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Yellow Jackets

For the last couple of weeks my house has slowly been invaded by yellow jackets.   We have a nest in the corner of the house near the front door. Last night we had someone take part of the siding off and there was this huge hole in the foundation where they were getting in and out. We foamed it near the hole but I'm not sure how much good that did since the actual nest is probably pretty far into the foundation.   On Saturday we turned on the furnace and it got pretty crazy. We killed alm

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig


So, for those of you who have read some of my past entries, I've been biking on and off to my classes. The times I didn't bike one of my parents ended driving me.   Anyway to start off whenever I bike I wear a helmet. Not usually, always, I actually turned around and went back to the house one time because I somehow forgot my helmet. This is due to two things, one of the them is that I did a persuasive speech for speech class a number of years ago advocating wearing your helmet when biking.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Court Of Honor

My Boy Scout Troop had a Court of Honor last night. We handed out all the awards earned by the troop member over the summer. Most of the merit badges were earned at our week long camp.   For the first time in about a year and a half I didn't really help plan this one. I'm unofficially on the Court of Honor Planning committee, which in itself is unofficial. It was a nice break for me. The guys who planned this one did a very nice job. The theme ended up being a day at camp. Instead of sta

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

A Few Pictures

I uploaded a few pictures earlier one of which was from my vacation to the Dells.   This part of Minneapolis, the largest city in Minnesota. You can't really tell that from this picture though.   This is what the sky out side my house looked like earlier this afternoon. Add more grey and less blue to the sky and add a cold wind and you'll know what my day has been like.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Flash Forward

I watched the second showing of the premier earlier tonight. Seems like a good show. It won't go the way Hero's did for me since I don't have anything on Thursday nights this year.   I'm looking forward to next weeks episode.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Member Spotlight

Who is this mysterious midnightsage? He is listed in today's member spotlight.   A member search pulls up no results and a forum search pulls up some assorted RPG topics from COT but no information on him.   Leada matches him in almost every way, but according to his name history he never had midnightsage as his name.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Back From The Dells

I spent from Thursday Morning until Sunday Morning in the Wisconsin Dells. For those of you who are curious I was at the Wilderness Resort.   So we got there Thursday night and we went to the Klondike Kavern. We went on the Hurricane ride a few times. Since it was Thursday night there was no lines. We also went to the two other water park area's Wild West, which has the Black Hole, and Wild Water Dome, which has a huge wave pool, over the rest of our trip.   Our room was right outside one

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Blog Overhaul

I have now completed my blog overhaul. Going with the the theme of my current name it is now "The Minifig Cave". I also have an image set to go with it.   My Blog Roll up in the corner is also done, no more "Coming Soon". To go along with that I also have created my first approval and I will give it to a select few blogs pretty soon. My avatar has also been updated from the old Nightfall Incident avatar.   Comments?

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

400 Posts

After about 1.75 years here at BZPower I've finally hit 400 posts. Some what of a major achievement considering I usually don't get above 600 posts on a forum before I either lose interest or the forum closes.   No post special this time, maybe in another hundred. I also have a update to my blog I will be making pretty soon. You'll have to keep an eye out for it.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Jamboree Troop Meeting

Yesterday my Jamboree troop had it's third meeting. My patrol is the Norway Pine. I think it is the most normal patrol in my troop right now. One still has to be be named and the other two are the Flaming Chickens and Kool-Aid.   I now get the fun job of going through and trying to figure out what everyone's e-mail address's are. Looking at everyone else's stuff I really don't have bad handwriting.   We also have to start our fitness program so we don't die after walking about 10 mile

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

That Was Close

I ended up biking to school this morning. My had something else going on and so she was unavailable to drive me.   I was not looking forward to biking, because it there was a chance of rain. Luckily that didn't happen but on the way home it was starting to sprinkle.   I wish the bus route came closer to my house. I live for enough out of town that nearest bus stop is a 10-20 minute walk. I can ride the bus for free with my student ID but I don't want to walk 20 minutes to get to the bus.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Back To School

I'm now back from my vacation. I'll probably have a few pictures to show, when ever I decide to upload them.   We got up to the cabin Friday evening. On Saturday we did some boating and I went geocaching. I didn't find the geocache but I did recover a nearby benchmark. We also went swimming after supper. Sunday was our annual Labor Day party. In the morning before anyone got there I ran out and found 1 geocache. I also recovered another benchmark.   This year one of the traditions tha

