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I wonder... does Ca entertain the staff somehow? I've seen others banned for less. BtB




I has a trans black Bohrok eyes. Oh, and why is the most misspelled word on BZP 'allowed'? I usually see it 'aloud'. -Taipu- (really Bunda)



Oh My

From the Canadian toy fair thing:     WANT   SO WANT   Also, World Racers looks cool.   ~Bunda   Edit: Also, I got to a mile stone in building Tali. Made her head. I just stumbled upon the perfect visor while digging for a Great Rau, which someone else suggested... now to tweak the head, finish plating the body, and make the arms. And then do other random tweaks.   She's so freaking heavy I dunno if she'll be able to stand. Her legs aren't terribly strong.



Muaka & Kane Ra!

Yay! I just won an auction on eBay for M&KR! I can't wait until I get it. It's been one of my favorite sets, but I've never been able to get it. I got it for 26 buckies! I so happy. BtB




Tali.   Tali Cerberus Paragon Legion Earth Kingdom Water Tribe GLaDOS two   pic from midnight release one two   Two things I've been doing recently, guess. First person to guess right gets nothing. Everyone else gets nuked.   Reach is awesome. Legendary is hard again. I'd show you a picture of my Noble Six but Bungie's servers aren't working right.   Bird in the garage! again   No one online?   Inside of pocket, perhaps.   On a walk, scenic. one horse rainbow(not double, I know wha



Cell Phoooooone

I needs to get a phone.   But I don't know which one. =/   Basically, it needs to be for AT&T so I can add it to the family plan, it needs to not be made by Apple, it needs to have a keyboard, it needs to have an internet browser, it needs to be not ridiculously expensive (I'd even sacrifice the keyboard and get the Nexus One but it's soooooo expensive)...   Anyone have suggestions? I was looking at the Backflip, but I read some reviews that said hardware-wise it was outdated and underwhe



My Thoughts On The Toa Mahri...

This is almost a rant. Almost. I think it's funny how everyone was thinking: Mahri are trash. I loathe. And now... "I LOVE HEWKII! I NEED THE MAHRI! MAYBE I CAN BUY SOME TONIGHT! *SLOBBER!* I WILL DIE IF I DON"T GET THE MAHRI NOW" etc... And I'm thinking: Hewkii is trash. I admit, I want the Mahri, or at least some of them. I actualy went to get some. They didn't have them, so I got Defilak and Dekar. Prime stuff. More on them, and their strange, messed upness in another entry. So, here ar



Some Updates

You may have noticed I haven't been real active lately. Yeah. I've been kinda busy. ANYWAY I need to finish my SS for SZ's contest... I'm about a quarter into it... I kinda like how it's shaping up. Too bad I only have until 6PM tomorrow (my time) to finish it. I also need to finish Tempest and CS. I can't think of what to do with CS's upper half so I'm stuck now. Only got a couple days on that too. I've been playing lots of KOTOR. I've had it for a year or more but I just ba



Eeep ._.

One week to finish Firestorm... and all I have is most of the legs. Ohnoze. ;_; BtB




Maybe I'll post some Clear Sky mk II WIP pics later? I've only got the legs... and they're... large. I haven't been getting system much for the last eight to ten years, so I'm really behind on minifigs. Thinking of going on a search for some bits and pieces I want. Anyone got some modernish minifigs they want to dispose of? BtB




All my Bionicles (bionicles) have mold on them. And their canisters. And to a lesser extent my extra pieces.   And some of my Halo figures.   And probably my books.   Curse this damp environment.   ~Bunda



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