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Garreg Mach

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Brief messages from the world of Atama

Entries in this blog

THE TITLE! (BZP Story Update 3)

One year ago, we barely survived isolation....   And once we were free, we achieved extraction.   Then, we started an uprising. We rose up against the tyrants, taking the battle to them.   For a year, we have been at war.   But now....   Now, we are vanishing, one by one.   Now, we are being hunted.   Now, it is   Extermination begins Friday December 19th.



CONSPIRACY - where i lose all hope (Smash Files 64)

So Walmart.ca has the Gamecube controller adapter back in stock! Hurray!   ...but they don't accept Paypal and I lack a credit card. Back to the drawing board.   In other news, if any of you live in Canada and do have a credit card, I will gladly pay you for both the adapter and shipping if you're willing to buy it and then ship it to me once it arrives.



THE CAST! (BZP Story Update 2)

Here it is, everyone!   The Cast of [TITLE REDACTED] 1 - Luroka/Kumadu - AIR 2 - Ehks - LIGHT 3 - JiMing - FIRE 4 - Portalfig - EARTH 5 - Shadowhawk - SHADOW 6 - Zakaro - EARTH 7 - Pulse - PLASMA 8 - Chro - SONICS 9 - Blade - LIGHTNING 10 - Kayn - ICE 11 - TBK - STONE 12 - Voxumo - ICE 13 - Voltex - GRAVITY 14 - Unit - MAGNETISM 15 - Taka Nuvia - LIGHT 16 - Burnmad - FIRE 17 - Xaeraz - IRON 18 - RG - PLASMA 19 - Fishers64 - ICE 20 - Vinylstep - SONICS 21 - Valendale - ICE 22 - Fighty - ?



I'm gonna be honest

I started working in a call center on October 20th (well, training, at least. I started on the floor two weeks later). I appear to be at least half-decent at the job - I'm an inbound CSR for things like home heating, cooling, sometimes plumbing + drains, sometimes water heaters, sometimes other things. Most of my newbie teammates get spoken to about their lack of sales or quality on a daily basis (or still don't know what they're doing) while I, in contrast, have been told once or twice that I a



OUTLINING (BZP Story Update 1)

I have completed the outline for the story that I've had members signing up for the past several days. The prologue is also complete; I'll probably go over it soon just to make sure it's good before I start writing the rest of the story.   Within the next few days, I'll be posting the full cast list for the story; and after that, the title shall be officially revealed!



Join a BZPower story!

Are you interested in being a character? Then fill out this form: (and if you'd like, check the previous signup entry) I'm planning for this story to be released mid-December.   Name: (Self-explanatory; I'd prefer your display name, or most commonly known variant) Gender: (Also self-explanatory, I think. This can be anything - what you personally identify as, or what you'd like the character to identify as) Element 1: (This is your preferred element; canon Matoran/Toa elements only, please) >



My First Amiibo! (Smash Files 63)

The first step in my journey to collect every single Super Smash Bros. Amiibo figure begins! Mario and Wii Fit Trainer arrived in the mail today, and Samus is currently en route. I must say, I'm rather impressed; while in pictures the plastic "cast" on the Wii Fit Trainer's foot looked terrible, in person it's not actually that distracting. Would the figure be better without it? Absolutely - that goes without question. But it is not entirely detrimental to the design.   As for Mario, he's a whol



Profiles - Bionifight Ultimate: Drift Force (Cycle 3)

BIONIFIGHT ULTIMATE: Drift Force   Name: Makuta Luroka Weapon: Black-Body Sword (Protosteel Sword). Consult this Power: Kanohi Mataxa (Mask of Entropy) - Luroka's great mask of entropy grants him the ability to control the overall heat distribution in an area. Appearance: Fa-matoran (Disguised), he is built with a strong frame. His mask bears likeness to a powerless hau. His fore-arms, lower legs, chest, and shoulders are silver. His upper arms, upper legs, lower torso, and kanohi are black (the



Would you like to be in a BZP Story?

