastic doctor; this is a man; and Ellie Sattler was a woman. And on

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

3.5th Most Beautiful Female Character

3.5 - Eponine   Eponine! O Eponine! If ever secondary characters were given so much justice. Victor Hugo, the passionate writer he was, created a brilliant Character in Eponine Ternadier, daughter of the treacherous inkeepers and unrequited lover of Marius. I guess Cosette was worthy competition, given that she's the poster child for Les Miserables (literally) and the adopted daughter of Jean Valjean, altogether with her own amazing story, but Hugo is relentless in doing every sing

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

4th Most Beautiful Female Character

4 - Mr. Saavik   A half-Vulcan, half-Romulan woman? Not to mention extremely attractive when played by Robin Curtis. My nerd senses went squeeling.   You know I'm a nerd when I consider one of my favorite make-out scenes of all time to be when young Spock and Saavik engage in their Vulcan version of a kiss during Spock's pon farr. I ship that relationship all the way. Especially since Mr. Saavik conceals even more emotions than he does.   Yeah, I guess some of my other screen-crushes wer

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

5th Most Beautiful Female Character

5 - Becky Conner   I feel ashamed. I just called Darlene my favorite character from Roseanne, and I feel sorry when all the guys ignored her and went after her sister instead, but then go ahead rank said sister higher on the hierarchy of beauty!   However, Becky is the reason why on that fateful night when I turned on the television to Roseanne for the first time I stayed on that channel. The first thing that ran through my head? "She's lovely." It was season three and she had a bowl cut

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

The Hobbit Review

This movie has it all. It can play the balance between simple fun in storytelling while being dead serious. It has great characters, wonderful action, perfect set designs, and a magical world of scenery all rolled into one, all the while centering around a great story. How often do you get all of these things in one package? Almost never. Move aside, Avengers, because it looks like someone came up with something easily twice as epic this year. There is not a minute of this three hour long

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

6th Most Beautiful Female Character

6 - Darlene Conner     When I first saw an episode of Roseanne, I was instantly intrigued by Darlene Conner and I knew right away I wanted to watch all the seasons to see more of this character. Darlene isn't someone I'd date, but she's a remarkably real person. I've looked through many blogs to find that there are quite a few young women who found that her character resonated with them. Heck, she resonated with me as well.   She made sense. Roseanne was a great show, for a sitcom. The famil

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Deo et Maria

(since the thumbnail and images in general aren't working, click here instead)   In celebration of this once-in-a-century moment, decided to this old piece of art I pursued when I was a junior taking Independent Art. Free to do whatever I pleased, I did nothing but large portraits of figures whose presence I found powerful, as well as various art commissions. This one, Deo et Maria, was completed on Easter morning at my mother's house.   Many people assumed that, given that my mother is C

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

7th Most Beautiful Female Character

7 - Molly Mahoney       "Mahoney Baloney!" says Professor Magorium. It must have been a delight for such a childish man to have an assistant from the normal world who inexplicably matched his youthful charm.   If you think about it, Molly Mahoney is neither child nor adult. She's a fantasy person, because she can fit in with Magorium's magical toy shop as if she was born there, and yet she comes from the outside world and has her own real-life problems. At the Toy Shop, she gets along with th

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

8th Most Beautiful Female Character

8 - Selina Kyle   What I like about Selina is that she's grounded. You'd think that since she wears a catsuit when ready for action that she'd be an action girl, and while she can often get her way out of tricky situations, she's not ridiculously good at fighting. Her skill set is dedicated more to the subtle art of cat burglary, which she pursues due to her own complicated Robin Hood reasons. Yet, in spite of her talent, she's not completely off the records. She needs a clean slate and

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

NEWT: Faking a Smile

I will do a few more "vs" entries before the end of the month, but in December I will start something new. The project is to be called Normal Everyday Writing Themes (NEWT). This is being advertised now on Tanksgiving (thanks to Lhikevikk, I realize my typo here, but because he's right about how epic it is I won't correct it) because today is a day for being thankful for all the things that we take for granted. Hence, the theme and style of this idea: every day for the next few months, starting

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

9th Most Beautiful Female Character

9 - Luna Lovegood     She was what got me really excited to see The Half-Blood Prince. Hermoine usually gets all the credit for being the cool female lead, but I prefer Luna instead. She's smart, since she's in Ravenclaw, but in that way that requires abstract thinking. It sort of makes her an oddball, but then consider just how odd everything is in the Potterverse. I'd say she adjusted quite well.   What really stands out about her is that she's pure. What you see with her is what you get.

