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Now addicted to Fringe. Even though it sometimes make me cringe. lol sorry about that   Also, I know it is years old, but today I played the demo for Castle Crashers for the first time. Must. Buy. Full. Game.   In addition, Garchomp is the weak link in my Tower team of Scizor, Lapras, and Garchomp. waaaaaht Garchomp is supposed to be uber   ~Bunda




I've had minus five new messages the past couple days.   Someone send me a message to see if it fixes it.   Because it is DISTURBING MY EMOTIONAL SYMMETRY



Summer Set Pic

From the new catalog. So it's legal. Now, I don't know it's a summer set, but think about it. It resembles no winter set. It has a recolored Berix mask. (At least, it looks that way to me. Could be a new mask or a different recolor.) ... So that makes me think it's a summer set. yay BTW credit to someone else for the pic. Dunno what their BZP name is. and "Glatorians" grah BtB



Magna Guard Starfighter

Just got it for 35 bucks. That's about $18 off it's usual price, here. I was gonna get Stronius too, but eh. I'll just get him next time I got to Wal Mart.   I'm gonna go take a shower then build it.   OH YEAH and I'm still looking for the following Ditto. If you have one, I'll trade you any level 1 non-legendary.   Hasty Naive Quirky Rash   And I'm getting an event Regigigas (cloned, legit) tonight... for an Azumarill! Seriously, this guy has some weird obsession with A



Mini Mini Quiz

What two Visorak are heavily obscured on the cover of BA #7? What four canister sets have Mata blue lids? :: On another note, the BBC #5o entry is going alright... BtB




The first bit was very cool. The dogs were awesome. (Except when they starting doing something besides talking that is impossible for a dog to do. I won't say what it was, but I was like "waaaht noooo") The little kid was annoying as heck. Not in a good way. I'd rank it somewhere in the middle of the Pixar movies, which means it was way better than almost all other animated films. So yeah it was alright. Pity Pixar's previous movie was so epic. Toy Story 3 next, right? (Oh yeah an



Go Vote In Poll Lima!

I don't care if you vote for me or not, since you have Shanny, Shine, Seranikai... all the S names you can think of. And many others. Just go vote, savvy? (My entry is Kunu Leke) BtB P.S. Tufi named all the polls! Yay!



Where The Wild Things Are

Just got back from seeing it...   It was quite good. Very simple plot and all, but it worked. The puppets were amazing (even though the faces were partiallly CG, or so I hear).   Some parts were pretty scary, even kind of freaky for me (not scary for me, but freaky). I wouldn't suggest letting a little kid see it.   All in all I thought it was decent. I'm not raving over it, but it is definitely unique, and it was enjoyable.   ~Bunda



They're Taking The Hobbits To Isengard!

What did you say? Rather than link to that video you can likely find on your own, I came here to say I've finished my annual LOTR watching with my Grandma, who's been visiting this past month. (My sister and our friend watched them too, but they aren't important. ) Watched the first night before last, and the other two last night. It was very late. >_< Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him. Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him



Change Complete

*flies out from behind bush* Surprise! *giggles ensue* Should I use BtB or ~S!~ as my signoff? (or S!) Good gracious, I've had ten names! (though half of them were BtB, but whatever...) S!




"The Geth are perfect ambushers. They don't move, they don't make noise - they don't even breathe."   "Sir, they have flashlight heads."   - Shepard and Ashley Williams, Mass Effect   She just said that and I lol'd so I blogged.   ~Bunda



So Nerdy

Is it nerdy that I squealed with delight when I found out that Growlithe gets Morning Sun as an Egg Move in Heartgold and Soulsilver?   Yes, I think it is.   ALSO I watched UHF tonight and Grandma did too and it was her first time ever and that is AMAZING since it's been a family classic since like forever.   ~Bunda




It's funny; my parents are always telling me to expand my interests, but when I mention something like Pokemon, they wig out. No wait that's not funny at all. It's irksome. BtB



Misery! *glomp*

Life entry? No wai! Anyway, I found out last night that today I was joining a canoe club! Yay! Not! Let me make this clear: I am not an outdoorsy person. I like to sit, and think, and build, and read, and surf the internets, and play video games. That is all. Actually, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. When we got there, (me + sister) we were supposed to do warm ups, and follow the coach. Okay. But as soon as he began, everyone else just kinda went off and did they're own stret



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