(Before any of you rag on me for copying Xccj, let it be known that I did it before him, and that many others did it before me )   That last entry about killer Vahki? Yeah, that has something to do with this. What I'm looking for is anyone interested in being a character in this story. This story will be standalone, so no prior reading of anything will be required. In order to sign up, just post in the comments with the following:   Name: (Self-explanatory; I'd prefer your display name, or most



I Need a Name, if you can help

Imagine if a second series of the Vahki had been created - a "Vahki 2.0" series, so to speak - advancing upon the original line in every possible way, and specifically designed with the intent of being used in a war.   What could these Vahki be called?



Oh, I'm sorry

I didn't realize that being sick was such a crime. I'm afraid I didn't know that it's okay when anyone else in our house gets sick, but it's the end of your freaking world when I'm sick because you might catch it too. What's that? I'm watching videos and that bothers you more than it does when I'm not sick? Why? Everything else makes my brain hurt. This rant is driving my headache up the wall. I apologize for missing dinner because I was SLEEPING IT OFF.   God, there are so many words I want to



BZPower Glitches

That rank image is never there     And the profile link goes to Black Six   Plus the "add a friend option" became re-enabled for me and popped up for Luroka too   Those 17,000 profile views clearly broke his account



why why why why why why why (Smash Files 61) [spoilers]

whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy Jigglypuff Profile Species: Jigglypuff Series: Pokemon First Appearance: Pokemon Red and Blue (Gameboy, 1998) Favourite Appearance: None. I hate Jigglypuff in all ways, shapes, and forms. Party: 1st Known For: Being stupid Excitement Factor: 0/10 - Please remove Jigglypuff now Dr. Jigglypuff will be the next clone character ugh



THE ULTIMATE TROLL (Smash Files 60) [spoilers]

At this point we're on the verge of the release for Smash Wii U, so if you don't know the entire roster at this point, this is on you.   Duck Hunt Profile Species: Dog + Duck Series: Duck Hunt First Appearance: Duck Hunt (NES, 1985) Favourite Appearance: Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS (3DS, 2014) Party: 1st Known For: Being old, being annoying, being the ultimate troll, being the only four-legged fighter in SSB4, being a dog, being a duck, being both a dog and a duck Excitement Factor: 8/10



ALL OF THE not-so 50 FACTS (Smash Files 58)

Since I'm short on time (and there's so much material, and you can literally find this same list everywhere), this is merely a list with some thoughts from myself.   1. 3DS Secret Characters as starters: Honestly a little disappointed with this. I'm all for having a different starting roster from the 3DS version, but I love unlocking characters, and now there will be far less of that. 2. Higher resolution 3. Eight Player Smash: HECK YEAH! I just wish I had a way to get eight people in the same




I was wondering if I did an AMA specifically regarding the Mafia Epics series (or by extension I suppose the Mafia games that I've hosted), would people be interested? This wouldn't be for those random, absurd questions people always ask, it'd be to answer legitimate questions you have, to satisfy curiosity about actual decisions I made or things that happened.   So... interest level? Yes/no?



NaNo Day 1 (Because why not)

So now for a full Day 1 update. I'm currently at 2925 words, although that's counting the scene I wrote for Mafia (I shall be adding scenes into my overall word count since I am writing them, and they do contain story), and it isn't counting whatever I write later tonight. Because I still have lots of time. Obviously I'm already ahead on my word count, although it is just the first day. Regardless, I'm happy with my progress so far and I like how it's taking shape (although I'll definitely have



it is here

Beat this   Who else would be so awesome that they could wipe the floor with a Makuta



What happened to Amiibo?

I'm mostly wondering about Link. Why is he tilted down to face the stand now instead of being normal?   Or have I just managed to only see him from bad angles?




I have decided to participate this year!   If anyone wants to become a writing buddy or whatever, feel free to do so. I go by "Voltex Oblige" on the NaNo site.   This year I'll be writing a rough draft of what I hope will be my first novel, titled Tempus Resonat.   Best of luck to all.




He's finally back!!   As suspected by all of us (and surprising nobody), you can only unlock him by purchasing both versions of Smash. Which I was going to do anyway, but thanks Nintendo. Except that Mewtwo is DLC, and we don't get him until 2015... so if I have to pay for Mewtwo, Nintendo, I will disown you.   Forever.   Don't disappoint me.   Anyway, with the new direct a lot of information was given; two more Profiles are on the way, and maybe one or two other posts on the Direct itself. And



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