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

10 Most Beautiful Female Characters

Foreword   So I thought I'd start this list before Les Miserables came out with Anne Hathaway doing what I know will be a breathtaking job of playing Fantine and completely forcing me to rethink how I set up this list. Meanwhile, I will also be composing a list after this dedicated to characters who I think are manly.   Why am I doing this? When I first had the idea of creating this list, I brushed it aside because I thought it was inherently superficial. Nobody wants to hear about what femal

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Completion of NaNoWriMo

I have officially submitted my word count to the NaNoWriMo site, and it stands at 61,065 words. While this is short of my goal of approximately 80,000 words before the end of November, completion of this task and the first inklings of momentum in a long-distance writing ambition are reward enough. The novel at hand, which I consider concept art for a larger, more official canon, is entitled The Adventures of Mary. As this is an ongoing series, the working title for this particular installment

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Superman vs. Batman

Area of comparison: Everything. Just argue the heck out of which character you like more, which has a greater meaning, which is cooler, which is the crown jewel of DC, which you aspire more to be like, etc. Vote Now    

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

That's Love!

The above thumbnail links to a much larger image that counts as my first piece of artwork here in a very long time. It took about eight hours between the dates of 11/17/12 and 11/18/12. The dimensions are 11"x16". Also, while I usually listen to music while doing my art, this time around my audio diet was a bit anorexic, although I did listen to some Don McLean.   It's interesting, because even though I titled this piece "That's Love!", I never met the people who commissioned it because a thi

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Imaginative Art

Right now I am working on an art project. I'm getting paid $200, the dealine is tomorrow, and I naturally waited until tonight to get started.   Here's the challenge: the picture I'm working from is very blurry and you can't even see the faces of the people involved, yet I'm supposed tomake it look photorealistic in the sense that it should be high-definition. All that in one night. When I only have a blurry picture to work with and the people expect something vivid and clear, and I have neve

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Bringing People Together

I'm listening to the soundtrack to Star Trek: First Contact, and something strikes me about the music. There's something iconic about it, but more than that, it essentially goes through a medley of familiar themes, each a tribute to all that Star Trek ever was up to that point. Each was beautiful in its own way, but what was especially surprising was how each theme seemed to belong with all the rest, how overall this music formed one giant family.   Then I began thinking about what music means

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


A common term thrown about in the contemporary world when it comes to worldviews and analyzing the opinions of others is "radical". This word applies when one person holds views that end up on the extreme end of a spectrum.   Now personally, I feel that when someone holds a basic philosophy that if they truly believe in it they will follow through on it to the extremes of its implications. This is called being purist. There's nothing wrong with that, other than that sometimes a purist is forc

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Election 2012

I voted for Jefferson Smith and George Bailey.     Alright, perhaps that's a bit of a stretch, considering that these are fictional characters, but I encourage everyone to go out and vote, and to vote responsibly. You're not truly free until you understand your own actions and the things that you stand for, and I emphasize that no matter what, be on the lookout for men who remind you of these two, because Jefferson Smith and George Bailey are real. They just need to live in the hearts of th

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

The Business of Love

The misconception that a marriage is supposed to be happily ever after has fortunately been snuffed out. The common couple now knows that there will be arguments and disagreements in a marriage, even moments where passions leave them.   If this is all good, why do I feel that there is still something missing? Alas, I think it is because there's still some misconception about the type of people we marry. All too often, important matters of opinion are overlooked in favor of the passion of the

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

10 Top Recommended Movies

A pastor requested that I write this list and give it to him out of interest of my views on things, so here it is. It was interesting deciding how to judge this list, because these are certainly movies that I think everyone should see. There are quite a few movies I believe everyone should see, actually, but the reasons for each can be quite different. For many, I consider them must-sees purely because they redefined a genre, and for others because of their historic integrity and fame and for

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

The Lion's Den

LIONEL LUTHOR CLOSED HIS LABTOP WHEN LOIS ENTERED HIS OFFICE. She closed the door behind her, keeping in touch with the ritual. .........."It's good to see you, Miss Lane," he said. .........."Cut to the chase. What do you want?" .........."Well, if you're going to be that way, I suppose there's no point in being subtle," said Lionel. "Take a seat. Right next to me - there's no point in us letting this desk separate us. They view is too brilliant to enjoy alone." He swiveled his chair back

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

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