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Drug Test

I got pulled of a science test today for a random drug test. O_o   And I lost some perfectly good hair in the process.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Zehvor Replacement Voting

Ok, long story short, Dakama has gone inactive(we think) forever, so blah blah blah we need a new member. The first candidate for that spot? Mesonak, an old Zehvor, who just got kicked out of the Ventorus by KTM.   So vote on whether he should replace him or not...if you guys say no, I'll have to go find another person to join...   Lev already voted yes so he's got a 1-0 head start. Vote nao.   -Mt

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Halo: Reach

Box Art   Just when I thought this couldn't get any better, (Metroid Prime Trilogy, Halo 3: ODST, and Metroid: Other M all being released soon) Microsoft has announced that they are once again partnering with Bungie to create another Halo FPS. Unlike Other M, there is very little known about the game so far, other than it is scheduled to be released in the Fall of 2010.   Only two characters have been confirmed to be in the game so far, and they are Spartans 259 and 320. Obviously, the UNSC wi

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Skyward Sword Blog, Day 3

Another day, another couple complaints.   But we'll get to that later.   The day started out with heading deeper into the forest and finding a Goron archeologist I had met the other day. He explained something about goddess cubes, which are basically ways of unlocking treasure chests on floating islands in the sky that you can collect later. Anyways, killed some more red guys and made my way into the forest temple.   Temple was pretty easy until I got about halfway through it, where I had raised

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Ac/ac Questions

Since every ask comedy needs questions, please leave some to start this thing off here. Or by PM.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Big Purple Monsters

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! I DON'T WANT A HUG!!!! GET OFF ALREADY!!!!!   (note: not quite as hugable or happy as their big pink cousins)   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Temporary Leave Of Absence

Well, my computer is apparently broken for now(I still don't know why), so for the time being, I will be missing from BZPower. Maybe a few appearances here and there, but nothing big. Possibly even an Aftermath chapter if I have the time. I'm assuming we should be able to get a new computer by next week, but no guarantees.   Anyways, Zehvor adjustments are as follows. Sonu is the temporary leader, with Assassin temporary deputy on Sundays(cause he isn't here on other days due to Lent). I'm assu

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

More Zehvor Stuff: New Arbiter Announced + New Member

A few days earlier I said that before Sunday I would have picked the new arbiter. I have, and the choice is...   (drumroll)   Brenmac, who was also the 1st arbiter. Burnmad will be his assistant, and the one who will take over if Brenmac resigns the position.   So that takes care of that problem. The only other one remaining is that we are now down one member. Without TA, the roster looks like this:   Zehvor: MT(leader), Sonu,(deputy), Brenmac(arbiter), Levacius(lieutenant+warrior), Dakama(w

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Mile High Blog, Day 1

I am in Colorado now....and I have computer access!! (yay)   No pictures today(forgot the camera), but then again, there wasn't anything worth seeing. Some stupid air show and a flipping tea brewery(I never get a say in things we get to go see)...   Tomorrow is looking promising. Father's day is always fun, and (I lied earlier) we get to see a Rockies' game after church...got pretty good seats, but the only problem is my brother is coming, and he always makes us leave after about 5 innings. Th

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Aftermath Questions: Omega, Ultimate Mt And The End?

Recently I've received quite a number of questions and maybe even a little heat for the latest turn in Aftermath Chapter 25: Rising Sun. I kinda felt like I should answer some of them, so I'll just post some of the questions and answers here:   No. Aftermath, unless it gets locked, will not be ending any time soon.   Mesonak, that's not a question. Moving on now...   Well, specifically, it was MT with Omega Turtle's level of power. MT(my self MoC, I don't believe I'm a Toa yet) is now a

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor


This pretty much sums up my feelings on it.   and this....   Anyways, now that the U.S. is gone from the World Cup, soccer fever is officially gone here. To the U.S, I say good luck in 2014, and please, please, stay away from Ghana.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Game Of The Year 2010: Elite Eight

And it's that time of the year again. All the video games are played(well, all the ones worth playing) and it's time to decide who shall wind up as the game of the year for 2010.   In what was hyped as the best year ever for video games, 2010 has ended up looking more like the year of the disappointment. There's been a ton of underachievers, but maybe that's because we've set our standards too high. But oh well. There has to be a winner, and not every game was bad.   That said, here are the t

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

BZPower Chatroom

So thanks to the new advertising policy, we are now allowed to link stuff.   And thanks to BZP's anniversary, I have blog power for a bit.   So with that...here's a link to a new chat run by BZPower members that we're trying to get going.   Hope to meet you soon!   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

My Poor Leg

Anyone remember last year when I broke my finger? The curse of early school year injuries has struck again.   This time, it's my left leg that suffered. I was running earlier today, and, from what I can tell, gathering information from what the medical people said, I ripped some of the tissue that connects the muscle to the hip bone. This one'll take a while to heal.   Thankfully, it doesn't hurt too bad anymore. This trend is starting to get crazier than my random final days of semester fev

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor


Here are the lyrics to a song by Building 429 that I think speak so much more than any speech ever could. I really like it. Listen to it yourself, or just read the lyrics.     -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

The Super Chapter

After the deleting post rage done by the BZP server, 80+ chapters are gone from my comedy. However, the two most famous, chapter 282, the longest chapter in BZP history, and chapter 300, which was saved by Mister Matoro. Hopefully he will post it here soon.   If you happen to have an old chapter from TBTTRAH that's past 239, please post it here.   And now...I present....the longest chapter in BZP History.   Chapter 282: The Battle for Bionicle Western   Life as a plastic Bionicle is actually

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

I Haz Starz

I got Tahu, Takanuva, and the Rahksi today.   And while Tahu's 90 degree frozen arm and the one piece Rahksi head/spine are annoying, they're still cool. Especially the Gold Tahu.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Diary Of Other M

Well, I decided to (sorta) keep a record of what I do in the new Metroid that I've been playing. I'll probably update this weekly, since I'm busy during most weekdays. I may even do this for Reach too, depending on how well this goes.   Day 1:   Saw the opening cutscene for the 10 millionth time. Passed the test stage with little difficulty(and yes, I am just going to sit there when something grabs me, as I have no good counterattack moves yet). More cutscenes and landing aboard the "Bottle S

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

It's Back


MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Rpg Update: Multiplanets It Is...sorta..

Last time on "Messing around with the RPG"   MT: Should we use one planet with sidescroller maps or multiple planets with overhead maps? Gorgnak: Multiple. Eyru: Single. TA: Multiple. Mesonak: Single.   Now...   MT: WE'RE DOIN' BOTH.   *ahem* Sorry for the bad intro, but yeah. I combined the ideas, and really messed with the RPG. Here's the major changes I made.   #1: Instead of everyone working together for a common goal, the people will be split into three, maybe four teams, all repre

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

We Have Joined Forces

I have made peace with the Vahki leader, Krana Kongu. I deeply regret the way I have been acting towards the Vahki lately and I am becoming a Vahki commander myself soon. I would ask that all members of the former League of Pure BZP become Vahki to make up for what we have done.   -Soon to be Vahki MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

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