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I caught Mewtwo today... the first attempt I accidentally fainted him. The second he was Bashful so I soft resetted. The third time I faced him I caught him. He's Timid and has PERFECT INDIVIDUAL VALUES in Special Attack, Speed and Defense.   ...   ...   ...  



Go On, Infected Hau!

*grumble grumble grumble* I can't figure out how to attach the Kanohi to the Muaka. =/ Also I can't find my red head with yellow eyes... I may have to settle for grey. Should Matoro's flagpoles be white or grey? BtB



Gen V Starters

Haughty snake with legs: Awesome. Maybe become Grass/Psychic?   Pigbunny: Soooo cute. I think Fire/Ground would work out as a final form, but judging from Camerupt and given how common water attacks are, the typing is not ideal. Maybe Fire/Steel, or Fire/Cute.   Clown/otter: Better have an awesome final form. Water/Fighting?



For A Movie Called Water... (also Twilight)

... The Last Airbender Part One certainly didn't flow.   Like, at all.   It was really just a missed opportunity. It proved that a good Airbender movie could be made... it just wasn't. Which made the movie really frustrating. I'd give it 4/10.   Let's start with the things I liked:   1) Of course, the source material is awesome. It shone through the ###### sometimes.   2) Most of the casting was good. Sokka was the only one, and maybe Pakku, that I thought... "What is this nonsense?"   3)



I Need Motivation. :(

I... I just can't bring myself to write anything. It's so frustrating... you know? I got a bunch of people to sign up and now I have no inspiration. I know where the story goes, and annoyingly, I'm content with that. I knew I shouldn't have made an outline... On a related note, I find it very hard to finish WIPs. I guess I'm a perfectionist when it comes to building, so I never want to stop working. Then everything becomes overcomplicated as I tack more stuff on to make it cool.



Why Were These Sets Never Produced?

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Yes I know all of them were made, but heavily modified. And the prototypes do need some help. But the ideas behind them... The fact that the last one was never made makes me extra sad. The monster is so pretty. ;_; BtB



Well That Made Things Easier...

As seen here, I had a problem. But Lego sold out of the Sandcrawler before I could get the moneys. And Amazon raised the price to $140. So now I have no conflicts. That is, if dad gives me the OK to get the DS... I really hope he does, but I dunno... BtB




I just caught a Ralts Emerald yay. They're rare, FYI. kk gotta go catch moar pokeymanz bai BtB



I Just Vomited A Little In My Mouth

I'm cleaning my room, and I was picking all the Lego sets and MOCs out of the pieces that litter my floor, and I put Strakk, Gelu, and Kopaka Phantoka next to each other on my night stand, just until I can get to the shelf where I display my sets.   Kopaka Phantoka makes my eyes hurt when standing next to the other two.   So Gelu isn't that bad, I guess. Still bland, but not actively hideous. >_>   ~Bunda



Brickfair Mocs

I got my MOCs back from Brickfair today. There was a hole punched in the box and Crazyeye's tail was missing so I was like PANIC then I found the tail in the box so yeah. No parts missing, so better than last time. Thanks, Brickfair folks, for letting me send my MOCs in. Ohyeah I got a non-production dual-injection part so that's cool too. One of my favorite pieces, in cool colors. It's the Inika body plate as seen on Kongu, with white where the silver would be, and GitD blue where the g



Final Fantasy: Advent Children

Watched it last night at the Cookie Child neighbors, with them, my sis, and another mutual friend. It was... interesting. Some cool fights and such. It didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, as I know nothing of the FF series, but w/e. The pictures and such were very well done, but the actual movement was... off somehow. Various thoughts: Guy with net shirt is NOT OKAY. Giant monster looks like monsters from Heckchild and Digimon had a baby. Big swords are big. WHERE'S MOTHER?




The last mission of Mass Effect 2, I mean. Even though I knew what was gonna happen... my heart was like EXPLOSITIZING.   Kasumi (who is actually a really interesting and likable character, despite being DLC) did the pipe run for me, Garrus led second team (both times), Samara was my Biotic specialist. I took Thane and Mordin with me most of the way but swapped Thane for Tali for the last bit. I actually used my LOCUST SMG for most of the Reaper fight. XD   That gun is DANG powerful.   But I



Now I Know That...

Metus' helmet is overused, but should I try to be me some Metus anyway? For Certavus, I mean. It seems like that's the helmet people want Certavus to have, so I don't know if my Berix helmet will be able to stand up to it. BtB



I Don't Understand

If Peach can kick butt so hard like she does in SSB, then WHY IS SHE ALWAYS LOCKED IN THE FREAKING (different) TOWER? BtB




Who thinks I should change my name to Giratina & the Sky Warrior?   ~Bunda



Weakest Link: Bzpower Edition

I wish I could do a weekly blog where I tell people they are the Weakest Links of BZPower. Problem is, most of them are flamers and people that don't listen to anyone else's opinions. So I don't think that would end well. Pity, I have a few in mind. =/ Not to mention it would probably violate several BZP rules. You are the weakest link! Goodbye! BtB



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