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You Ever Get That Feeling?

You know, that the evil PE gnomes have your blog favorited and watch it night and day. And that if you slip up just once, they'll come and take away all of your PE.   Yeah, I kinda feel that way now.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

The Ideal Bzp

Repost of my last entry minus communism.   Been thinking since my last entry about the ideal BZP. I present to you Utopia BZP   First the whole entire class structure on BZP would have to be reworked. Everybody would have moderator powers. When you would first join, you wouldn't have any. After a month of being on and (hopefully) learning the ropes, the member would be given moderator powers. In order to prevent power abuse, I would have some sort of proposal system for the powers. The members

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Feeling Blue

I had a tough day today. I just got done with school about an hour ago. Math was really frustrating. I asked my mom to help me, but after awhile she blurted out "Wow, am I going to be surprised if you don't bomb the PSAT math."   ):   I don't what I'm living for anymore. I don't have any drive to do anything. My comics are floundering, my mocs get bashed, and I don't really have the urge to RP anymore. My everyday routine is get up, do school, get yelled at by mom for something I forgot t

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

The Wedding Party! :o :o :o

Hey. This is the after party. Crashers are not allowed. > The cake is located to your left, and don't be a pig with it. I want plenty of left overs. We got Mr. Bungle for the music so feel free to bask in his awesomeness. You can put all of your wedding presents on the table over there...     You did bring presents... right?

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

The Wedding! :o

Well, here we go. I'll wait for Swert to come along and get things started. Please try to keep all tom foolry to yourself. There will be a party afterwards for that.   And with that, let's begin.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Quick Update

Thought I might as well drop in and tell you what's going on.   In case you didn't notice, my cat came back. I'm so happy. We found him in an attic in some house that was being built. He's a lot more friendlier than when he left. I suppose being locked up in an attic for two weeks can do that.   I took the PSAT today. They had a fire drill as soon as we were done, so that was interesting. I'm not sure on how I did on the test. I geussed on most of the harder questions, but I was able

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Why Comic?

I mentioned a few entries ago that I was planning on starting up an informational guide on how to comic. This is the first in (hopefully) a long and informitive set or articles on how to exactly make comics, what to do and what not to do and so on and so forth. They'll be updated whenever I can think of something to add. So without further ado, let's begin. How to Comic Why comic?   Ok, so you're fresh from the artwork III form and you like what you see. Or mayhaps you've been lurking aro

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

The Desu Disaproves Banner

I was thinking the other day, that I should make one of those "This blog is aproved by _____" banners.   But then I realized, everybody does that. I need to be different. But how to differentiate myself. Then I came up with this.   Image removed. -B6   Behold, the Desu disaproves banner. Because you need to know whether or not a blog is worth reading, check for this banner. If it's there, avoid it like the plague. This banner means that the blog is closed. The most likely reason is ai

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

I'm Getting Married :o :o :o

Yeah, no joke either. I'm getting married to 15 Year Old Girl. The date is set for the 21st at 3PM in my blog. We're going to try to get Swert for the minister, but we'll see how that goes.   Be sure to show up

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Is It Alive?

*poke poke*   Yup, it's still alive.   So after a long absence, I'm back to blogging. Nothing much has happened since the last blog entry. I'm still working at Chic-Fil-A. I got my permit, so you all better stay off the road for awhile. I just got my 1,500th post. So that's pretty cool. The Bio-Illogical chronicles is still running strong and I've got most of it planned out. I'm actually thinking about starting a little blog series on how to make comics. I don't really know if I'm go

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Back From The Dead

I'm going to send in for a premier membership pretty soon. So I'll be back blogging in a little bit. In the meantime...   Chocolate Rain Some stay dry and others feel the pain Chocolate Rain A baby born will die before the sin   Chocolate Rain The school books say it can't be here again Chocolate Rain The prisons make you wonder where it went   Chocolate Rain Build a tent and say the world is dry Chocolate Rain Zoom the camera out and see the lie   Chocolate Rain Forecast to be f

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

I Just Got A Date

My newest comic series the Bio-illogical Chronicles is out.     [url=http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=253412][img=http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Themog/BioillogicalChronicl/banner.png][/url]   Anyway, now for the main reason of this entry. BZPers, I just got a date.   *golf clap*   Yeah, we're going to the aquarium to see the penguins. Any advice?

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Guess Who's Back

My old XP died the day I got back from vacation. I just got a new laptop with Vista. Vista FTW.   Expect a new comic series coming out pretty soon.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Name Change Day

Mood: Listening to: Paradise City - Guns n' Roses Game status: Megaman2 - up to Wily's castle ; Megaman 3 - Up to the Doc Bots ; Psychonauts - Up to the meat circus ; Donkey Kong Country 2 - Up to the carnival level.   It's name change day. And I already changed my name. I'm really digging it. I love the way it feels. I had some good times with Miobech. I fooled a good handful of people and got a few mods too. But this, this just feels so good. For those who don't know who Kaeru is

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

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