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Oooh... Shiiiiny...

So, I've spent about a total of... hmm... one and a half hours on these three pieces, and I think they turned out pretty well. Not bad for first time modeling pieces, I think. What do you think?   EDIT: Here's another render I did; aside from different textures, I tweeked the ball socket piece a bit.



Super Smash Bros. Character Spotlight 1: Mario

Ah, yes, everyone's favorite plumber. Without a doubt everyone's favorite plumber. While Mario has no significant strengths, he has no notable weaknesses; he is the standard character and the easiest to use. He has pretty good arial attacks, however, and they should be used as a main focus with this character. Probably his most useful attack is his cape (Left/Right + B), which can deflect projectiles back at opponents, or can spin your enemies the other way; this is very useful if they are about



Mmm... Tan...

I never realized how much I appreciated tan until I just got a Vorox set at the Lego store. Man, this color is nice...



Spur Of The Moment

I just decided to do this tonight. I need to fix the Cryoshell symbol. Now I'm off to bed.




I will be gone from today until Sunday afternoon, so if you need anyhting from me, please PM me and I'll get it done as soon as I can.



My Username

I've had this on my mind for a while, but my username gets misspelled a lot (Zorrahk instead of Zorrakh). Now I've noticed that not very many people spell other people's usernames wrong, so I'm just wondering... Why me?



The Day The Whole World Went Away

Great song, by the way, but I only picked that for the title because I couldn't think of anything else.     So, I'm working on a life-size Terminator skull out of Bionicle and Technic parts, with very few system pieces, AND I'm trying to get it done in time to send it to Brick Fair. Is that gonna happen? Probably not, but I can at least try.   EDIT: Whoops, I mean Brick Con.



Podiums Make Great Drums

While I was waiting for the Boy Scout meeting to start last night, I was bored. I had no one to talk to, so I went up to the podium that was at the front of the rows of chairs, then started slapping my hands on the top of it to some beat in my head. Then I went to the beat of the Modor theme in LotR. it had a nice echo to it, if you didn't leave your other hand on the top of it.   So, if you ever get a chance to pound on the podium, please do so and let me know what you think.




I can vaguely recalled sitting on the couch at seven in the morning eight years ago. I can also recall the smoke rising from the towers as they buckled from the weakening of the structure. Even if you are not an American, please remember this day, as it signifies that not all humans are good. Thank you.



15-minute Multi-man Brawl Beaten!

Even though this was my first day at attempting the daunting 15-minute Multi-man Brawl on SSBB, I slayed the beast on my fifth try. I first attempted it with Captain Falcon, but I accedentally executed a Falcon-kick off the stage instead of a Raptor Boost. Next was Sonic, which I was hoping would be fast enough to evade, however that was not the case and he was kicked off the screen. The third try was with Marth, but a Bomb-omb blew up in his face. That gets annoying after a while... On the four



Super Smash Brothers: Controls And Basic Techniques

No, this is not dead, merely down for the count, but it's back up and running. Before I go in-depth with any of the characters, the controls and what they do should be explained. NOTE: These are the default controls for each kind of Controller. You may create your own Profile under Brawl-Names and change the controls if you wish. Wiimote with Nunchuck: Wiimote A=Standard Attack B=Special Attack A+B=Grab + Button=Pause - Button=N/A D-Pad=N/A 1=Up Taunt 2=Down Taunt 1+2=Side T



Mmmmm... Jamba Juice...

My dad and I each picked up an Original-sized Jamba Juice just a few minutes ago. He got the Peanut Butter Moo'd, and I decided to try something new and got the Peach Pleasure with an Energy boost. It's got a nice peach flavor to it, but you can tase the orange sherbert a little bit.   Now I have to wash dishes and then run off the smoothie.




