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Comic Status

Mood: Listening to: Help - Beatles Game status: Completed the Milkman level   Doh' I just realized I have another ten days til my next name change. Way to add Mog.   Thought I'd just let you guys know the status on my comics. The reason I haven't been updating is because I've been sandwiched between school and work. Well today's my last day of school so I'm going to have a lot more free time. Time in which I will make comics. So expect my comics to start up again sometime next week.  

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Almost Time

Mood: Listening to: Kaeru's Theme - Chrono Trigger Game Status: Played Psychonauts up to the Milk Man Conspiracy level.   I'm about to go mow my neighbor's lawn so I guess I'll have a short entry. My premier membership is going to run out any day now. >_< Good thing I have some money from work.   Anyway, got Psychonauts last monday. I've been playing it ever since. Goodness, it's such a breath of fresh air in the videogaming world full of generic FPS and RPGS. The humor of the ga

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Some Changes

Mood: Listening to: Purple Haze - Jimi Hendrix Game status: Mega man 1 completed, defeated Metalman, Flashman, Quickman, Woodman, and Crashman in Mega man 2   Some slight updates going around in the blog. Added a profile to the side bar. The stuff above should be self explanitory. And....   IT'S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR AGAIN! Name change day! Actually, it comes in five, but I want your oppinion on what I should change it to.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Yet Another Rant

I recently got in trouble with the staff over some piece of artwork. The thing is, this guy posted some mediorce work and I had a bad day. Things were said, feelings were hurt, and eventually a Moderator had to step in. Short story short, I got in some huge trouble and almost lost PE.   This brings me to the main point of this rant-crtitism. Everybody needs it, everbody -should- want it. However, every time I try to give critism (no matter how much I try to go light) people get angry at m

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Spring Cleaning

I'm going through and deleting/closing some of my old enteries. Mainly the stuff that was closed by mods. Trying to get the stain off my permanent record.   I still can't believe I'm getting replies to my Boycott Artpad entry. The thing died months ago and people are still fighting against it even though its dead.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Mind Blowing Revelation!

I have come upon the most remarkable discovery in the history of BZPower. It will completely revolutionize the way you view and post on BZP. Now then listen very, very carefully to what I am going to say. It will rock you.   When you first enter a topic, read the first five posts, and then leave. Everything you need to know are in those first five posts after the original. Everything else after that is merely some one reposting in nigh identical words or someone posting saying that agree

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

I Am

I am MioBech.   MioBech is Biomech.   Ergo I am Biomech.   Let chaos reign.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

These Are The Rules Of Bzp

There are no exceptions to these rules   #1- You do not talk about BZP #2- You do NOT talk about BZP #3- We are BZPers #4- BZPers are legion #5- BZPers will never forgive the temorarily deletion of COT and LGD #6- BZPers can be some of the most moronic people on earth #7- BZPers can be awesome at times. #8- Nothing can be considered spam #9- There are no real rules about posting #10- There are no real rules about moderation either- enjoy your ban. #11- There are no other bionicle for

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

It's That Time Of Year Again!

I just noticed that I can change my name again. As I like changing my name I'm going to change it.   Post all your sugestions as to what my new name should be.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens


Bleh, it's been forever since I've updated. Now that I think of it, I need to update my comics too. And I need to rate Raka's new art.   I need someone that I can talk to. Preferably someone capable of just sending spam back and forth.   Any takers?

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

The Average Bzper #1

Yay, new blog segment. In this segmen I basically find pictures that represent the average BZPer.   [Removed - Do not post images with forum links on them.]   Fix'd

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

A Short Essay On The Basics Of Swordplay

I've had staff close two of blog topics. One of the staff was a BZP admin. I have to be setting some sort of record here.   Anyway, in this blog entry I've decided to write about something that irks me as much as the art critics of BZPower and something I can't get write angry about and not get staff attention. That something is the enormous amount of fallacies made during sword play. Now I don't mind if you deviate a little from reality, but if I see you breaking almost every single rule

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

I Make Sigs

Want a sig like that? Just post a comment requesting what character you want and I'll make it.   -Hammer Time-

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

I Need A Huggle -_-

That's right. I, Rage, surpreme master of universe, destroyer of worlds, scourge of the evil, embuirer of knowledge needs a stupid huggle.   Well, I'm kind of feeling depressed. I mean, look at me. I joined a little less than a year ago, and look where I am today. I've tried to leave my mark on BZP, but I just haven't. I've tried various ways, but I've failed every one. After my original comic topic, the rest never got past page 2. My AMV's, although good, never garnered that much attent

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Had It Up To There

It's time to bring down the hammer and dispense some indiscriminate JUSTICE!   It's time for a new segment in my blog called Hammer Time. In this segment I tend to rant and rave and bring down the HAMMER!   And today I'm bringing down the hammer on perhaps one of the biggest things that irks me. The quality of artwork on General Artwork. Have you even dared to look at the crud people put up there? It's the kind of stuff that makes babies cry. Honestly, there are too many edits out there (

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Latin Est Malus.

First things first. Latin is the worst subject ever.   Yeah, I know how much you guys know I hate stuff. But Latin is at the bottom of the food chain. There is nothing that I can despise more than Latin.   Yet honestly, I can't say it's truly at the bottom of the food chain. It's actually quite useful in some instances. That, and the fact it sounds awesome when you speak it. In fact, I am quite fond of it.   But then why the hate? The fact that I can get and often am ground for it.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

It's All The Rage!

That's right guys. It's no more girly girly gato. I am now all the Rage.   And in other news look at my top right side bar. Notice anything? Omi, the apple of my eye, has been bumped down to second place and has been replaced by Raka. Honestly, don't ask me how it happened. I personally blame it on his art style.   And I need a new signout that's not the noobish > Any suggestions?

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Comicly Epic

Aparantly some people didn't know I had restarted my comic series.   So here it is   And in case you didn't know that I had an epic.   Here it is   Now go forth and rejoice, telling everyone all you have seen.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

The Big 1000

First of all, I've made the big one thousand.   *Cheers*   Just so you know here is the post leading up to the big 1000 and the big 1000 itself. 999 1000   Exscpecially check out the 1000.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens


My next post is post one thousand. What should I spend the post on?

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

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