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The Social Network

Great movie.   Also; Death is just a door, Blake said it first It's just another room we enter, it's a threshold that hurts Birth is just a chorus, death is just a verse, in the great song of spring that the mockingbirds sing We come and we go, a-weeping and a-wailing, our heads in the hands of the nurse Well, put your head on my shoulder, baby, tell me where it hurts You say you lost your one and only, could it get any worse? I said, "Death is just a door, you'll be reunited on the othe



Notes On Epic Characters... Read If You Signed Up.

Okay, listen up loonies. I had a massive turn out when I began to accept GS for my epic... too massive. But what's done is done, and I can't change the past. Originally, I had hoped I could make all of you main characters. Sadly, I cannot due to the little factoid that I have *counts* Over fifty -Matoran- characters. That doesn't even count the other species. >< *headache* So here's the dizzle, I choose some people who I think will be more interesting, and I include them as m



Too Many Games

TOO MANY GAMES TO PLAY/BUY   To play:   Finish Mass Effect 1 for the second time. Just beat Virmire, need to go to Ilos. Beat all side quests (yes, ALL side quests) except Ahern's survival mission, which is FREAKING HARD. I'm trying to get the Hardcore achievement, so I can't turn it down, but I did another save so I can come back and do it on Easy or something after I beat the game. Or maybe I'll come back when/if I reach level 60 (I'm level 52 now, I think).   Mass Effect 2: After I beat ME



Bbcc #50 Entry...!

I'm leaning towards Ihu as the title. Thoughts? Kopaka: done. Takua: done. Matoro: minor adjustments. Muaka: adjustments. BtB



Remaking The Slizers

The desire is in my heart, but the parts are in shambles.   This blog entry is for you to encourage me to sort my pieces.   ~Bunda



Omg Mata Nui And President

I thought I'd get both of these mandatory blogging subjects over with in one fell swoop. SO ANYWAY Mata Nui's cool. Glad they didn't totally blow it. Actually, they didn't blow it at all. It was pretty epic. I feel satisfied knowing that the last eight years of story following and the perhaps hundreds of dollars of book buying were not in vain. This is a good Mata Nui. :: ON TO SUBJECT MATTER TWO I'm shocked at how fast people blogged this. In just a few hours



A Trueism

Even the best laid plans may go astray, and fish are better than penguins, IMO. [LINK] -Taipu- (really Bunda)



Marvelous Things

A preview for my next BBBCC contest. It doesn't really mean anything exactly, but it inspired me, somehow. Person to guess the theme gets a cookie. :: "Marvelous Things" I awoke the dawn Saw horses growing out the lawn Ah ah ... I glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings Oh what marvelous things Ah ah... Dark night...hold tight, and sleep tight My baby Morning light...shall burst bright And keep us here safely I followed a rabbit Through rows of mermaid entwin



Going To Buy From That Site...

I'm going to buy my first lot of bricks from that site that sells single pieces. All you big time MOCists know what I'm talkin' 'bout. I just hope they get here in time... BtB



Bunda's Been Buisy Buildin'

EDIT: I have two new MOC topics up. Please check them out: Spider Vahki & Barraki Combo.I've made a PBZP, and two Dark Hunters since BBC #41 ended. One of the DHs is my own creation, Dead Wing, the other is... Lariska! Yes, I decided to take a crack at the dagger throwing Dark Huntress. I must say, I'm rather pleased. She's red and white, and, of course, she's a Xian. Why do most people think she's a Xian? I have no clue. Anyways... I began building something before BBC #41, something large



Bbc Moc Progress...

The pieces I ordered were shipped today. They should be here by Friday. I'm going to take pics tomorrow so I can take what I have arpart for their pieces. I need what they have is all. I'm running low on Hordika brains and hole-through-the-middle ball joints. Too bad I'm not ordering more HBs. But when I take the finished guys pics and then take them apart I should be good. Note: The above paragraph was confusing. Sorry for any complications. BtB



It's Been Like A Month Since I Updated This

ABSURD   Just been herp derping. Anything notable happen while I was away?   Mass Effect 3 was so awesome... until... well, you know. Still, I'm enjoying the multiplayer. So far I've unlocked Drell and Asari Adept, Quarian and Salarian Engineer, and Turian Solder. I loooove the Drell Adept. Just explosions everywhere.




Back legs are upside down, front legs are switched so they're way too far apart, ears are upside down, and the back is rediculously hunched. HOW? With all the great MOCists there, SURELY someone would have caught all these mistakes. I sent like two dozen pictures, detailing all the parts. Currently I'm flippin angry as this probably destroyed any chance I had of placing. K now I've seethed down a bit and I'm currently just upset. =/ But less so. BtB



Favorite Pokemon And Why

In the games: Swampert. Nice movepool and great stats. Only one weakness but it's a biggy to Grass. Sableye is also on up there due to it's lack of weaknesses and huggable movepool. In theory: <3 Lapras BtB



Phantoka And Mahri Sale! Leeches!

All the Mahri and most of the Phantoka are on sale at S@H. Leeches... by that I mean those spineless, vile, revolting people in the Lego club who upload other people's creations and claim that they made them themselves. Disgusting. BtB




Mordin just sang to me and Tali just professed her love.   MASS EFFECT 2 IS THE BEST GAME EVER   (Of course these developments came after scanning planets for resources for an hour and a half. That wasn't very fun.)   ~Bunda



Certavus, New Name, New Stylin'

Certavus. New name. And new stylin'! (emotes are animated, of course) *debates whether or not he should make a new blog theme/clean up blog or no* I really should, shouldn't I. =/ BtB



More Bbc #42 Progress... I Need Your Help!

I got the design done for my crab, now I just have to figure out what colors to use. I have to use alot of black and silver, but there is one other color I have to choose... I have narrowed down those colors from 9 to 2, and heeere they are! Dark tan and sand green. You know? Zaktan and Avak's secondary colors? Well, I can't decide between them. Please Help! BtB




Note that I am not endorsing earth abuse. But this Bunneh is hangry, and I ran out of carpet. That and I forgot it was earth day until I saw all the inflammatory blog entries. Speaking of which, all political comments will be edited/deleted. :/ Oh, and go vote in the BBBCC #1 finals here. -Taipu- (really Bunda)



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