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Labor Day

I'm leaving this afternoon after Math class to go up to my grandparents cabin. We'll be having our annual Labor Day party with some friends on Sunday, this will probably be about the 31st year it has happened. Obviously I've only attended about half of them. Last year it almost got canceled though. My Great-grandmother was sick for the second half of the summer so it was up in the air about whether or not it would happen.   I'll probably be back Tuesday morning. I'm going to be doing some

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Boy Scout Centennial Celebration

So yesterday my Boy Scout Council had a centennial celebration as a fundraiser for the people going to the Jamboree.   We had a rib dinner as the main fundraiser. I helped with the first cooking on Tuesday morning. They then grilled them and added sauce last night and they were good. I'm not sure how many tickets they sold but they must have had a bunch of people go through. All the Jamboree people got 10 tickets to sell, and I think (or at least hope) every one sold all or most of their ti

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Two Merit Badges Left

On Sunday I met with a counselor for the Personal Fitness merit badge. I got everything signed off for it. He was very impressed with the documentation I had for the work out program. Apparently he has had a lot of scouts who were extremely vague on what they did for it. He also said he would help me prepare for the Eagle Board when I get everything done.   While I was at camp this summer I earned the Emergency Preparedness merit badge. I am still waiting for the camp to send me the comple

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Caching Update

For the weekend I ended finding a multi-cache and a mystery cache. I also discovered two trackables and I located one benchmark.   The multi-cache I originally tried to find with my brother but, the first stage was missing. When I found the final stage I was rewarded with a travel bug. I was going to take it to move along but it was too big to put in my pocket. I ended up writing down the tracking number for later. I also stopped at a multi-cache I found previously to discover a geocoin th

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Bike Maintenance

I spent most of the morning fixing up my bike.   I my bike tire has been flat for the last week or so and I've finally got a new innertube in the back tire. I also rotated the treads because since the 354.89 miles I've biked since June have really wore down the treads on the back. I also did some cleaning since there was still dirt on it from camp and when I got caught in the rain.   It now looks almost new. You won't mistake it for new if you're up close to it, but at a distance you might.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

School Week 1

... is now finished. I think I'll be able to handle the two college classes I'm taking. I'm wondering now, why I didn't take another class.   Oh, well I'll probably take a three in the spring.   The odd thing is that my Math professor has uncanny resemblance to my piano teacher, both in looks and personality.   I've only ran into one person I know so far but there are a bunch of other people on campus that I know.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

I Have Flickr

I've finally set up a Flickr. My main reason was it will get more viewers for my LEGO creations but I'll also have some nature stuff on there too.   It can be viewed here.   I don't have much up yet but I will be adding more over the next week.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Math Class

My College Algebra course has been pretty interesting so far. We had an algebra review test on Tuesday. I ended up getting one wrong because I rounded something to the hundredth decimal place instead of the tenth decimal place.   When the professor was going over the test answers apparently some of the students gave multiple choice answers. Lucky for them the professor didn't marked it wrong, I don't think they'll be making that mistake again, though.   We also learned how to determine

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

College Classes

For school this year I'm taking some classes at the local college. The school district is paying for it so I get to go for free.   I'm taking Political Science 101 and College Algebra. Political Science already met this morning. I think I'm going to like it. After listening to the professor talk about it this morning I think it will be pretty easy and I like the guy teaching it so it should be fun.   College Algebra meets 4 days of the week in the late afternoon. I'm still wondering about

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

That Was Interesting

When I got back from camp (see previous entry) I was not expecting BZPower to be off-line. After about 3 weeks I pretty much gave up checking back regularly. I probably would have noticed it had been turned back online sooner if I had continued to check back.   In the next few entries I'll post about the stuff that has happened over the summer and what is happening in the future for me.   Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more updates.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

To Camp

When I got home from my vacation there was a message on my answering machine from the camp I spent most of my summer at.   It turns out that they didn't have enough people to fill out a special program they're running again this year. Since I was a CIT last year they offered to let me participate for free. The program is all things emergency preparedness. It should be a good time. I'm getting Red Cross CPR and Wilderness First Aid. I'm also getting a couple of merit badges.   I'm leavin

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

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