I finally beat Boss Battles on Intense! Marth is defintely the way to go if you can dodge Tabuu's Off-wave. It's very easy to beat the other bosses if you're good at Counter Attack. The only hard bosses (aside from Tabuu) are Duon and Porky, the latter being the hardest because the missles that Duon fires do an extra bit of damage when you use Counter Attack.



I've Got A Big Project Ahead Of Me

So, in the BZPRPG I've got something big planned out, if you even care about what I do. Anyways, I'm wanting to start work on a three-foot tall Rahkshi, a Turahk, to be more exact. Anybody have any ideas as to how this could be done? I'm willing to listen.



It Was Like A Lightbulb That Got Turned On!

I was at Fencing last night and we were playing a foam game (which is where there are two piles of blue and white strips of foam at opposite corners, you have to pick up a white from the opposite side that you started at, walk back and pick up a blue on after you have dropped off the white piece where you started, then walk back to where you picked up the white foam and you win the game), and all of a sudden, a lightbulb went off in my head.   It was amazing, that sensation of the secret of som



The Hunt For Red October

This is a great movie. If you have watched it and liked it, you have good taste in movies. I am listening to the Hymn of Red October, and it is a wonderful piece of music. Truely wonderful.



Well, Well, Well...

I give a big thanks to all the staff members that made the return to BZPower possible. Thankfully, I have kept myself busy for the time it has been down. I have been working on beating 100-Man Brawl with all characters on Super Smash Brothers, and if that is completed, the game awards you the Blue Alloy Trophy, which I have unlocked this evening. My sisters completed it with some of the characters, but I had the honor of completing 100-Man Brawl with most of the characters.   One of my other a



It's Showtime!

Three days ago, my sisters, my dad and I went to GameStop, bought a GameCube controler, and a game called Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. But when we got back and started up the Wii, we found out we needed a GameCube memory card.   Thankfully we were able to get one off of Craigslist, so now we can save our game. It's a great game, but it's hard at some parts, like when you have to fight Revolver Ocelot.



I've Gone Mechanical!

Well, what I mean is that I'm going to use one of the lesser-used types of pieces into my next creations. In fact, they will be the main focus of the MOCs, and that kind of piece is The Gear.   I'll probably be starting after I finish PBZP T. I have seen hardly any gear-oriented MOCs; I actually haven't seen any at all, and it is a field I wish to expand on for myself. do you have any sugestions for things that could be made? I have some ideas, but I would like to see what others think.



All For Forty Dollars!

No, I'm not selling this. I picked this lot up last week from a post on Craigslist, a good place to look for great deals on Bionicle, and I got it for $40.   I also got a Hau and Hau Nuva, a Pakari and Pakari Nuva, a Kaukau Nuva, a Akaku Nuva, a Miru, several Krana and two Kraata. There were also a few Lego pieces and two one-gallon bags worth of K'NEX.



Thar's A Thunder Storm!

Yep, even as we speak, right here in Northern California, we've got ourselves a thunder storm. It started at about 8:45 PM, and it's a grand sight to see, very much a grand sight. It's actually mostly lightning and a drizzle of rain, but it's still pretty neat.




Well, even though school is over due to Summer Vacation, my Sister and I still have to finish our Logic. It involves a large amount of writing, but my Mom says it's good for us to do, so I guess I'll just appreciate it when the time comes.   Does anyone else do Logic for School?



Ah, Well...

I was hoping I might place, but it seems Lego has made up their minds on the winners of BBC #53. However, I still hardily congratulate the winners! You three well earned those prizes.



The Legend Of Zelda Mocist Guild

Welcome -   After having almost thoroughly playing through The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, I started making Bionicle versions of some of the monster in that game, since I was surprised that hardly anyone has tried making any Legend of Zelda MOCs. Since I think that 'recreating' things from this series out of Lego is a great experience, I decided I wanted to start a club where people can be inspired and do this as well.   The main purpose of this 'c




Yep, I like sequence numbers.   I also noticed that when I did press Print Screen, I got the Avohkii spinny in the frame that's facing forward.



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