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Possible FiM S3 Air Date

"La seconda stagione é stata trasmessa in originale nel 2011 sul canale via cavo americano della Hasbro, The Hub, sul quale andrà in onda la terza stagione sempre ad ottobre.   What they say is that The Hub aired the 2nd season on October 2011, and the third season will be aired in October as well."



First Day of Fall

I think it is required of everyone to listen to Autumn by Jackle App, and the covers by H8_Seed and All Levels at Once.



Tonight's Closing Thoughts #323

Uploading a collection of MLP emotes to maj so I can troll you with them post them here.   Wish there was a way to upload more than one picture at a time..



Friendship is Magic Season 3 Is Close

"The My Little Pony Friendship is Magic crew is hard at work on the new season! Just between us ponies, we're less than 30 days away from announcing the season 3 premiere date/time!"



I Think

I'm ether going to change to a Vinyl Scratch avatar/banner theme, or a Twilight Sparkle theme. Like y/n?



MLP Comic #2

"Queen Chrysalis has returned! Our ponies have no time to horse around, as they set off to rescue their friends from Chrysalis kingdom. What magical adventures await them, and where the heck is Princess Celestia?"



Can Someone Straighten This Out for Me

"We respect all people." "Therefore, arguments made that state "I disagree with you being gay" or "love the sinner but hate the sin" are not acceptable and will be deleted." "All people are equal and to be respected- all viewpoints are NOT. Yours is wrong,"   I know that I'm being an awful person and totally insulting everyone out there. I don't mean to. If I am, I'm honestly sorry. But how is saying something like "I disagree with you being gay" harmful? If someone said they hated you for being




How can an opinion be wrong? What if your opinion on his opinion about my opinion stating that what her opinion is when his opinion is right because your opinion doesn't agree with my opinion about their opinion about our opinion but in reality my opinion is right because his opinion about your opinion about her opinion isn't like their opinion on her opinion of his opinion? What if your opinion on the matter of opinions isn't the right opinion because our opinion says her opinion can't be right



Tonight's Closing Thoughts #316

Well, I've made a decision tonight.. I'm switching to Linux. Windows 7 would be cool if it wasn't so confusing. Having used Linux before, it shouldn't be very tough to figure out. (now just watch me switch back to XP because I can't figure out how to work something)



Tonight's Closing Thoughts #317

Well, today I went to the dentist so I didn't have time to install Wine on Linux, so I decided to re-install XP. Buuuuuuut I couldn't because something was wrong with the hard drive. So I did a few things and figured "oh well I guess it's dead (a pin was bent)" so I put it aside. Then the same thing happened with my other hard drive. So now I'm running on less than 13 gigs, and have no idea what's up with the other ones. I can see them in Device Manager, but not in BIOS or anything.. I'm pretty



Google Chrome

For some reason, I can't download Chrome. I keep getting an "Instillation failed due to a server side error". Anyone know what's wrong?



Windows 7

Thanks to a very good IRL friend, I have been able to obtain a copy of this operating system. Spent a good few hours last night figuring everything out. Still having an audio issue (which I'm guessing has something to do with my motherboard), can't install the correct drivers for my wifi adapter or even see it in the device manager. I'm re-installing Windows XP now. Oh great now I'm having trouble installing even that.



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